TV Server issues - Started 10th April. (1 Viewer)


Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 1, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Running MP1 - 1.39 for long while, no issues.

    10th April [same time as 2024-KB5037036 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5, 4.8 and 4.8.1 for Windows 10 Version 22H2 installed, TV Service reports 'Unknown Error' on checking.

    Retuning didn't work [no signal at all] so assumed USB tuner fail [Hauppppauge WinTV DUAL HD] - replaced tuner and reinstalled MP1 [I only really use as TV server so no problem]. Both tuners work and I can recan all channels.

    However still no TV service as such.

    The TV Service Install log:

    [ INFO] MediaPortal TV Server / Client installation
    [ INFO] Logging started: 13.04.2024 15:38:19
    [ INFO] installer version:
    [ INFO] ============================================================================================
    [ DEBUG ] FUNCTION .onInit
    [ INFO] .: Microsoft .Net Framework Check :.
    [ INFO] .Net 3.5 installed? 1
    [ INFO] .Net 3.5 ServicePack: 1
    [ INFO] ============================
    [ INFO] .: Microsoft .Net Framework Check :.
    [ INFO] ============================
    [ DEBUG ] commandline parameters: /S /noServer /DeployMode --DeployMode /UpdateMode
    [ INFO] TVServer/Client installation dir found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server
    [ INFO] MediaPortal installation dir found: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    [ERROR !!!] Loading MediaPortalDirectories from MyDocs failed. ('D:\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortalDirs.xml')
    [ INFO] Trying to load from installation directory now.
    [ INFO] Loaded MediaPortalDirectories from InstallDir successfully. ('C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortalDirs.xml')
    [ INFO] Installer will use the following directories:
    [ INFO] Base: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    [ INFO] Config: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    [ INFO] Plugins: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins
    [ INFO] Log: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Log
    [ INFO] Skin: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Skin
    [ INFO] Language: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Language
    [ INFO] Database: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Database
    [ INFO] Thumbs: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs
    [ INFO] Cache: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Cache
    [ DEBUG ] FUNCTION .onSelChange
    [ INFO] Prepare installation...
    [ INFO] Backup Gentle.Config (C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\Gentle.config)
    [ INFO] Backup Gentle.Config (C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Gentle.config)
    [ DEBUG ] SecPrepare: DeployMode = 1 | UpdateMode = 1
    [ INFO] TVClient component will be installed soon. (/noServer was used)
    [ INFO] TVServer component is already installed.
    [ INFO] --> Means it is a SingleSeat installation.
    [ INFO] --> Means TVServer was already updated.
    [ INFO] ==> TVServer/Client won't be uninstalled.
    [ INFO] Installing MediaPortal TV Client plugin...
    [ INFO] Terminating processes ...
    [ INFO] KillProcess: MediaPortal.exe
    [ INFO] KillProcess: MediaPortal.exe is not running.
    [ INFO] KillProcess: configuration.exe
    [ INFO] KillProcess: configuration.exe is not running.
    [ INFO] MediaPortal Installed at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    [ INFO] MediaPortalPlugins are at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins
    [ INFO] Doing post installation stuff...
    [ INFO] Setting AccessRights to ProgramData dir and reg keys
    [ INFO] Restore Gentle.Config (C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\Gentle.config)
    [ INFO] Restore Gentle.Config (C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Gentle.config)
    [ DEBUG ] FUNCTION .onInstSuccess
    [ INFO] ============================================================================================
    [ INFO] Logging stopped: 13.04.2024 15:38:24
    [ INFO] installer version:
    [ INFO] MediaPortal TV Server / Client installation

    suggest no problems.

    TV Service log however....

