TT-CT2-4400 Problems (2 Viewers)


Retired Team Member
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  • April 14, 2008
    I know, I know, but a quick respond that your just don't have time ATM and you get back to it when you can would be enough... that would prevent me from selling the tuner...


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Yeah, I understand... and I don't blame you. If anything I blame myself. Like you said, I could have (and should have) left a short comment. I'm not giving up though.

    P.S.: Please don't feel bad. You've been very patient, and I really appreciate that.


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 14, 2008
    OK, but I'm still sad how this ended up...
    Nevertheless I can add few things that I could test in the past days with the tuner:
    - tested on two notebooks (win7 x64 and win8.1 x64) could not reproduce the problem (maybe the test wasn't long enough),
    - found someone that use the same tuner with NUC and asked if he has problems:
    you can see in the comment section that he can use the tuner without a problem (but on linux).
    - bought something like "usb power detector" to measure if the NUC is not providing stable power to the tuner, unfortunately this was also not the case...


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Just a short note to say that I received a very helpful reply from TechnoTrend. I have responded to the reply. The discussion continues... :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 14, 2008
    Damn, now I really regret to sold it so fast... I'm very curious what TT wrote. If you ever need a tester and can arrange a sample tuner for me to test, I'm available!
    BTW: today I received the hauppauge 1975 tuner and I'm currently testing it.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Damn, now I really regret to sold it so fast...
    This thread was started in the middle of November, and it is almost middle of January now so it has been 2 months. Really, you were very patient!
    It is I who should regret not being more proactive. Unfortunately I'm often very busy starting December and through Christmas and the new year. Bad timing... but like I said, I'm not giving up.

    I'm very curious what TT wrote.
    I don't usually share the specific contents of emails unless I have permission. Hope you can understand and accept. I'll share what I can. :)

    If you ever need a tester and can arrange a sample tuner for me to test, I'm available!
    I thought to ask about that when I was writing my previous post. ;)
    Yes, in the latest email that I sent I said that you had sold your tuner, and that I have no comparable/equivalent sample to test with. If we are offered a sample then I think I will ask for your address so that you can test it. I have access to DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-T and DVB-T2 transmitters... but as I recall, you have access to both DVB-C and DVB-T so it would be better if you could test.

    BTW: today I received the hauppauge 1975 tuner and I'm currently testing it.
    The HVR-1975 is also quite new if I'm not mistaken. Certainly I haven't seen any comments about it on the forum yet. I'd be interested to hear your results. :)


    Retired Team Member
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 14, 2008
    I don't usually share the specific contents of emails unless I have permission. Hope you can understand and accept. I'll share what I can.
    Completely agree and understand it. There is also something like PM ;) but as you said, it's up to you and I will accept this. I'm just very interesting who was was right, you or TT :)

    but as I recall, you have access to both DVB-C and DVB-T so it would be better if you could test.

    Yes, currently I have access to DVB-C and DVB-T. Few times in year I have also access to DVB-T2 and DVB-S/S2 (mainly during the holidays). Over the last holidays I have tested the TT Tuner also with DVB-T2 signal.

    The HVR-1975 is also quite new if I'm not mistaken. Certainly I haven't seen any comments about it on the forum yet. I'd be interested to hear your results.
    Yes, it's quite new (at DE amazon it's available since September). It's not only this forum, even googled I couldn't find anything about it. I will definitely post something about it (in a separate thread of course).

    Michael Walsh

    New Member
    August 3, 2013
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    Germany Germany
    Hi There,

    I have exceedingly similar problems to ASPIK. Not only am I using the TT CT2-4400 Tuner, but it is also attached to the same Model of NUC PC ... Model D34010WYK.

    Although I can get everything to work, from time to time MediaPortal will simply stop finding the tuner and give approrpiate error messages. Whilsat I have been busy evaluating MediaPortal for the last couple of weeks (before placing it in my Living room), it has frequently hung when I have changed channels many times, ie: by just repeatedly hitting the CH+ key on the remote. Today we had been watching TV (worked fine!) then switched to watching a movie (MKV file) and when the movie was over, went back to TV mode where none of the TV channels were working. Even quickly rebooting the PC doesn't always help ... today it took two reboots before the card was available again! I've tried looking for a newer driver from TechnoTrend (which there isn't) and I have also increased the delay time to 10 seconds, as proposed earlier in this thread.

    If anyone has any further suggestions then they would be most welcome!

    Thanks - Michael.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello Michael

    This thread continued in private messages with aspik. A short summary...

    TechnoTrend said that they were going to help us to debug the problem and send aspik a sample tuner (aspik had sold his tuner). They have not done that yet. Last email was received on February 19. In that email they reported they had found a problem in the tuner driver and were waiting for an update from a third party. They preferred to wait until the update had been received before helping us. The driver update was expected some time after Chinese new year.

    From my perspective I'm still keen to try to resolve this problem, however I feel there's little or nothing that I can do without help from TechnoTrend. It was my intention to wait for an update - either an email or a new driver on their website - before contacting them again. However, after waiting almost two months I'm starting to get frustrated. I intend to wait one more week (so that two full months have passed). If no update is received this week I will be sending TechnoTrend another email asking what is going on.

    Best regards,

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