This plugin is included in MP 1.5.0 and later versions
Since the current ViewModeSwitcher plugin is not fully compatible with MP 1.4.0, and has a few long-standing issues/problems, I decided it was time to update it and improve it
New features:
- Auto (continuous) black bar detection capabilty - updated every second
- Improved black bar analysis and sanity checking - to reduce mis-detections
- A 'maximise' crop option (allows up to 12% to be cropped off the 'picture' to increase the black bar cropping)
- Black bar detection mode toggle and single-shot detection using key mappable 'actions'
- Allows user override of view mode when video playing
- More flexible handling of '4:3 inside 16:9' (pillarbox) and '16:9 inside 4:3' (letterbox) video
Sources are now in MP1 master branch - - so will be a standard part of MP 1.5.0 onwards.
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