TVGemist plugin (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
March 9, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
I have an old issue. When using VMR9 i cannot see the OSD when playing webstreams. Ticking the 'use for playback of webstreams (enables OSD menus)' in 'video rendering settings' doesn't do anyting for me.

There was/is a solution which doesn't work for me using this plugin. This also has no effect on my pc. Do you guys have an OSD in the tvgemist plugin? And how did you get it to work?

Nope.. no OSD for me either. Rather annoying, since you can't see where you are when fastforwarding or rewinding.


Portal Member
January 2, 2009
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
I was trying to edit the plugin to make that changes, but i do not how i can tell the plugin to load new images as you go over items in the listmenu, perhaps someone with plugin building skills can help me

That would be awesome. I don't have exprience building plugins (unfortanately).
The image should be made available with an an id like here in tvseries. But how that could be done i don't know....

<description>Big Episode Thumb</description>


Portal Pro
October 20, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Could you someone tell me when the database will be updated again.
Beauty and the nerd for example is missing the last 2 episodes and so is "echt gooise meisjes in de bijstand".

For this plugin to by anything close to usefull the database needs to be up to date......

Thanks in advance.


Portal Pro
October 29, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
mmm sorry for thtat, database is updated every 3 hours based on the tv guide, it appears that those shpws have different names im the guide then in our database therefore are not being updated.

both shows are updated now, we will look inro this issue

The foloowing shows are now added to our database

- Trauma Centrum [SBS]
- Crash Test PeWi's [VERONICA]
- Echte Gooische meisjes in de bijstand [RTL]
- Groeten uit de Rimboe [SBS]
- Laat ze maar lachen [RTL]
- Lekker slim [RTL]

There is no need to re-download the plugin!.

Please, please give us feedback on missing shows and episodes, our plugin is still in beta testing but noone is telling us about missings shows and episodes. Our scripts need changes, the proces is still not 100% foolproof, if you help us we can give you better tvgemist plugin.


Portal Pro
October 29, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
X-factor shows the uitslag just fine here, can you look again please?

Take me out and daten in het donker are NOT missing in our database, are you sure you are using our updated plugin and not the origional one, can you tell me when you downloaded the TVgemist plugin, was it in the last 1.5 month?


Portal Pro
October 29, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Aaahhh i see that's the old one. In the first post it states also

The latest version is a beta made in cooperation with martijn189 and martijnr17, which retrieves its data from an online service.

So, please download the plugin again, but this time our updated one from this location

Please be aware that the version 2.3 of the original author is not the same as our updated plugin, we are working with a different method of getting shows and episodes from RTL,SBS,NET5 and veronica + we added live tv support . But this only works if you use our updated plugin, so again... please download our version of the plugin if you want to use our method.

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