The iMON Device Disconnection problem with Game Controller : Soundgraph solution! (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 16, 2008
Home Country
France France
He re the link to the solution they just published !
:::confused:oundGraph::: Innovation of Human on Digital Network

When some games or Windows Control Panel’s Game Controllers is running, the problem that iMON device is disconnected and then connected repeatedly occurs with some models and some versions of iMON hardware.

This problem occurs because Windows DirectInput Device Enumeration API function requests the ‘device description string’ of iMON hardware even it talks to Windows that it does not support the description string.

In order to avoid this problem, iMON device should be disabled before the Windows DirectInput Device Enumeration API function is called. Because some games and Windows Control Panel’s Game Controllers call this API function periodically, it would be better disable iMON device before these programs are running and enable it again after exiting these programs.

[Tool and patch file]
One tool and new iMON.exe file are supported in order for users faced on this problem to make iMON device disable/enable easily. Please refer the following;

1. Make iMON Software up to date. (Version 7.40.0806 of iMON required.)

2. Download the patch file at the following URL

3. Unzip the downloaded file in the temp folder. There’re two files extracted; iMON.exe and EnableDisableiMON.exe

4. Exit iMON Manager and overwrite iMON.exe to the iMON installation folder. Run this new iMON.exe.

5. Move EnableDisableiMON.exe to the folder where you could easily access such as Windows Desktop.
(Because the step 1 to 5 is for applying patch and being ready to use the tool, there’s no need to do these steps again if once applied. The following step 6 to 8 should be done whenever you’d like to enjoy game program.)

6.Before running a game program, run EnableDisableiMON.exe first. Then iMON device will be disabled and iMON indicator will show yellow color.

7. Enjoy the game.

8. After exiting the game, run EnableDisableiMON.exe again. Then iMON device will be enabled and iMON indicator will show blue color.

A. On Windows Vista, UAC (User Account Control) window will show whenever EnableDisableiMON.exe is run because the administrator level is needed to enable/disable device on Windows Vista. Windows UAC can be disabled in Windows Control Panel.

B. Even during iMON device disabled with EnableDisableiMON.exe, the mouse cursor movement with the thumb PAD on iMON PAD remote and input the numeric character with the numeric buttons on iMON PAD remote can work, because only iMON HID device is disabled.

If it can help in any way ;)


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  • September 11, 2008
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    AW: The iMON Device Disconnection problem with Game Controller : Soundgraph solution!

    it is possible to include this sticky patch to myEmulators?



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  • July 25, 2007
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    If anyone still has file, please re-up, somewhere or attach here, thanks!
    try here

    Scratch that. The zip files on this thread seem to be bad.

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