UPnP / DLNA Media Server for MediaPortal 2 (2 Viewers)


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  • August 13, 2006
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    Thanks MJGraf,

    WMP support isn't fully working yet, so this result is expected. However you have managed to capture a couple of items in the logs that are interesting. Thanks.


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    I made this thread "sticky". So currently all working plugins are available at the top of the plugin development subforum. I hope this is ok...


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    McGoober, can you please give a short status update of the progress? What is working, what is left to do?


    New Member
    April 10, 2012
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    Thanks so much for this wonderful plugin. As reported last, it is spotty on performance and I sometimes get kicked out of what I am watching, but for an alpha under construction, it is very useable. Again, after this DLNA plugin is finished and the complete version of MP2 is released, is there any hope of a Roku channel for MP2?


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    What exactly is a Roku channel? Is this some special UPnP extension? Or "only" another term for DLNA feature?

    We would need a specification/documentation of this Roku channel before we can implement such.


    New Member
    April 10, 2012
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    Roku is a streaming player that connects to the TV and allows you to watch Internet videos and media stored on your computer hard drive. It facilitates this through the creation of open source "channels" from the media providers. The Roku is much like Boxee Box, only better, becuase the code is, I am told, easier to program, and it does not crash as much. I have a Roku attached to every TV in my home. The link for the Roku site is http://www.roku.com/.

    More importantly, the Channel Developer section provides all of the SDK necessary for channel developement. I would venture to guess that the Roku box works off of some sort of DLNA function when channels such as PlayOn and Plex are activated. The downside is none of the current Roku channels facilitiate the watching of OTA TV like MP1and MP2. I have engaged with both the PlayOn and Plex companies and both have told me they see no reason to even attempt to have developement done that would allow thier channels to use OTA. That is why I have come here.

    My perfect world scenario would be for MP2 to have a Roku channel that would mirror the MP2 interface I see on my PC terminal with all of its associated funcionality. I know this will be some time in the future, but MP2 is the only Media Center which plays media and OTA to a DLNA device. If a Roku Channel could be made for MP2, this would open MP up for amazing population reach.

    As I am not a programmer, even in the remotest sense, I do not understand all of this programming language stuff I read here or on the Roku site. I am sure it is quite easy and I am making it more difficult than necessay. It is my hope that someone with some experience could develop this Roku channel for MP2 ( I will gladly pay for it).

    To help answer your question and facilitate in the possible creation of a Roku channel for MP2, I have uploaded the Roku SDK here for your veiwing pleasure. If you wish to obtain it from the Developer Section of the Roku site, you would need to create a free developer account on the Roku site. I already have an account because it was required to load the PlayOn channel I use to stream my media to all of my mobile devices when I am away from home. In a perfect world, we could do the same with MP2.

    Thanks so much for your timely feedback on this issue. MP is truly the best.


    • RokuSDK_v41.zip
      20.4 MB


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    I finally found some time to test this nice plugin with my Android device (Samsung GalaxyS) and various players:
    UPnPlay             / Vplayer: Audio ok; some Videos ok; Image "invalid type" (video/x-matroska: ok; video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts: hang?)
    DK Dlna Upnp Player / Vplayer: Audio ok; some Videos ok; Image "invalid type" (video/x-matroska: ok; video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts: hang?)
    BubbleUPnP                  : MP2 server not found
    MediaHouse                  : MP2 server not found
    This is only a short test, but I'm already surprised that it works so good with some tools.

    McGoober: I attached a patched version to the 1st post; You can diff the sources to see what I've changed.


    Portal Member
    November 26, 2009
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    Denmark Denmark
    Hi McGoober.
    Marvelous jo here. can't wait to try it out.
    Think this plugin - as mentioned in earlier post - can be the missing link for media servers.
    Anyway - I have a (stupid) question:
    How do you install and configure the plug-in?

    I have a Homeserver (WHS 2011), where I have installed MP2 server. I unzipped the files into the plugin section of the installdir, and started MP2 server.
    MediaConnect can't see any servers, nor can I see where I can configure the plugin. Maybe it dosen't need to be configured and just use the global shares in MP2?

    Do I need to add exceptions in my firewall, or?

    Please help as I would love to test this feature and follow the dev on this. I'm affraid I can't contribute with anything else but testing - and cheering...

    EDIT: DOOUGH! Needed to start the server BEFORE staring mediaconnect... Now I see it.
    EDIT Again. Just wachting recorded TV on my iPhone - HOW awesome is THAT!


    Portal Pro
    January 19, 2011
    Trier, Germany
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    Germany Germany
    Hi I tried the UPNP Plugin and the UPNP Server is found in my network but I am not able watch the libraries. When trying to connect my different UPNP Client say that the connection could not be established or that the server refuses the connection.

    Before testing I put a large amount of data into my server. I tried UPNP directly and again after the imports of the server where completed. In both cases the UPNP server didn't work.

    I attached the logs of the server. Perhaps this helps.

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