Unwatched filter is enabled by default (1 Viewer)

Al T

New Member
December 28, 2012
Home Country
Canada Canada
For some reason with mp 1.3.0 and the current version I can only see un watched episodes. I'm not a nube been using it for years, so it's not a filter or an option. The shows show when I select ether channels, genres, etc. but nothing but the unwatched on the next screen. I have a large db of shows, over 3000 so I don't want to re import if I have to.

P.S. MP-TVSeries is the BEST, and my most used plug in.


Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    I'm not a nube been using it for years, so it's not a filter or an option.

    Did you even look at the new filter options? Because default is indeed unwatched on the new versions, so it would explain exactly your issue if you care to look at them via hidden menu or F9.


    Community Plugin Dev
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    Are you sure Unwatched Filter is enabled on new versions Rochess? I double checked the code and the default is disabled.

    If you can reproduce this for me on a fresh database I may have missed something.


    Extension Developer
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 10, 2006
    Maybe it's more of an upgrade-old-version aspect.

    It has been a long time since I've done fresh installs as I usually re-use some old database to save a lot of time on tweaking. My new HTPC parts are trickling in (got mainboard and CPU today, should have PSU and custom cooler tomorrow) so I plan to do a Win8 + MePo 1.3 fresh install to play around and will be able to test easier then. Once all is set and done, I'll have some Hyper-VMs as well later to test different scenarios. It's kind of nice to finally have a major work related job done, but now I'm scrambling to work on all the personal projects that piled up :cool:

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