Stuttering playback with 50p/50i material (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
August 15, 2006

I have some severe stuttering issues with 50 Hz content. That involves LiveTV also. :(
I have ~1/3 frame drops, the green and the red line are jumping wildly up and down in the EVR stats screen. See attached screenshot.


The TV runs at 50Hz. When I watch 25 Hz content with the same settings, everything is smooth.
Watching the same files in VLC or WMP causes no issues. Also, I checked with DPC latency checker, but everything is green (below 100 µs).

I also tried different codings and settings for the codecs, no success.

I'm running MP 1.3.0 Beta. Not sure if that issue is new for that version.

Any ideas?


Portal Pro
August 30, 2009
Germany, Mayence
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Russian Federation Russian Federation
post your settings of LAV video decoder.
Have you tried to use other audio renderer? e.g. default directsound device, or MP Audio renderer?


Portal Pro
August 15, 2006
Here are my LAV settings.

HW acceleration seems to be working, CPU load is ~10% when watching a HD movie.

The stuttering happens with all audio renderers, it is not ReClock related.


Portal Member
August 12, 2008
Home Country
England England
I have also had problems with either the Lav filter or the automatic refresh rate changer doing something similar. I see from your trace that the display and video refresh rates do not match. Not sure on live TV as i do not use that, but if you close down MoPo completly when you have stuttering and reboot it to the same channel / movie does the problem (sometimes) go away?
I can also make the problem stop by switching to another filter ffdshow normally, but because this involves closing MoPo and restarting i an not sure if it the filter or just the restart that is the fix.


Portal Pro
August 15, 2006

Actually, my TV runs at 50.00 Hz and the video is 50.00 Hz. The 37.4274 is the FPS that make it actually on the screen. That's why it stutters - it is not 50 Hz as it is supposed to be.

Closing and re-opening MP does not help, neither do other filters. Just tried it with the Microsoft DTV/AC3Filter/MP AudioRenderer combination. Exactly the same.


Portal Member
August 12, 2008
Home Country
England England
Have you looked at the automatic refresh rate changer, can you adjust the red line trace by changing to different refresh rates?

Depending on what your display can handle, have you tried 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 Hz and what affect does it have?

My main problems are with 23.967 Hz films but setting either that or 24 Hz can either work or give me traces as per yours. By changing the rates and seeing the frequency pattern on the red trace change i am more inclined to think this is where my problems are, but as said before never fixed for good.


Portal Pro
August 15, 2006
My TV accepts 23, 24, 25, 50, 59 and 60 Hz. For 50 Hz movies, only the 50 Hz setting makes sense. Otherwise I would lose even more frames.

By the way, I disabled AERO for fun, and this solves the issue. However, I'm not sure if this is really such a good idea in general. Hmmmm ...


Portal Member
August 12, 2008
Home Country
England England
As i could isolate the problem to MP because like you my movies would play fine in other software i never considered Aero but i will investigate and let you know.

The point about trying different refresh rates is not initially about fixing the problem but trying isolate the cause. if using 25 Hz for 50 Hz material the red line trace will be different to that for either 50 or 100 Hz, but it does sound like you have found a solution.

Sorry not really been much help for you.


Portal Pro
August 15, 2006
OK, disabling AERO seems to be a bad idea. Now I got tearing instead of stuttering. Hmm.

I will look at this. Seems a bit complex, so it takes some time to try out all of these.

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