    [2024-04-13 16:25:56,510] [Log ] [4 ] [DEBUG] - Setting up EventWaitHandle with name: Global\MPTVServiceInitializedEvent
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,494] [Log ] [4 ] [INFO ] - Set loglevel to: Information
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,510] [Log ] [8 ] [INFO ] - TV Service: Starting
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,510] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - TVService v1.30.000.0 is starting up on Windows 10 Professional x64 [10.0.19045.0]
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,541] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Windows Media Player: [12.0.19041.3636]
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,541] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: Initializing TVServer
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,541] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: 1 init attempt
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,557] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\gentle.config
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,557] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: using MySQL database connection: Server=Media2;Database=MpTvDb;User ID=root;Password
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,557] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: started at Media2
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,557] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: local ip address:
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,619] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: server running on
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,838] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Starting async device detection...
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,854] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device RadioWebStream Card (builtin) (builtin)
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,197] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Detected new MediaPortal IPTV tuner MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter @device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{D3DD4C59-D3A7-4B82-9727-7B9203EB67C0}
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,197] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter @device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{D3DD4C59-D3A7-4B82-9727-7B9203EB67C0}
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,369] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Detected new digital BDA tuner device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBC Tuner 2 @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{5fd033f5-8c4d-4de2-b4f2-e3d728a696e5}
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,400] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - tuner type = DvbC
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,400] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBC Tuner 2 @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{5fd033f5-8c4d-4de2-b4f2-e3d728a696e5}
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,400] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: creating timeshifting folder "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer"
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,400] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Detected new digital BDA tuner device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBC Tuner @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{b50b8116-da24-4f97-80d1-00451702c5f7}
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,416] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - tuner type = DvbC
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,416] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBC Tuner @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{b50b8116-da24-4f97-80d1-00451702c5f7}
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,432] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Detected new digital BDA tuner device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner 2 @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{510162d9-2f7e-49e7-907b-dbd3a5a15eb9}
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,447] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - tuner type = DvbT
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,447] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner 2 @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{510162d9-2f7e-49e7-907b-dbd3a5a15eb9}
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,447] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Detected new digital BDA tuner device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{7c8095ab-c110-40e5-9f4d-310858bbbf64}
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,463] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - tuner type = DvbT
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,463] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{7c8095ab-c110-40e5-9f4d-310858bbbf64}
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,588] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - TvControllerException: System.Management.ManagementException: Invalid class
    at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
    at System.Management.ManagementEventWatcher.Start()
    at TvLibrary.Implementations.DeviceDetector.Start()
    at TvService.TVController.InitController()
    at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
    at System.Management.ManagementEventWatcher.Start()
    at TvLibrary.Implementations.DeviceDetector.Start()
    at TvService.TVController.InitController()

    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,604] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: DeInit.
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,604] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: dispose card:RadioWebStream Card (builtin)
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,604] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - RadioWebStream:Dispose()
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,604] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: dispose card:MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,604] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: dispose card:Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBC Tuner 2
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,604] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: dispose card:Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBC Tuner
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,604] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: dispose card:Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner 2
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,604] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: dispose card:Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,604] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Stopping async device detection...
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,619] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Stopping async device detection...
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,619] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - RadioWebStream:Dispose()
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,635] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Remove filter from graph: DVB-T Network Provider
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,635] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Remove filter from graph: DVB-S Network Provider
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,635] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Remove filter from graph: DVB-C Network Provider
    [2024-04-13 16:25:59,635] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Remove filter from graph: ATSC Network Provider
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,650] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: 2 init attempt
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,650] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\gentle.config
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,650] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: using MySQL database connection: Server=Media2;Database=MpTvDb;User ID=root;Password
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,650] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: started at Media2
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,650] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: local ip address:
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,650] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: server running on
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,697] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Starting async device detection...
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,697] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device RadioWebStream Card (builtin) (builtin)
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,697] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Detected new MediaPortal IPTV tuner MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter @device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{D3DD4C59-D3A7-4B82-9727-7B9203EB67C0}
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,697] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter @device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{D3DD4C59-D3A7-4B82-9727-7B9203EB67C0}
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,713] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Detected new digital BDA tuner device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBC Tuner 2 @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{5fd033f5-8c4d-4de2-b4f2-e3d728a696e5}
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,729] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - tuner type = DvbC
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,729] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBC Tuner 2 @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{5fd033f5-8c4d-4de2-b4f2-e3d728a696e5}
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,744] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Detected new digital BDA tuner device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBC Tuner @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{b50b8116-da24-4f97-80d1-00451702c5f7}
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,744] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - tuner type = DvbC
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,760] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBC Tuner @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{b50b8116-da24-4f97-80d1-00451702c5f7}
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,760] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Detected new digital BDA tuner device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner 2 @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{510162d9-2f7e-49e7-907b-dbd3a5a15eb9}
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,775] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - tuner type = DvbT
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,775] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner 2 @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{510162d9-2f7e-49e7-907b-dbd3a5a15eb9}
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,775] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Detected new digital BDA tuner device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{7c8095ab-c110-40e5-9f4d-310858bbbf64}
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,791] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - tuner type = DvbT
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,791] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: add device Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner @device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_2040&pid_8265#0014346145#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{7c8095ab-c110-40e5-9f4d-310858bbbf64}
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,807] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - TvControllerException: System.Management.ManagementException: Invalid class
    at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
    at System.Management.ManagementEventWatcher.Start()
    at TvLibrary.Implementations.DeviceDetector.Start()
    at TvService.TVController.InitController()
    at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
    at System.Management.ManagementEventWatcher.Start()
    at TvLibrary.Implementations.DeviceDetector.Start()
    at TvService.TVController.InitController()

