Perhaps if you contact Talpa and explain the features of Mediaportal and its abbility to use the competitors uitzending gemist, they will give you the information you need to make the plugin work, the same goes for RTL
I just submitted a new version of the plugin! It seems that it has to be approved before it appears on site. More information:
bugs needed to be fixed
- Some emissions on RTL are not displayed, there's only sound
- After an emission finishes, MP isn't notified and will not go back to the menu.
(you have to stop the playback manually)
A big thanks to ZipperZip for letting me use his Uitzending_Gemist Plugin code.
- Created custom skin files for Project Mayhem 3
- Added a frontend to RTLGemist
- Added an UitGemist-MP-puppet
- Added a frontend to UitzendingGemist and RTLGemist
- Improvement: Focus the facadeview after loading new entries
It seems that the problem that MP doesn't return to the menu after playing is not a bug of the plugin, because it does that here with every movie. Is it some kind of setting or something? I can't recall when it starting behaving like this...
I'll try to install it asap to report whether the bug exists with me to. Up to now, movies stop fine when ended, so I might be able to add usefull information. Asap won't be until after the weekend though (Sinterklaas will be visiting my parents-in-law, so I'll be off for a while )
I think it is great this plug-inn is still in development, I use it a lot.
The new addition with RTLGemist is a great improvement, only I get no programs visible !? I am not sure, but is this the status of the plugin or is it just my setup that is apparently incomplete?
Can you browse through the programs, but it doesn't play them? Or is it not possible to browse at all? Which version of MP are you using? Despite the fact that sometimes only sound can be heard, it should work fine.