[fixed] UPNP fails when USER-AGENT is comma+space separated (1 Viewer)


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  • August 13, 2006
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    I used the dev branch, wierd...
    I've just tried it again... I'm at the head of the dev branch and I've run the compile script from the Build dir, and built server in release mode. I've dropped in my plugin and still get the second exception, but not the first now.

    [2012-01-02 19:09:41,769] [32579  ] [17       ] [ERROR] - UPnPServer: Error handling HTTP request ''
    UPnP.Infrastructure.UnsupportedRequestException: Unsupported USER-AGENT header entry 'iPhoneOS/5.0.1, UPnP/1.0, MediaConnect/2.0'
       at UPnP.Infrastructure.Utils.ParserHelper.ParseUserAgentUPnP1MinorVersion(String userAgentStr, Int32& minorVersion) in e:\Users\Jason Leonard\Work\MP2\dev\MediaPortal-2\MediaPortal\Source\Core\UPnP\Infrastructure\Utils\ParserHelper.cs:line 56
       at UPnP.Infrastructure.Dv.UPnPServer.HandleHTTPRequest(IHttpClientContext context, IHttpRequest request) in e:\Users\Jason Leonard\Work\MP2\dev\MediaPortal-2\MediaPortal\Source\Core\UPnP\Infrastructure\Dv\UPnPServer.cs:line 356


    MP2 Developer
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  • February 18, 2008
    Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
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    AW: UPNP fails when USER-AGENT is comma+space separated

    Well, ParserHelper in line 56 doesn't throw any exceptions... that was the old state before yesterday evening. The current state throws the exception in line 51.
    How used are you to git?


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  • August 13, 2006
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    To be honest, not very. I'm a Perforce man myself and Git is just a little strange. Distributed source control gives me the shivers. ;)

    I'll setup myself up in a debug mode and let you know.... hold that thought.

    Ok, looks like my Git 'kung fu' has has let me down, I was still on the master branch. What I seem to have done is create my own 'dev' branch from origin/dev.


    Confirmed working in dev branch.


    MP2 Developer
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  • February 18, 2008
    Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
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    AW: UPNP fails when USER-AGENT is comma+space separated

    It's normal that git creates a local dev branch which tracks the origin/dev branch. You only need to have the dev branch active and use git pull, not only git fetch. git pull lets git automatically merge the local dev branch with the origin/dev branch pointer.

    I'm happy it works :)

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