seems like graph is completely screwed up, audio goes to video decoder, video doesn't go anywhere, etc.
pins are not connected correctly, take a look at the attached screenshot below
- it doesn't care what codec is specified into tv configuration (mpv/mpa - while it's using nvidia which are higher in priority).
- card seems to be initialized 10 times at startup or card editing (small audio clicks it usually does 1 time using other dvb software)
- autotune actually fails while progress, quality and link-level bars are acting correctly (reason could still be the bad graph?)
P.S.: i think we're all getting very O.T. here, can someone move this thread into a better place? 10x
pins are not connected correctly, take a look at the attached screenshot below
- it doesn't care what codec is specified into tv configuration (mpv/mpa - while it's using nvidia which are higher in priority).
- card seems to be initialized 10 times at startup or card editing (small audio clicks it usually does 1 time using other dvb software)
- autotune actually fails while progress, quality and link-level bars are acting correctly (reason could still be the bad graph?)
2006-11-01 [Info.][6]: dvbs-scan:tune transponder:15 freq:10971000 kHz symbolrate:27500 polarisation:0
2006-11-01 [Info.][6]: DVBGraph: using profile diseqc 1 LNB:22 kHz diseqc:0 lnbKind:0
2006-11-01 [Info.][6]: DVBGraph: LNB#1 Settings: freq=10971000 lnbKHz=11700000 lnbFreq=9750 diseqc=0
2006-11-01 [Info.][6]: DVBGraph: wait for tunerlock
2006-11-01 [Info.][6]: dvbs-scan:signal quality:100 signal strength:75 signal present:True
2006-11-01 [Info.][6]: DVBGraph: StoreChannels() signal level:75 signal quality:100 locked:True
2006-11-01 [Info.][3]: FilterPids:29
2006-11-01 [Info.][6]: check...True pids:29 0x0,0x10,0x11,0x10C,0x10E,0x10B,0x101,0x103,0x100,0x107,0x108,0x109,0x10A,0x114,0x104,0x116,0x106,0x102,0x110,0x111,0x112,0x113,0x10D,0x117,0x118,0x119,0x11A,0x10F,0x115,
2006-11-01 [Info.][6]: DVBGraph: found 0
2006-11-01 [Info.][6]: dvbs-scannto next transponder
P.S.: i think we're all getting very O.T. here, can someone move this thread into a better place? 10x