Unable to watch live TV Mediaplayer 2.1 Final (1 Viewer)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    I'm not sure why you're asking me! :D

    are those 3 headers mandatory in all cases?
    I suggest you check the UPnP specs:

    Read section "1.2.2 Device available - NOTIFY with ssdp:alive". It explicitly describes each header.

    The way I read the specs:
    • none of the 3 headers are defined for UPnP 1.0
    • bootid.upnp.org and configid.upnp.org are required/mandatory for UPnP 1.1
    • searchport.upnp.org is optional for UPnP 1.1
    Therefore if a device claims to be UPnP 1.0 compliant, MP2's library should not attempt to parse those headers. I think that part is already done correctly.
    The problem is that this particular device seems to claim to be UPnP 1.1 compliant ("SERVER: POSIX/1.0 UPnP/1.1 UPnP Stack/v1.00"). Therefore it should at least be providing the bootid and configid headers.

    That UPnP stack version number seems weird to me though. It's as if the device is trying to claim partial UPnP 1.1 compliance.

    Could we allow them to be null to detect more devices?
    In my opinion the library should be as standard-compliant as possible. Based on my interpretation of the standards (I'm not very familiar with them, so I could easily be wrong!) the library should not allow those headers to be null. It would cause difficulty in properly detecting and notifying about configuration changes and device reboots.

    [edit: I suggest that the person check for software/firmware updates for the device. Maybe they will make it compliant. :rolleyes: ]


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Actually, I take that all back! :oops:

    Read section 1.3.3 ("search response") of the UPnP v1.1 spec linked above.

    The messages appear to be responses to a search request (I can determine that from the ST header). The specification says that all 3 headers are optional for a search request response.

    I don't know what the consequences would be if you were to make those headers optional. You'd have to check the code for yourself. However I suspect that there would be problems with the following sequence:
    1. Device search.
    2. Device found; headers not present.
    3. Time passes.
    4. Device sends periodic NOTIFY with headers present (in this case they are required).
    => library detects and notifies device remove + reconnect, or maybe reboot??? You'll have to test and see what happens.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Thanks @mm1352000, this helped me a lot :)
    I checked the 1.3.3 section for search responses. They state that the BootID is mandatory here:
    • BOOTID.UPNP.ORG REQUIRED. As defined in section 1.2, and 1.2.2.
    • CONFIGID.UPNP.ORG OPTIONAL. As defined in section 1.2, and1.2.2.
    • SEARCHPORT.UPNP.ORG OPTIONAL. As defined in section1.2, and 1.2.2
    I will add the handling for optional CONFIGID, if there is a SearchTarget (ST) present.

    But for the quoted examples above the BOOTID requirement for UPnP1.1 is not matched and they would still be discarded. I will add a description to error message to distinguish the cases of errors.


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    What can we tell @Pat@MeCee ? As long as he i slogging in DEBUG, the logs contains only the repeated search messages. At INFO level I don't see anything else suspicious.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    @Pat@MeCee I have updated one component to reduce the logging of SSDP messages when DEBUG mode is enabled.

    Could you please extract the attached file to both:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Client and
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Server
    Stop MP2-Server and Client first, replace the existing file and restart both again.

    Then please try tuning TV again, collect logfiles and post them here. There were no changes to TV part though, but reducing the logging amount from UPnP helps us to get clearer logfiles for better analysis.


    Portal Member
    March 10, 2017
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    Australia Australia
    Sorry gents - all this is gobblygook to me.
    I have reset the router back to factory default setting and run diagnostics available on both Main PC and router IP networks. NO errors found on either device....
    Please let me know if there is anything else to do to diagnose this - as all of these configuration requests seem to be quite complex for what I'm wanting to do - i.e. watch live TV on the same PC and the USB TV receiver is plugged in to - it just can't be that hard....
    P.S extracting the attached 7z will not allow overwrite of the uPnP file in both directories.
    Last edited:


    Portal Member
    March 10, 2017
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    Australia Australia
    Extracting the 7z to directory - 7Z throws an error that it cannot delete the uPnP file - I'm assuming it is trying o replace the file with the one contained in the 7z ???


    Portal Member
    March 10, 2017
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    scrub the last post - deleted the upnp file manually and replace with the dll contained in the 7z in both MP2 server and client folders


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 16, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    How are you doing this?

    You should extract the files to another place, stop both client and MP2 Server Service, rename the original files, and then only move the new ones.

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