TV: Error "Impossible to Reproduce streamX" afer Windows resume (1 Viewer)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Regarding LAV...
    Is there a reason that you are using "DXVA2 (copy-back)"? Usually "DXVA2 (native)" is preferred (lower resource usage).
    Please try DXVA2 (native) with deinterlacing auto.

    Regarding AMD driver config...
    I don't understand the text. However, in general you should disable all the extra post-processing options like anti-aliasing and ansiotropic filtering unless your GPU has enough power to turn them on.


    Portal Member
    August 24, 2009
    Regarding LAV...
    Is there a reason that you are using "DXVA2 (copy-back)"? Usually "DXVA2 (native)" is preferred (lower resource usage).
    Please try DXVA2 (native) with deinterlacing auto.

    Regarding AMD driver config...
    I don't understand the text. However, in general you should disable all the extra post-processing options like anti-aliasing and ansiotropic filtering unless your GPU has enough power to turn them on.

    No reason at all :p. I'm using DVXA2 (Native) now and I've disabled all the extra post-processing, but I don't see any improvement.

    See attached screenshots.

    HD TV Channel: Render time above 30ms and the video is not smooth

    HD video playback: Render time about 3ms and the video is smooth.

    Do Live TV requires so much processing power than viedo playback?


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    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Do Live TV requires so much processing power than viedo playback?
    Yes! :)
    Your comparison of TV and video is like comparing apples with oranges.

    The live TV is 1920x1080 interlaced (ie. 1080i) at 50 fields (25 frames) per second.
    The video is 1920x1080 progressive (ie. 1080p) at 24 frames per second.

    The video requires much less processing because:
    1. It is progressive instead of interlaced. No deinterlacing required.
    2. Frame rate is lower (24 vs. 25/50).
    Together these make a big difference.

    [edit: You should be able to use Windows Task Manager and the AMD driver configuration to check/compare the CPU and GPU loads in each case.]
    [edit2: It would also be a good idea to use the watchdog to attach full log files for the live TV test so that we can check that the problem is not due to other factors.]


    Portal Member
    August 24, 2009
    What if I disable LAV Deinterlace option and activate YADIF (inside LAV) or BOD, WEAVE or BEST (inside Mediapotal) will it make any difference?

    I've tried those configurations:

    LAV Deinterlace AUTO: CPU Load about 35-45% and Render time about 37ms => Shutter video and about 50% drop frames (Attached screenshot and log files)

    LAV Deinterlace DISABLE: CPU Load about 30% and Render time about 3ms => smooth video playback

    LAV Deinterlace DISABLE and YADIF ON: CPU Load about 30% and Render time about 3ms

    LAV Deinterlace DISABLE and BOB: CPU Load about 30% and Render time about 3ms

    Is it posible that when Deinterlace option is set to Auto, the Hardware acceleration doesn't work?

    The problem with YADIF Deinterlacing, BOB, WEAVE and BEST options is that I don't notice any improvement on video quality.

    Is there any other recomended códec for Live TV playback or configuration?



    • LAV Deinterlacing Auto TV.jpg
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    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    What if I disable LAV Deinterlace option and activate YADIF (inside LAV)
    YADIF is an algorithm for high video quality, however it requires a lot of processing power. I don't recommend it for you because I don't think your system could handle it.

    BOD, WEAVE or BEST (inside Mediapotal)
    Sorry, I'm not sure about when/how that fall-back setting is used so I can't offer any advice about it.

    LAV Deinterlace AUTO: CPU Load about 35-45% and Render time about 37ms => Shutter video and about 50% drop frames (Attached screenshot and log files)
    ...and what is the GPU load?
    (35% seems too high. I would guess that DXVA is not active. :confused: )

    LAV Deinterlace DISABLE: CPU Load about 30% and Render time about 3ms => smooth video playback
    LAV Deinterlace DISABLE and YADIF ON: CPU Load about 30% and Render time about 3ms
    LAV Deinterlace DISABLE and BOB: CPU Load about 30% and Render time about 3ms
    The problem with YADIF Deinterlacing, BOB, WEAVE and BEST options is that I don't notice any improvement on video quality.
    If you disable LAV deinterlacing then the YADIF option has no effect.

