Video Stuttering... yet again (1 Viewer)


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  • March 7, 2007
    righthandside 3/4 way up
    Hi g1r2e3g
    I suggest now its all working, you create an image of your machine so that you can go back to a good build
    the following link shows how to use win7 own utilities to create a system image including recover disk

    this will help having to hit the vino so heavily and save you some sanity for the future.

    Yep, all sorted.. required adjusting refresh/hertz rate and then checking overscan % for each individual hertz setting, something that is not in the 3 or so different sets of published instructions on this topic, just assumed from existing instructions that overscan is not tied to hertz setting at all and was only required to be adjusted once. Thanks again kiwi. :)

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