Video Stutter - Periodic Dropped Frame (1 Viewer)


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  • October 28, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Try changing the log level up to 'debug' (in MP config) and see if you can spot any repetitive log entries. Also try stopping TV service (if you use it).


    Portal Member
    March 9, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    OK, changed the log level to debug and tried to spot something. But nothing. MediaPortal log is empty, so every other log file I looked into. Only evr.log shows the dropped frames every 100s. No spikes on CPU load or I/O. Next I try to disable the TVService and see if this helps. Yes, I use a One Seat Setup. TVService is configured to run under an other user than the system user, so it has permissions to write recordings to the NAS.
    I don't think it has something to do with that. Before updating Windows 7 with the latest patches and updating to MP1.3 everything worked perfectly smooth all the time.
    If nothing helps I think I'm trying to setup a complete fresh new system.

    Thanks for your help here Owlsroost, It' appreciated :)


    Portal Member
    September 18, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Has anybody solved this? I have the exact same problem. Every 100 seconds I get dropped frames.
    I don't have any cpu peaks either, although I am using an AMD E350 with Windows 7 64bit, StreamedMP and Mediaportal 1.40. I have two computers with this configuration and both have this issue.
    I don't know if this problem started with 1.40 or earlier. Could be there before and I just didn't see it.
    The video type does not matter and a codec change does not help either.

    If I disable MP-TVSeries everything works fine again - I also suspect something going on in the background with the database...or this might just be a coincidence...I will monitor this.
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