[Question] TV only in aMPdroid via MPExtended tweak? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 12, 2012
This is going to sound insane, but I've been using aMPdroid with MPExtended, and I've decided I'd just like to see stuff related to TV - i.e., no movies or videos, just TV related things like the EPG. I thought since aMPdroid talks to MPExtended on port 4322, all I'd have to do is go into the MPExtended Configurator, and kill the database entries in the Plugins tab so that info would no longer be served to aMPdroid. It turns out they reappear after you delete them, so obviously it's not so easy. Any thoughts on the subject - a MPExtended tweak that I'm missing, for example?
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Portal Member
February 12, 2012
So what you're saying is that there's no way currently to stop MPExtended from serving up movie and video information? Isn't there a way to make MPExtended unaware of where VideoDatabaseV5.db3 is? I keep trying to delete the entry in the text box, but it returns - is this normal?


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    I think it requires to have a value for these fields, yes. You could delete the unwanted plugin binaries from C:\Program Files (x86)\MPExtended\Service\Extensions (stop MPExtended first), but that might break aMPdroid completely.


    Portal Member
    February 12, 2012
    Ok, now this is interesting - I have two machines with MPExtended, and on one I was able to delete the folder entries on the Plugins tab, and on the other they keep coming back. What makes these entries come back on one machine and not the other? I can confirm, though, that if I now port forward to the machine with the blank Plugin entries, aMPdroid no longer 'sees' my movies/videos, which is what what I wanted to achieve when I started this thread. The question still remains, though, why was I able to delete the entries one one machine and not the other?

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