Updating languages from movie file (MediaInfo) using the AMC catalog (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 19, 2011
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Germany Germany

I am using MyFilms with AMCU. Is it possible to update the language db entry with the languages the audio streams of the movie file actually have?

The MediaInfo tab in the AMC Updater window shows exactly the languages I would like to see.


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  • August 20, 2007

    I am using MyFilms with AMCU. Is it possible to update the language db entry with the languages the audio streams of the movie file actually have?

    The MediaInfo tab in the AMC Updater window shows exactly the languages I would like to see.
    Yes, you can do that - in AMC Updater ->Database Fields Tab -> Other field handling options -> uncheck "use internet data for languages field" and update your catalog.


    Portal Member
    April 19, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany

    I am using MyFilms with AMCU. Is it possible to update the language db entry with the languages the audio streams of the movie file actually have?

    The MediaInfo tab in the AMC Updater window shows exactly the languages I would like to see.
    Yes, you can do that - in AMC Updater ->Database Fields Tab -> Other field handling options -> uncheck "use internet data for languages field" and update your catalog.

    Oh... thank you! I totally missed that option.

    //Edit: do I have to use the "Update Record" option and select a grabber script (which I wouldn't need)?
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    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007

    I am using MyFilms with AMCU. Is it possible to update the language db entry with the languages the audio streams of the movie file actually have?

    The MediaInfo tab in the AMC Updater window shows exactly the languages I would like to see.
    Yes, you can do that - in AMC Updater ->Database Fields Tab -> Other field handling options -> uncheck "use internet data for languages field" and update your catalog.

    Oh... thank you! I totally missed that option.

    //Edit: do I have to use the "Update Record" option and select a grabber script (which I wouldn't need)?
    "Update Record" is correct - and indeed, the grabber script doesn't matter, if you select only the language file to be updated and take Mediainfo for it...


    Portal Member
    April 19, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    Thanks again. It worked!

    I still have to find a reasonable import/update workflow though. I usually import with the "IMDB Full" grabber, but need to update some fields with data from another grabber, like "Translated Title" or "Certification". For the first time import, I just deleted all values in those fields and updated with "Update Record" and another grabber. But for future additions I don't want to have to update all movies in my collection again and again (which takes hours....).


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    Thanks again. It worked!

    I still have to find a reasonable import/update workflow though. I usually import with the "IMDB Full" grabber, but need to update some fields with data from another grabber, like "Translated Title" or "Certification". For the first time import, I just deleted all values in those fields and updated with "Update Record" and another grabber. But for future additions I don't want to have to update all movies in my collection again and again (which takes hours....).
    I can't give you a standard answer for the workflow, as it is different for the many use cases and depending on country, grabbers and internet sites availabilitys, habits, etc.
    But regarding "updates", a small hint:
    You can limit the updates - instead of "all" you could set a condition and e.g. update only movies added recently, e.g. by the (ascending) Number, teh Date (if you use Date as "DateAdded") - that limits the Update run on only a few movies.
    AN update for the whole catalog usually is only necessary if you really want to update all (like with the mediainfo update or if you want to update ratings for all etc.)


    Portal Member
    April 19, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    That is a good idea. I will try that for upcoming updates. Thank you.


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  • November 26, 2006
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    @xpe - as Guzzi said, MF let's you define your workflow in an almost infinite variety of ways. For example, although I often import new movies via AMCU, I do my field updates in GUI because I find it so easy - just select the grabber you want for the Translated Titles and Certification fields, do the lookup, then select only those two fields to update from the dialog. You can see the various methods/options in the wiki: Update Existing Films - the method I am referring to - under Select Update Method - is to choose 'Select Fields for Update' which allows you to select multiple fields to update at once.

    You can accomplish basically the same thing by using the 'Single Movie Update' option on the View Movies tab in AMCU.

    Of course, if you are importing a lot of movies at once, the global update method Guzzi mentioned above (restricting the update to a group of movies) is likely easier.

    As you get more advanced, you may be able to create a grabber that grabs data from different sources, and automates it all for you. IIRC The IMDB.DE-OFDB.xml grabber script already does that somewhat and you could use it as a base to create your own custom version.
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    Portal Member
    April 19, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    Oh, I missed that option, too. I've already used the options in MP to update MyFilms data, but I haven't seen the option to select single fields to be updated.

    One hint (I don't know if this is on purpose):
    The option to update only single properties is only available in the details view of a movie, not when you open the menu in list view. Same goes for creating fanart by movie frames. I only tested this with the Titan Skin.


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    The option to update only single properties is only available in the details view of a movie, not when you open the menu in list view.
    ??? Context Menu > Updates >Get Internet Info > Select Grabber > Match Movie > Select Fields to update <<< works fine here ;)
    Same goes for creating fanart by movie frames. I only tested this with the Titan Skin.
    Yes true, and IIRC there was a reason Guzzi did it that way. However, as you will see in the Issue Tracker a full fanart manager is planned, similar to TV Series fanart, which will include the options to create fanart. So rather than change that now, can you wait for that? You can star 'Issue 128: Feature to preview fanart and select which fanart is downloaded' in the tracker and it may get implemented sooner ;)

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