Here's an example that shows the problem nicely:[code] <programme start="20160520150000 +0100" stop="20160520154500 +0100" channel=""> <title lang="en">Escape to the Country</title> <sub-title lang="en">Somerset</sub-title> <desc lang="en">Jules Hudson goes property hunting in Somerset. He is helping a couple who are planning to take early retirement with a substantial budget of £750,000 to fund their new rural home. Whilst there, Jules meets a willow farmer and learns how the crop is interwoven into the county's landscape and handicraft heritage.</desc> <credits> <presenter>Jules Hudson</presenter> <presenter>Alistair Appleton</presenter> <presenter>Denise Nurse</presenter> <presenter>Tim Vincent</presenter> <presenter>Nicki Chapman</presenter> <presenter>Jonnie Irwin</presenter> </credits> <date>20130325</date> <category lang="en">Bus./financial</category> <category lang="en">Home improvement</category> <category lang="en">House/garden</category> <episode-num system="dd_progid">EP01259550.0642</episode-num> <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">12.45.</episode-num> <previously-shown start="20130325000000" /> </programme>[/code]Note the two <episode-num...> elements. TV Server only takes the first one, and unfortunately we don't support the [undocumented proprietary] dd_progid system. We do support the conventional and standard xmltv_ns system... but as long as the dd_progid element is there, the xmltv_ns element will be ignored.One solution would be to have an intermediate step/script between mc2xml and TV Server's XMLTV plugin that wipes all those elements.
Here's an example that shows the problem nicely:
<programme start="20160520150000 +0100" stop="20160520154500 +0100" channel="">
<title lang="en">Escape to the Country</title>
<sub-title lang="en">Somerset</sub-title>
<desc lang="en">Jules Hudson goes property hunting in Somerset. He is helping a couple who are planning to take early retirement with a substantial budget of £750,000 to fund their new rural home. Whilst there, Jules meets a willow farmer and learns how the crop is interwoven into the county's landscape and handicraft heritage.</desc>
<presenter>Jules Hudson</presenter>
<presenter>Alistair Appleton</presenter>
<presenter>Denise Nurse</presenter>
<presenter>Tim Vincent</presenter>
<presenter>Nicki Chapman</presenter>
<presenter>Jonnie Irwin</presenter>
<category lang="en">Bus./financial</category>
<category lang="en">Home improvement</category>
<category lang="en">House/garden</category>
<episode-num system="dd_progid">EP01259550.0642</episode-num>
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">12.45.</episode-num>
<previously-shown start="20130325000000" />
Note the two <episode-num...> elements. TV Server only takes the first one, and unfortunately we don't support the [undocumented proprietary] dd_progid system. We do support the conventional and standard xmltv_ns system... but as long as the dd_progid element is there, the xmltv_ns element will be ignored.
One solution would be to have an intermediate step/script between mc2xml and TV Server's XMLTV plugin that wipes all those elements.