    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,807] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: DeInit.
    [2024-04-13 16:26:02,807] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - Controller: dispose card:RadioWebStream Card (builtin)


    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,795] [Log ] [56 ] [ERROR] - Exception :confused:ystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at TvService.TVController.StartTimeShifting(IUser& user, String& fileName)

    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,795] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - card: SignalTuneEvent card: 9 / subch: 0
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,800] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - Controller: Media2 9 0
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,800] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - Controller: StopTimeShifting 9
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,910] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - Stop cardid=9, ticket=4, tunestate=Idle, stopstate=Stopping
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,910] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - card Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD DVBT Tuner: StopTimeShifting user:Media2 sub:0
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,910] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - user:Media2 remove
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,910] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - subch:0-0 tswriter StopTimeshifting...
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,921] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeSubChannel: subchannels count 1 subch#0
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,921] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - DVB subch:0 Decompose()
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,921] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - FreeSubChannel CA: freeing sub channel : 0
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,921] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeSubChannel : no subchannels present, pausing graph
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,921] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - dvb:confused:topGraph called
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,921] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels
    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,921] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - dvb:confused:topGraph
    [2024-04-13 16:51:11,792] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - debug: IMediaControl stopped! hr = 0x0 :)
    [2024-04-13 16:51:11,792] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - dvb:confused:topGraph called
    [2024-04-13 16:51:11,792] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels
    [2024-04-13 16:51:11,792] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - dvb:confused:topGraph filterstate already stopped, returning.
    [2024-04-13 16:51:11,792] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - user:Media2 remove
    [2024-04-13 16:51:11,792] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - Controller:Timeshifting stopped on card:9
    [2024-04-13 16:51:11,792] [Log ] [56 ] [ERROR] - Exception :confused:ystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at TvService.TVController.DoStopTimeShifting(IUser& user, Int32 cardId)
    at TvService.TVController.StopTimeShifting(IUser& user)

    [2024-04-13 16:51:11,792] [Log ] [56 ] [INFO ] - Controller: Timeshifting failed, no more cards available.

    [2024-04-13 16:51:11,792] [Log ] [TS_File_Cleanup] [INFO ] - card: delete timeshift files C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer\live9-0.ts

    And TV Error log

    [2024-04-13 16:51:07,118] [Log ] [56 ] [ERROR] - Exception :confused:ystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at TvService.TVController.StartTimeShifting(IUser& user, String& fileName)

    [2024-04-13 16:51:08,009] [Log ] [56 ] [ERROR] - Exception :confused:ystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at TvService.TVController.DoStopTimeShifting(IUser& user, Int32 cardId)
    at TvService.TVController.StopTimeShifting(IUser& user)

    [2024-04-13 16:51:10,795] [Log ] [56 ] [ERROR] - Exception :confused:ystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at TvService.TVController.StartTimeShifting(IUser& user, String& fileName)

    [2024-04-13 16:51:11,792] [Log ] [56 ] [ERROR] - Exception :confused:ystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at TvService.TVController.DoStopTimeShifting(IUser& user, Int32 cardId)
    at TvService.TVController.StopTimeShifting(IUser& user)

    Suspect the .Net update, which MS does not seem to give ma route to remove..... any ideas would be most welcome.

