The Top Reasons why Media Portal is the Greatest HTPC App (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 18, 2006
I have to say that after trialling just about every other media centre software out there, MP is the clear winner. The feature set that comes from open source contributions, the superb interface, and the continuous, ongoing development and support make the process of installing/configuring this sofware a blast.

Sure, it isn't perfect. MP is far from a commercial product in terms of ease-of-installation and the odd bug that rears its ugly head. At the moment I would only recommend MP to friends who are also pc enthusiasts that are capable of fixing problems themselves, or at least submitting a proper bug report. However, MP continues to steamroll every bug in its path and with the community here (among the strongest I have seen!) I am sure that by the time Vista MCE comes out, it will get flattened by the MediaPortal Juggernaut :twisted:

Keep up the good work team. I will do what I can to help.

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Paul Mathews

    And with everyones help, will grow.
    Again its one of those things that support helps make it the best.

    As always the very best to all supporters of MP.



    New Member
    April 24, 2006
    I can't agree, this wizard used to setup things is no Merlin. My card was not found, Leadtek PVR2000, no channels found of course so nothing. GB_PVR did find the card, was able to scan channels but could not display them. Even so it seems their project is ahead of yours from this experience. Not everyone uses Hauppauge, they don't seem to work as well in the US as they do in Europe. Perhaps if you dumped the wizard or made it an option things would improve but so far your wizard has not been able to conjour up my card :)


    Development Group
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  • September 15, 2004
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    i have a PVR2000 and it works for me now since December 2004.
    The problem is that Leadtek changes their specs from time to time. We currently know 3 different types of the PVR2000. maybe you're number 4.
    if you're interested in getting your card supported, please have a look at this thread and you will find your card supported soon.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    4Aces - Please go to this post and read it. It will refer you to another post that is at the beginning of the hardware section - please follow those instructions. There maybe some small difference with your card verses the majority of the other Leadtek PVR2000 out there. The only way to find that out is for you to help out with this fine free software. This is a community and only by everyone helping can it get better.


    Portal Member
    June 26, 2006
    Bristol, UK
    I just wanted to add my thanks. I was using MP before and went away, around about RC2, not due to MP but to move away from Windows. I thought I would give Linux a try. (I don't want to talk about it, it was far to painful! :cry: )

    But I have come back to RC4 which is just amazing. I assume those who posted non-100%-positive feedback would now reconsider as all the minor glitches I remember have gone.

    What we now have product which is easy to install and set-up. It is solid, reliable and full of features (I am still not sure why I want to look at receipes on my TV! :wink: ).

    What more could we ask for? I can't think of anything but I await developments with eager anticipation.

    Keep up the good work guys.



    New Member
    July 26, 2006
    Melbourne Australia
    The best kept secret

    Congratulations to Team MediaPortal. Believe me I have tried every combination of Media software out there to try and get every component working. They all had serious problems with some part yet MediaPortal is evenly balanced in every aspect.

    I would have spent hundreds of hours building, rebuilding, configuring, re-configuring, installing, un-installing, patching applications and then find that as a result of all or some of it, I have to go around again. Having everything I need out of one suite (MP) has not only saved multi product co-ordination probelms but gives me a one-stop solution.

    Keep up the good work, you are not in front of the competition though, because there is no competition.

    Everybody should know about MediaPortal....I for one am telling everybody I know where to get the stress free solution.

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