AW: Synchronizing multiple clients - feature request
New files (movies) are added automatically but this is not possible for existing but changed files.
Yes it is. If you have a few movies this would be no problem. But if you have large collection with some thousand movies, every start of Moving Pictures will last until eternity as all files has to be scanned for changes. This takes some time, especially if the filenames and types are the same. You change "backdrop.jpg" for one movie and MovPic has to scan 10.000 backdrop.jpg for changes on every start. This is simply impossible as no one will wait some 10 Minutes until MovPic is started just because a few persons permanently fiddles around on artwork. I don't know why someone has to change the artwork of movies that often. I (and most others) do this once and right on first import. If you do this correct you never need to change things here. I can't tell you if I ever changed this later. But if, this happens once a year maximum, So nothing to worry about.Is it really a big development to make a client check for updates of the movie.nfo, folder.jpg and background.jpg files every time MP starts and update the local database accordingly?
New files (movies) are added automatically but this is not possible for existing but changed files.