    Cheers - JCMP


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    However still no TV service as such.
    I don't know what the problem is :(. Have you considered uninstalling the Windows update that possibly caused the problem? I have never tried this myself, so I don't know how successful it might be.

    10th April [same time as 2024-KB5037036 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5, 4.8 and 4.8.1 for Windows 10 Version 22H2 installed, TV Service reports 'Unknown Error' on checking.
    This is why I run Windows 7 on my HTPC. There are no more updates provided by Microsoft, so I can be confident that my system won't be messed up by a Windows Update.

    On your Windows 10 system, you might like to consider enabling the I am using a metered internet connection setting. I have this setting enabled on my Windows 10 laptop. Windows still checks each day for updates, but all it does is place an icon in the System Tray indicating that updates are available. Windows does not download or install the updates until I manually select this. It means that if the availability of my system is critical to my way of life, I can create a drive image of my C: drive before installing the updates.

    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,494] [Log ] [4 ] [INFO ] - Set loglevel to: Information
    I think that it will be really difficult for any of the developers to identify your problem if the log level for TV Server is not DEBUG. The MP client and TV Server have separate log levels. You set the TV Server log level in "TV Server Config", in the "General" section. Also, it is more helpful for the developers if you use the log-collector to gather all logs, and then attach the zip file to this thread.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 1, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    Thanks for feed back.

    Remove update - 1st thought but as a .Net update MS have decided it's not a removable update - sigh.

    Win 7 - not an option, I do [did - may retire it as I've tuner and the other general purpose tools I need now on a laptop] use machine for other things beyond it's TVServer role. Living room MediaP set up is also Win10 but I locked it out of updates yrs ago - letting MS dabble really is a killer I agree.

    Log setting - will do, do some retries and look to posting an update accordingly.



    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 9, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Running MP1 - 1.39 for long while, no issues.
    ????? Mp 1.39 o_O

    No problem on either of my Win 11 PCs and MP 1.33 x64 with this update and fairly old TBS TV tuners (2 different).



    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 31, 2005
    South of France
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    Running MP1 - 1.39 for long while, no issues.
    ??? :confused:
    [2024-04-13 16:25:56,510] [Log ] [4 ] [DEBUG] - Setting up EventWaitHandle with name: Global\MPTVServiceInitializedEvent
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,494] [Log ] [4 ] [INFO ] - Set loglevel to: Information
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,510] [Log ] [8 ] [INFO ] - TV Service: Starting
    [2024-04-13 16:25:58,510] [Log ] [TVService] [INFO ] - TVService v1.30.000.0 is starting up on Windows 10 Professional x64 [10.0.19045.0]

    Please, try with latest MP 1.33, not 1.30 and, all in debug logs to provide...


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  • June 14, 2015
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    This is why I run Windows 7 on my HTPC. There are no more updates provided by Microsoft, so I can be confident that my system won't be messed up by a Windows Update.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK
    Hi CyberSimian, are you running ver 1.33 on Win7?

    My Win 10 system has gone awry after upgrading
    (Plus the Win 10 Task Scheduler does not work and I would like to run EPG collector in background as I used to with Win7)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    My Win 10 system has gone awry after upgrading
    In the other thread, you mentioned that TV Server is 32-bit. As far as I understand things, you cannot perform an update install from MP 1.32 or earlier, to 1.33 64-bit. This is because MP 1.32 is partially 32-bit, and older versions are entirely 32-bit.

    I was running MP 1.31 32-bit, and I did a complete uninstall of MP, rebooted, and then installed MP 1.33 64-bit. This post explains what I did.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK


    MP Donator
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  • June 14, 2015
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    Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
    In the other thread, you mentioned that TV Server is 32-bit. As far as I understand things, you cannot perform an update install from MP 1.32 or earlier, to 1.33 64-bit. This is because MP 1.32 is partially 32-bit, and older versions are entirely 32-bit.

