[no Bug] Unable to send MP to Standby wile TV is playing (1 Viewer)


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  • January 31, 2008
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    Spain Spain
    Alex, do you have single-seat or multiseat installation?

    Hi! The problems are in the single seat installation. although I have two more computers with tv client the only computer with tv cards and the server is the one experiencing the problems.

    I agree than in case of active recording or timeshift for a client, the server must stay on and going to Stby or Hipbernate in this situation will be a miss behaviour. But if the client is requesting a energy change to Stby or Hybernate with timeshift only for the client, both computers should go of, the client inmediately and the server, past the timer without activity. in single seat "both" at once.

    I've MP since long time a go without problems of this type. Clients wakeup server without problem and server goes ON and OFF as needet to webepg and recording. With 1.2 RC is the first time I have the problem and as far of my testing are going furder as the problem is also with MUSIC and VIDEO playing...

    In fact the real problem is to put the computer in stand by no mater what's doing. In idle state without tv, video or music playing, it doesn't go to standby always (and I can't understand de pattern). Some times, even after surprisingly going to stand by and recover by user request it goes to stand by alone just after wake up.

    Can some one take a look to my logs if something is wrong or the database problems I'm experiencing since the update to 1.2 RC are causing unexpected behaviour with power scheduler also.

    Big Thanks


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  • January 31, 2008
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    Spain Spain
    Ok! after deepest troubleshooting here are my findings.

    First: NO BUG is ok, my findings a related to other soft not MP.

    The same day I installed MO 1.2RC I received an update from Windows Update of my realtek NIC net card drivers and the problems came with those new drivers.

    There is no Away mode. The unknown pattern I mentioned in my previous reports is now know. If any computer on the home net is ON, MP dosen't go to Stand By even if no MP client is active in those client computers (in fact, my iphone may prevent the computer to go to stand by).

    I had to active the option in Realteck NIC net card to only allow to wake up computer from Magic Packet redirecting UDP port 7 to the server IP address. After this, system responds again as spected. If I'm playing something locally in server (tv, music, videos...) if I press power button in remote stops content and sends PC to Stand by and also recovers properly. Switching on any client computer in my net doesn't wake the server unless you execute MP in client. If a client PC is playing live or recorded tv, then pressing the power button in server only stops the local playback in server (if any) but keeps server ON (note that it doesn't go to Away mode as spected).

    At this moment apparently everything is perfect for me.
    I hope this may help to others.

    Big thanks to all


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  • September 10, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Ok, we all agree more or less that this is no bug. Is it possible to move to the improvement section then?

    It would be Ok if the Standby Action Dialog window in MediaPortal would be optional. It would be best if Live TV gets closed first.

    It think this would be acceptable for everyone and much professional than arguing with Remote macros, which ain't possible for everyone.


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  • February 14, 2005
    void 4tl
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    Austria Austria
    Yeah, a Macro would be a really clumsy solution to that. I agree that Away mode should only happen, when the TV server is actually recording something and not when just time shifting.

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