TV and video playback 10-15 seconds delayed problem - simple solution (1 Viewer)


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  • January 23, 2009
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    Canada Canada
    I noticed a problem with the video playback - there is a 10-15 seconds delay for the video to start - TV or video, no matter which format. I noticed this problem just recently. Same hardware, same version of MediaPortal.

    If I restart MediaPortal, the problem disappears, but then appears again. I noticed msmpeng.exe (Microsoft Security Essentials) is somewhat high when MP is running - about 13-15%. Disabled real time protection - problem has gone. Enabled - problem is back. Added c:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe to the list of excluded processes in Microsoft Security Essentials - problem has gone, hopefully forever. I hope this will help somebody else.

    One thing is a mistery: I've been using Mediaportal for more then 3 years, never had this problem before and never had to tweak Microsoft Security Essentials.
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    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    One thing is a mistery: I've been using Mediaportal for more then 3 years, never had this problem before and never to tweak Microsoft Security Essentials.
    You're not the first person to report issues with MSE starting only recently. Maybe a recent MS update has something to do with it...

    mr viggo

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  • March 1, 2008
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    Sweden Sweden
    I've also noticed slow start ups of videos. They're completely random and sometimes 10-15 secs. They started to appear for no obvious reason this summer. But... I haven't got MSE nor any AV that is scanning anything. Can try to post logs next time I see it. Anyone else noticed this without MSE?


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  • January 23, 2009
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    Canada Canada
    Have you checked the following:

    1. Hard drive problem? Check the computer event logs, try scandisk, try to defrag the files.
    2. Try to disable any real-time virus check
    3. MP codec issue? You can compare the playback startup of the same file from MP and Windows media player.
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