    I was running MP 1.31 32-bit, and I did a complete uninstall of MP, rebooted, and then installed MP 1.33 64-bit. This post explains what I did.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK
    That sounds logical. Many thanks for the good advice, much appreciated


    MP Donator
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  • June 14, 2015
    Home Country
    Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
    In the other thread, you mentioned that TV Server is 32-bit. As far as I understand things, you cannot perform an update install from MP 1.32 or earlier, to 1.33 64-bit. This is because MP 1.32 is partially 32-bit, and older versions are entirely 32-bit.

    I was running MP 1.31 32-bit, and I did a complete uninstall of MP, rebooted, and then installed MP 1.33 64-bit. This post explains what I did.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK
    After your good advice I decided to completely restore the original Windows 7 Home Premium x64 OS with a view to starting with a fresh install of 1.33. The MediaPortal system is used (and loved) by my elderly Mum just to watch and record TV and not for internet browsing. I have stumbled trying to get Win 7 to establish an internet connection that enables me to load MediaPortal. I tried updates 3138621, 4474419 and 4490628 but no go. Just wondering if you have any advice on this? I really do not wish to go back to Win 10 because the existing TV card drivers work far better on Win 7. If you have any suggestions I would be most grateful. Regards TW


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I decided to completely restore the original Windows 7 Home Premium x64 OS with a view to starting with a fresh install of 1.33.
    I use 64-bit Windows 7 on my HTPC, and it can access the internet (although I access the internet only for installing newer versions of MP). However, as a famous man once said:

    Networking is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

    I decided to completely restore the original Windows 7 Home Premium x64 OS
    Did you restore a working image of your "C:" drive, or did you install Windows 7 from the DVD?

    I changed from 32-bit Windows 7 to 64-bit Windows 7 when I obtained additional RAM, and after installing from the DVD, it is necessary manually to install various Windows updates. This is because Microsoft changed the Windows Updater several years ago, with the result that it can no longer update Windows 7 unless a manually-installed update is installed manually (!)

    Looking at my folder that contains updates for 64-bit Windows 7, I have the following KB updates which I presumably installed after installing from the DVD:

    kb2843376   2013-07-09
    kb3020369   2015-05-11
    kb3125574   2016-05-16
    kb3172605   2016-09-12
    kb3205402   2017-06-10
    kb4474419   2019-09-09
    kb4490628   2019-03-11
    kb915597    2020-01-14

    I don't remember what the dates shown above represent, but possibly they are the dates when the update was issued or was itself most-recently updated. I would suggest installing these updates in the date order shown above (but there is no guarantee that this is the correct order). In total the updates come to about 800 MB. Obviously you will need to download them using a system other than the one that cannot access the internet.

    If you restored a previously-working Windows 7 image of your "C:" drive, but it can no longer access the internet, we are facing a more-difficult challenge :(. Some things to check:

    (1) Switch off your internet router, wait 5 minutes, then switch it on again. Wait another 5 minutes for it to stabilise.

    (2) Now reboot your HTPC. Is there now an internet connection?

    (3) Windows tries to be helpful by preventing network access if it thinks that you are trying to access a public network (such as in an internet cafe). So it is important that you define your network as a private network. There are three choices for network type: Home, Work, and Public. I always choose Work.

    (4) Next, how does Windows know where it is? It knows by looking for the gateway IP address that you defined in the setup for your networking adapter. So check that the gateway address defined there is the same as the IP address of your internet router.

    (5) If still no internet, open an command window using Run as Administrator, and type the following command:

    netsh.exe interface set interface "Local Area Connection" disabled

    I am assuming that your network connection is called Local Area Connection (which it is by default), and that you have only one of them. If you have more than one connection, you might need to suffix the name with " 2". Wait 60 seconds for the command to be actioned. Now type the following command:

    netsh.exe interface set interface "Local Area Connection" enabled

    It is important to disable the connection first, before trying to enable it. Disabling the connection resets it, if it is in a strange state. Wait several minutes to see if the little icon in the System Tray changes to show that you now have an internet connection (or place the mouse pointer over the icon to see the status).

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK

    Edit: changed "800 GB" to the (correct) "800 MB".
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