Poussun! You are my hero... I never would have been able to work out that combination for the RealMagic Hollywood Plus Remote (putting all those words in here for people searching on them! )
Thankyou again, these settings work great!
Baud 1200
Parity none
Handshake none
DTR and RTS selected
IR Code lenght : 6
I am trying to use my Logitech Harmony 885 Remote but unfortunatly I cannot learn any commands, it always times out. The settings for the serial ir receiver are okay at 9600 8n1, I tested it and it works fine with WinLIRC.
On config.exe I have to press every key on remote twice to recognise the key. I don't understand why but the remote works on config.exe (I could test it after had learnt).
The problem is that the remote works with config.exe but does not work with MP.
I'm new to mediaportal and I've just started setting things up.
I have a XCard remote that I've got working with serial UIR but I miss the "layer" functionallity to do different things depending on current mediaportal view. Then I miss the CONTEXT_MENU command (that really would make things easier).
Is it possible to use another input plugin to solve this, like something with girder?
Tried Google and searched the forums a lot but can't really sort out all information