TVTome Parser - Revived - now - Beta available (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
April 29, 2004
The annoying part was when i figured that out and renamed it to Copy of WindowPlugins.dll_

It still loaded the file... even though it had an extention of .dll_ :)

Anyway here are my findings from testing the tvtome parser:

I had some problems with retreiving the tvtome info on some series.. gettings the informatino Andromeda just frooze MP for 15/30 minutes after which some odd "couldn't run setup" kind of message appeared and MP crashed.. I'll try to make a screenshot next time..

I have sometimes problems with my connection (timeout) maybe thats what caused it..?

Maybe it would also be usefull if you could select which Season you want to retreive? It thats pretty long retreiving a series information. do you use multithreading to retreive the HTML pages? Might be faster if it trys to retreive multiple pages at ones (if doesn't do so already).

Also pressing F3 on a series name (which has the correct format) still retreives IMDB, it would be usefull that it would detect its a serie and ask if i wanted to use IMDB or TVTOME :)

For the rest i love the plugin... now its like a complete TV Series guide :p


Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004

    Just tested with Andromeda, works for me. Perhaps if you could tell us the exact filename that caused trouble for you?

    As for taking a long seppie said tvtome isnt exactly the fastest site out there. Try doing a search on their website or something.....can be really slow at times. Thats why we do caching, so that if you have once gotten the guide for a specific season, it doesnt have to download it again.

    Also, it only loads the episode guide for the particular season it detects (look in your tvtome folder to see what i mean).



    Portal Pro
    April 29, 2004
    I did the search on the folder Andromeda S05 (i think we're in 5 currently?)

    I got the TVTome parser.. and selected Andromeda.. then it was waiting..

    the Andromeda folder itself only containted the latest episode..

    (not at home.. so can't check the exact filename) but i think it was more my connection dropping shortly then anything else, i just thought that maybe the parser kept waiting for an answer which it was never received on the tvtome site because of the drop or something?..

    Does it also detect a season by the files located in the directy your search for?
    Because I could only select Andromeda, not Andromeda Season 5......
    Does it find the season by the file it found in my directory?


    Portal Pro
    April 29, 2004
    2nd time i tryed i got the same error...
    I have no place to upload the error message but here is the exact error (some other series seem to work, but only test 3 or 4..)

    Caption: "Setup Error
    Message: "Failed to load resources from resource file
    Please check your Setup"

    In the log file it states that its retreiving Andromeda Season 5 (a bunch of times)..
    Then it apperently crashed and nothing else was written in the log file..

    The only Serie in the directory Andromeda S05 (the directory i try to get the info from) is:
    Andromeda - 5x21 - The Heart Of The Journey (Part 1) Repack Ws Dsrip Loki.avi

    but the log files never says anything about this filename.. just 20x thats its retreiving Andromeda Season 5 (successfully)


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004

    Weird, I just tried again with season 5.

    Filename: Andromeda - 5x21 - The Heart Of The Journey (Part 1) Repack Ws Dsrip Loki.avi ....... worked fine (i tried both on the file basis and when doing a folder scan)..... do you have problems also with getting other information (weather, imdb, etc?).

    its correct that it doesnt say the filename in the log...., it should say:
    13.05.2005 17:39:02 Trying to get Episode Guide for andromeda Season 5 from TVTome....
    13.05.2005 17:39:03 Guide downloaded sucessfully!
    13.05.2005 17:39:03 Trying to search image from TVTome for /Andromeda
    13.05.2005 17:39:03 Image found on TVTome!
    Can you please also check in your TVTome subfolder if there is a folder for Andromeda that contains andromeda_Season_5.html ?

    Since other series seem to work for you, it also cannot be a problem with your local directory (i thought maybe it was a special character in there that caused an error)

    Might be a parser problem......but i dont understand it because it works here with the very same version....hmm

    that error messag you get is also very weird.......

    Does it also detect a season by the files located in the directy your search for?
    Because I could only select Andromeda, not Andromeda Season 5......
    Does it find the season by the file it found in my directory?

    it only gets the season/ep number from the filename, in this case from the 5x21 part in it .....and yes, when searching it should only display the show name, and not show name and season, so thats correct. Did it ask you after selecting andromeda to map the search?

    on a side note, it shouldnt attemp to download 20x.......that smells like a bug.....gonna look into it



    Portal Pro
    April 29, 2004
    I just checked.. the cache file exists and is correct..

    But i did check my log again, it didn't say 20x that message... its kind of totally filling up my log :).. so more like 1000x :)
    I guess that might be the problem :)

    The exact messagein the log is:
    12-5-2005 22:47:40 Although this episode does exist in the guide, it features no description!
    12-5-2005 22:47:40 Now attempting to download a fresh version of this guide from TVTome...
    12-5-2005 22:47:40 Trying to get Episode Guide for andromeda Season 5 from TVTome....
    12-5-2005 22:47:41 Guide downloaded sucessfully!

    Nothing about an image being downloaded.. this is all.. over and over again.. from 22:26 till 22:47 when it crashed :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004
    ok thnx for your feedback helza......i think i know why you get that message and why it keeps downloading.

    we check if the episode has information in the file (local file) and if it does not, we assume that the download occured before information was avaialbe for that episode (for example if we cache the file by the time episode 1 is out, then the following week you try to get info for episode will first try to find info in the cached file, but no information was available the previous week when the guide was downloaded)....then we redownload and try to get the information again....something must go wrong where we say it should only attempt to redownload once

    what i still dont get though is why the file worked fine for me. Also, if you look here you can see that information for your episode is should not fall into that logic at all. bit of a mystery

    Anyways......just so you know whats going on ;-)


    Portal Pro
    April 29, 2004
    Your right.. there is no description for this episode on my local file.. there is now online...

    So i retryed it.. and it download it in a second and now shows the info..
    Maybe its because its the only serie file in that directory and it find no description?



    Portal Pro
    April 29, 2004
    Small update..

    this happened to me on "Charmed":

    14-5-2005 1:51:31 window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogProgress init
    14-5-2005 1:52:13 Something went horribly wrong in the TVTome FIND function.
    14-5-2005 1:52:13 exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Databases at MediaPortal.Video.Database.TVTome.Find(String TVShow)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles.ShowTVTome(Int32 iidMovie, String strMovie, String strFile, String strFolder, Boolean bFolder)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles.OnTVTomeInfo(Int32 iItem)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles.OnShowContextMenu()
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoBaseWindow.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
    14-5-2005 1:52:13 exception:confused:ystem.Exception: exception occured ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at MediaPortal.Video.Database.TVTome.Find(String TVShow)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles.ShowTVTome(Int32 iidMovie, String strMovie, String strFile, String strFolder, Boolean bFolder)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles.OnTVTomeInfo(Int32 iItem)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles.OnShowContextMenu()
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindow.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoBaseWindow.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at MediaPortalApp.OnAction(Action action)
    at MediaPortal.GUI.Library.GUIWindowManager.DispatchThreadMessages()
    at MediaPortalApp.FrameMove()
    at MediaPortal.D3DApp.Run()

    And the tvtome screen just went sitting there retreiving charmed.. never got the chance to select the serie.. (dd this on the directory again)

    File in the directory:
    Charmed - 7x20 - Imaginary Friends Pdtv Lol.avi

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