UIR/IRMan Serial Remote Support (1 Viewer)



Works very well!


This patch is the killer application of mediaportal! The Winlirc plugin works not corret and is very difficult to config.
I build a IR-reciver for Showshifter und it did not work with Winlirc. May i can post the plan and the software.

now a final question, is it posible to build a real plugin with config for more and other keys?


PS.: Englich is difficult :?


Portal Pro
April 22, 2004
Ok Freq, I´ll try that later tonight if I can find the time.
when I learn in girder I the commands are shown something like this.

1EE01EF81EF8, I presume that´s in hex.. so I think that´s more than 8bits right? :)
well, I´ll test some settings when I get home tonight! thanks for the effort!


Re: Works very well!

zauberertz said:

This patch is the killer application of mediaportal! The Winlirc plugin works not corret and is very difficult to config.
I build a IR-reciver for Showshifter und it did not work with Winlirc. May i can post the plan and the software.

now a final question, is it posible to build a real plugin with config for more and other keys?


PS.: Englich is difficult :?

I already updated my code to support all event keys in mediaportal, you can now choose what keys you want to learn. you may choose baudrate , byte train length (6 bytes for UIR for example), command timespan (i set up 200ms for me for a bit more responsive mediaportal) and init string for you IR device if it needs it (for example UIR/IRMan need "IR" string to be sent before device is working)

If your hardware is working with standard serial rates/stopbits, etc it should ork with my plugin, tell me your parameters.

It's not finished yet but in a few days i'll give you an enhanced version.

bedlam: try to uncheck 'initialize UIR/IRMan' may be it locks your device, the train length seems to be 6 bytes (NOT BITS, 1EE01EF81EF8 is 6 BYTES = 48 BITS :) ) as you see in girder. so may be init string is to be avoided or there is baudrate mismatch, so try differents values, it may works...



Portal Pro
April 22, 2004
hmmm, it´s very strange..
if I select 57600 baudrate I can learn ONCE, (LEFT) but when the next learning comes up, (RIGHT) it doesn´t respond.. it does not matter which button on the remote I press.
different Hand-shake settings makes no change.
neither does the delay time.
I´ve tried some different byte lengths but no change there either.
Got any more good ideas?

In Girder every command begins with 1EE0..... if that makes a difference.

once again, thanks for the effort!


Try with the latest version, with this version you can learn all mediaportal actions (like audio language, subtitles, power off, etc, etc) but there is a cool stuff is now i'm displaying in the configuration status the Hexa code and the associated command of mediaportal, usefull if you forgot which keys correspond to what command, just start config, go to SerialUIR pane and press buttons on the remote to show wich code it's associated to.


As this version answers 99% of my needs, i won't spend a lot more time in dev for a while (and it's christmas so i have other priorities :) ), i'll just fix bugs if you find some and give sources to mediaportal team if they think it's enough usefull to include it in the next release of mediaportal.

For bedlam: showing Hexa codes may help you to identify byte train (if it works...) try differents values until the code is 'stable' and not changing everytime you click on the same remote button. tell me if you can see anything.

I looked at winlirc support of H+ but didn't understand how it works it seems to use serial port at very low level :oops: not my cup of tea...



Did you tried 1200 bauds ? could you try to do this: start Guirder check if you remote is working, close girder and immediately start Configuration, if it works, there is a init string to give to your remote controller that i don't know.

when it work normally you'll see something like that (look status bar)




Portal Pro
April 22, 2004
I haven´t had the time to test it yet! will do tomorrow morning hopefully.
But after I´ve had Girder or UICE running once I have to reboot in order to get the Com port working in the SerialUI pane.
I´ll doubblecheck 1200 baud tomorrow then..


Try this, it may help us a lot:


This is a serial port sniffer, with this tools you can change almost evey serial parameters, my code does'nt allow to change parity, but this tool can.

Try 1200, 2400, 9600, 38400, 56k bauds, for each baud rate try even and odd parity that i forgot to implement, don't change handshake, most ir receivers don't use handshaking, set to None.

change in options to display Hexa instead of deciamal.

If you find correct settings, you should show same hex codes as in girder.

I'll be happy if i can make work your remote in mediaportal !



Portal Pro
April 22, 2004
hiya Freq!
Ok, now I got the right code in Serialwatcher..
when pressing enter/select on my remote I get this in girder:
And when I use these settings i also get it in serialwatcher:

8bits train length
1stop bit
parity: none
speed: 2400
DTR and RTS are enabled in the top right corner..
both the handshakes are set to none

but when I try to use these settings in serialUI it does not work...
I will reboot now and don´t start any remote program and run serialwatcher at start. To see if that makes any differance!
EDIT: well..it didn´t :(

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