Is there no way the code from XBMC can be used?
I would assume that xbmc is not using DirectShow at all (as it isn't) so the code would be pretty much not that good point to start the development. Reading and parsing the data from RAR would be the easiest part (as there are already libraries available) of the development effort.
I see that it's repated until boring, that the people in this tread want this due to lazyness, but it's not. Unless you've used this excelent function, I guess it's hard to understand the need for it. If anyone out there can give the coders a rundown of the usefullness of this, I guess they would understand why the people in this thread wants it bad.
Well, it's not the laziness actually why people want to keep the RARs. They need to have those RAR files around to be able to share the movies back to the "scene" .