Usability - the 11 foot experience (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
October 25, 2005
Ramsey, Isle of Man

I forgot to specifically make a point that it was still in development. So sorry about that!

Let me know if I can be of any further help ....


Portal Pro
October 25, 2005
Ramsey, Isle of Man
This link might also help you:

Its one of the developers' blog detailing the Windows Vista implementation of Media Center. They have been slated for usability by a Vista reviewer, citing Usability. The guy writing this blog is clearly more in tune with what usability is about, but I do still see some issues. Obviously I dont have a Vista build so couldn't possibly comment.

However, the interface looks attractive, if a little dark. Their usability initiative seems to hinge around the number of steps to activate a feature - which works, but is not always the best measure. Seems to use graphic movement extensively.

Worth a look for more ideas.


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  • July 4, 2005
    Ørsø, Dronninglund, Denmark
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    Program.X said:
    Ok, done.

    Can be found at:

    I do intend to publish this in due course.

    I did make AVI's but they're much too large, will post on the web when I finish the current web project I am working on.

    Let me know if you would like to know the location when it is done.

    Hi Program.X,

    Just finished reading your document - and you have a lot of valid points.
    Could you contact me on MSN - so we could discuss further actions?

    For example - focusing on main areas on how to improve the configuration program. Structure and/or Look etc.


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  • July 25, 2005
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    jawbroken said: may be a little premature to start simplifying things at this point.

    I disagree. Initial development is the perfect time to plan and implement a way of simplifying things.

    It's the difference between a coder who codes first and comments at the end, or a coder who comments his code AS he/she writes it. In some cases, the coder who comments at the ends usually doesn't do it because 'hey, the program works.'

    Always remember that simplicity doesn't mean a loss of features, it simply means reducing the complexity for the user. Abstraction for usability is your friend just like abstraction with coding: I dont need to know how that procedure does its job, i just need to know what to pass to it, and what to expect its results to be.


    Portal Pro
    December 8, 2005
    gxtracker said:
    My Movie - This relates to other sections like TV and music too. The problem with userinput; for example, fast forwared and rewind. in any normal DVD player or VCR, if you press fast forwared or rewind, you can press play to resume normal viewing at regular speed. In MediaPortal, if im fast forwarding i have to press rewind to bring the speed back to normal? again, The play/pause buttion will only pause the video. and when i press it again, im still fast forwarding?
    Great job overall, great discussion here too...

    Just to chime in my 2cp, the FF/RW thing drives me nuts too. Well ok not nuts, but I don't use the feature because I can't stop the FF/RW with a single button click.

    Is this a European vs. North American thing maybe?

    Not a huge deal like I say. Once I figured out that the arrow rt/left buttons would skip along or back different amounts of time, I just use those.


    Portal Pro
    October 25, 2005
    Ramsey, Isle of Man
    I noticed something similar with mine and I thought it was my installation, which is quite pants at the moment. So I guess if I thought it was a fault, then it really shouldn't be implemented.

    To refer back to TiVo - but it should go with anything - it certainly does with my VCR:

    FFwd - Increase speed
    Rew - Decrease speed
    Play - Play | Pause | Display play bar
    Pause - Pause | Play | Display play bar
    Skip - Jump forward
    Rev - Jump backward


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 4, 2005
    Ørsø, Dronninglund, Denmark
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    Denmark Denmark
    Program.X said:
    I noticed something similar with mine and I thought it was my installation, which is quite pants at the moment. So I guess if I thought it was a fault, then it really shouldn't be implemented.

    To refer back to TiVo - but it should go with anything - it certainly does with my VCR:

    FFwd - Increase speed
    Rew - Decrease speed
    Play - Play | Pause | Display play bar
    Pause - Pause | Play | Display play bar
    Skip - Jump forward
    Rev - Jump backward

    Which remote are you using?

    The FF/RW/Play things works fine with my MCE Remote...

    Perhaps we can get in contact with the author of your remote correct it.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 28, 2004

    I would like jump on this usability wagon too. Issues raced here are familiar to me. Good job, indeed.

    I have made one form to configure app (Powerdvd 6 audio codec settings)



    Portal Pro
    October 25, 2005
    Ramsey, Isle of Man
    Which remote are you using?

    The MCE one. I know the commands work, I was just clarifying my impression of the versatility of remotes. I don't recall the Playbar appearing though.

    I am using the Hauppauge 1300 remote now, but I was using the IMon Remote that came with my Silverstone case.

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