The annoying part was when i figured that out and renamed it to Copy of WindowPlugins.dll_
It still loaded the file... even though it had an extention of .dll_
Anyway here are my findings from testing the tvtome parser:
I had some problems with retreiving the tvtome info on some series.. gettings the informatino Andromeda just frooze MP for 15/30 minutes after which some odd "couldn't run setup" kind of message appeared and MP crashed.. I'll try to make a screenshot next time..
I have sometimes problems with my connection (timeout) maybe thats what caused it..?
Maybe it would also be usefull if you could select which Season you want to retreive? It thats pretty long retreiving a series information. do you use multithreading to retreive the HTML pages? Might be faster if it trys to retreive multiple pages at ones (if doesn't do so already).
Also pressing F3 on a series name (which has the correct format) still retreives IMDB, it would be usefull that it would detect its a serie and ask if i wanted to use IMDB or TVTOME
For the rest i love the plugin... now its like a complete TV Series guide
It still loaded the file... even though it had an extention of .dll_
Anyway here are my findings from testing the tvtome parser:
I had some problems with retreiving the tvtome info on some series.. gettings the informatino Andromeda just frooze MP for 15/30 minutes after which some odd "couldn't run setup" kind of message appeared and MP crashed.. I'll try to make a screenshot next time..
I have sometimes problems with my connection (timeout) maybe thats what caused it..?
Maybe it would also be usefull if you could select which Season you want to retreive? It thats pretty long retreiving a series information. do you use multithreading to retreive the HTML pages? Might be faster if it trys to retreive multiple pages at ones (if doesn't do so already).
Also pressing F3 on a series name (which has the correct format) still retreives IMDB, it would be usefull that it would detect its a serie and ask if i wanted to use IMDB or TVTOME
For the rest i love the plugin... now its like a complete TV Series guide