timeshiftbuffer does not get cleared on channelchange (1 Viewer)


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  • July 30, 2006
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    I have this issue and saw it was added to mantis and closed as by design.

    Basically, what happens is that when you are timeshifting and change channels, the timeshift buffer keeps the data for the previous channel (channels), so if you can't go back to when you started watching the current channel. If you go START when timeshifting, you go back to all channels that exists in the timeshift buffer.

    Since this behavior is different from the current TV Engine (and from the other PVRs that I know), I would like to know this is the final design or some other feature is planned so we can mimic the current TVEngine behavior (like an option to go back to the point where you changed the channel).



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2005
    Please don't change this function.
    Every time the TV engine is revamped this is the way it works, then someone posts a request to have it fixed and we lose this function.
    I'm glad that in Mantis this is now staying.

    What harm is there in keeping the buffer? It's not saving any disc usage.
    If you are watching TS TV with your partner and someone bumps the channel button, you'll be in very big trouble if you can't simply go back and watch from where you were (minus the bit you changed of course).

    Surely it's not too hard to find where you started watching the new channel?
    If it all seems too hard, I think you can set a book mark on live tv, but seriously, the single "downside" is far outweighed by the benefits of keeping the buffer, just in case.

    Also, just because the other systems all do this, doesn't mean we have to. I actually love it that we work this way.
    I was actually planning on starting a thread about how much I like the new method.

    *sorry for being a bit to "harsh" here, but this is a pretty hot topic. Past threads usually end up being closed. Let's hope that doesn't happen here.


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  • July 30, 2006
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    Well, it just feels wrong to me that it works the way it is now, but that just me. :)

    I think that there are advantages in keeping the buffer, no doubt about that. But there are also drawnbacks. Most other PVR solutions work the other way, including MP and users migrating to the new engine might find this strange.

    If this is a new feature that users might like, it should at least be a way to mimic the previous behavior. The bookmark idea for example is interesting. Another idea is to add another option to the timeshift nagivation (START, -30 minutes, -5 minutes, Last Channel Change) or something like that.

    As for how hard it is find the channel change, that depends on a number of factors like how big is the timeshift buffer, how long has being since you changed the channels and etc.

    I need to put this trough some testing and get some WAF and see how it goes. For me it feels strange, but then again, thats me. :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 13, 2005
    Most other PVR solutions work the other way, including MP and users migrating to the new engine might find this strange.

    mmh, some times ago, MP kept the buffer too, that was one reason I have switched to MP from my favorite but outdated pvr solution myHTPC (GotTV) .
    Because all other upcoming PVR solutions decided not to do so I was happy to find out that MP kept the TS-Buffer like myHTPC.
    Now I am happy again to see the new TV-Engine is keeping the TS-Buffer and I hope this will never change.


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 13, 2005
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    Long, long time ago, i can't still remember...
    we had this discussion, too

    And I'm glad to hear that this awesome feature is back again.
    That's definitely that feature that made me come to MediaPortal and I missed it soo long, now.
    well known from myHTPC, MediaPortal was the only one who offered this feature.
    Unfortunately it was disabled meantime.
    But now it's back, and that very very good. And I hope this feature will never be disabled again.:D

    An option to go to last channel change would be a nice addition, indeed.
    Maybe while skipping -5sec, -15sec, -1min, -5min, last channel change, -10min, -30min

    Depends on where the channel change took place.



    Portal Pro
    November 1, 2006
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    well. only one simple question to the developers:
    isn't it possible to build a option in the tv server which lets the user decide:
    timeshift buffer gets cleared or timeshift buffer doesn't get cleared.

    With this option I think everyone would be happy.

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