    Here is a description of various deinterlacing algorithms with some sample screenshots:

    As you can read, WEAVE is just a fancy name for "do nothing"... so you should not expect any quality improvements with that choice. ;)
    If BOB is really active then you should notice a small improvement. However, it is only a very simple algorithm intended for low load. Therefore the quality will not be perfect.

    Is it posible that when Deinterlace option is set to Auto, the Hardware acceleration doesn't work?
    Even 30% CPU seems too high to me. If DXVA is really active then I would have expected lower load.
    In other words, I am saying that I think DXVA may not be working/active on your system.

    Can you please try to run DXVA checker and post screenshots of the results:

    Is there any other recomended códec for Live TV playback or configuration?
    You could try the Cyberlink and Microsoft DTV-DVD options, but I doubt they will help.


    Portal Member
    August 24, 2009
    GPU seems to be working @80% with Deinterlacing Disabled and @100% with deinterlace Auto.

    I've attached some DVXA checker screenhots

    Does it means that an ATI Radeon HD4200 is not able to manage HD live tv playback with deinterlacing on?

    Edit: I've found that the gpu load is 100% even when the TV is off and I'm in the mediaportal home screen. Is that normal? (also screenshot attached)


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    • GPU Load Deinterlacing Auto.jpg
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    Retired Team Member
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  • October 28, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Does it means that an ATI Radeon HD4200 is not able to manage HD live tv playback with deinterlacing on?

    Yes, the GPU is not powerful enough to handle 1080i HDTV (by a long way...)

    In the HD4xxx AMD GPUs deinterlacing is performed by the GPU shader hardware, and the low-end HD4xxx hardware doesn't have enough of them to cope with 1080i.on a 1080p screen at 50Hz.


    Portal Member
    August 24, 2009
    Does it means that an ATI Radeon HD4200 is not able to manage HD live tv playback with deinterlacing on?

    Yes, the GPU is not powerful enough to handle 1080i HDTV (by a long way...)

    In the HD4xxx AMD GPUs deinterlacing is performed by the GPU shader hardware, and the low-end HD4xxx hardware doesn't have enough of them to cope with 1080i.on a 1080p screen at 50Hz.

    Ok, thanks for the info.
    Strange is that in the past, that was working fine (maybe on the edge) and it only showed the same symptoms (hi render time and drop frames) after windows resume.

    Last question: Is it normal that when mediaportal starts (on the home screen without video playing), the GPU load goes to 80% whether LAV deinterlace is Disabled, and 100% if LAV deinterlace is set to auto?


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 28, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Last question: Is it normal that when mediaportal starts (on the home screen without video playing), the GPU load goes to 80% whether LAV deinterlace is Disabled, and 100% if LAV deinterlace is set to auto?

    MP does continuously render the GUI to the screen (which uses the GPU), but if you enable the MP screensaver 'reduce frame rate' option and enable the 'idle timer' here -* - MP will fresh the GUI less often when it's idle.


    Portal Member
    August 24, 2009
    Yes, the GPU is not powerful enough to handle 1080i HDTV (by a long way...)

    In the HD4xxx AMD GPUs deinterlacing is performed by the GPU shader hardware, and the low-end HD4xxx hardware doesn't have enough of them to cope with 1080i.on a 1080p screen at 50Hz.
    Hello again,

    Would it be possible to add an option for Mediaportal to "pass through" the video to the TV if the video source is 1080i? That way the deinterlace task would be done by the TV if the graphic card is no capable?

    Is nvidia GT610 able to deinterlace 1080i fluently or better buy a GT720?


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