TVgemist 3.0 (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
October 29, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
The skins will be availible in the next update. This update will also feature a tv show search function that can find all shows in the plugin. TThe search function will work with a virtual on screen keybord.


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  • August 31, 2006
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    Hi edterbak,

    It will be included in next release of the x-factor skin (probably available this weekend).

    Best Regards


    Portal Pro
    March 17, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hey martijn,

    I'd like to make a request;
    Could you maybe integrate a bit of geek TV called "" in this plugin? They have a new broadcast every week (I kinda like it, keeps me updated), so putting it in livestreams would not make that much sense. Just a request, see what you do with it.
    It should be really easy to scrape the rss feed, see here for more detail


    Portal Pro
    October 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi Joz,

    Thanks for the request. I saw that the episodes are listed in XML files, the episodes itself are mpg4 files. Eehm... i really like the idear of having more stations in the plugin, only problem is that the plugin and the skins need to be changed.. again D-)

    Are there more users here that would like to have mor3e stations listed?


    Portal Member
    June 8, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hey martijn,

    I'd like to make a request;
    Could you maybe integrate a bit of geek TV called "" in this plugin? They have a new broadcast every week (I kinda like it, keeps me updated), so putting it in livestreams would not make that much sense. Just a request, see what you do with it.
    It should be really easy to scrape the rss feed, see here for more detail

    Why not add it to online videos plugin? has a rssfeed for the tv shows
    Hardware.Info TV - Video Podcast

    add this to the config file (OnlineVideoSites.xml)

    <Site name="" util="GenericSite" agecheck="false" enabled="true" playmode="Guess">
    <Username />
    <Password />
    <SearchUrl />
    <Category xsi:type="RssLink" name="Hardware.Info TV - Video Podcast"></Category>


    Portal Pro
    October 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    i think for now that's the best option. I will see what i can do in the feature.

    ...i also miss for instance NOVA and a lot shows are double listed

    NOVA is listed but there was a problem retrieving episodes, sorry for that, it should be working now.

    If you look on you see that some shows are indeed double listed. so that is not our fault. The reason why some shows are double listed is because they are different seasons of that show. For example, ONM has 5 listings, so they are from 2006,2007 and 2009 if i remember correctly.

    Hope this answers your question.

    Today we will stop updating our database driven version of the previous plugin, this means that if you do not upgraded to v3.0 your plugin will stop function.


    Portal Member
    May 12, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Works ok generally, nice interface finally working!

    one problem though: on several selection there is an popup saying:

    afspelen niet mogelijk: 1500k.wvx audio codec:

    reinstalled all codec's and more, nothing seems to help...

    some ideas??


    Portal Pro
    November 16, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Works ok generally, nice interface finally working!

    one problem though: on several selection there is an popup saying:

    afspelen niet mogelijk: 1500k.wvx audio codec:

    reinstalled all codec's and more, nothing seems to help...

    some ideas??
    I'm having the same issues on some streams.

    I'm gonna do the b&w1080p skin, should be ready somewhere this weekend...


    Portal Pro
    October 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    For those who are having problems with some shows: There is an option on the context menu to report a program that is not working, can you do that for me please?. The report show option is on the same context menu where you can add shows to favorites.

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