Vista and EVR Support - Part 2 (3 Viewers)


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  • August 7, 2007
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    Yep, MPC HC source code might give you some hints :D

    Keep up the good work!


    Portal Pro
    March 9, 2008
    It has many options for EVR, and I have a tearing-free picture with the default settings (no need for the built-in "Anti-Tearing Options"). H264-Hardware accelerations works fine, too.

    I have to correct myself: I played a 1080p-MKV that is not DXVA-encoded with MPC Cinema, maxing out my CPU up to 90% - I got tearing. The same issue like in Mediaportal. :eek:

    After that I used the "Anti-Tearing Option" in MPC Cinema. No tearing! :D

    According to the developers site:

    The Anti-Tearing mode in MPC Cinema seems to be the same as the "VMR9 exclusive mode" in Mediaportal. It uses Direct3d to remove the tearing. And also in Exclusive Mode, you cant:

    In this mode Windows cannot display either context menus or dialog boxes.

    So the Mediaportal Developers should try to include an "EVR exclusive mode" into Mediaportal. :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    as i said, tearing is a matter of timing, which is unfortunately not under our control. the exception is exclusive mode and aero.

    and btw: you should be able to use exclusive mode with EVR too, if you don't want to turn on Aero.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    So the Mediaportal Developers should try to include an "EVR exclusive mode" into Mediaportal. :)

    Exclusive mode has its own short comings like not possible to have other programs on top of the MP (like task manager etc.) Best way to handle the situation is to buy a graphics card that allows you to use AERO. Those are cheap nowadays, for example ATI 3450 is something like 35 euro.


    MP Donator
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  • November 24, 2007
    Italy, North West
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    my experience is this : same pc, same Vista installation, same catalisty with an Ati 2600 PRO i got tearing in evr
    under MP. no tearing with a brand new Ati 3850. In first case Aero resolve the problem but with a little bit of stuttering. For me Aero is not advisable. The difference from 2600 to 3850 cuold be a better gpu and memory clock.
    wiht ati 2600 raise the clock resolve the tearing problem . the tear goes up to the upper side.
    Probably the best goal for MP is an hw oriented solution for the video playback. including mpc-hc and its dxva mode and a embedded subtitle engine.


    Portal Pro
    July 1, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    I still get washed out colours when I have set mediaportal to use EVR, in fact there is no difference whatsoever between selecting VMR9 and EVR.

    Using EVR in KMPlayer + Zoomplayer does not have washed out colours. Any ideas?

    Moving to EVR made the washed out colors go away for me. I have some stuttering issues in HD unfortunetly, no difference between ffdshow and Cyberlink and i'm on a Nvidia 8500 GT so EVR. I have a CPU usage of around 15% while watching the Euro Championships in HD (1280*720-50 Hz if i'm not mistaken) using the Cyberlink codec.

    I might perhaps add that i don't think that the stuttering problem is related to EVR since i'm having the same problem without it. Might be this: I'll have a look at that after the first period (Sweden vs Greece :))


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    please let others know what you did. if it was something that is worth knowing, you might help someone with the same problem.


    Portal Pro
    August 25, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    The problem was dropping frames, I removed the post as I didn't think anyone had seen it, probably not the right place to post, knowing what I do now!

    I'm only using the PowerDVD 8 Ultra video codecs & ffdshow audio, have commented previously that cpu usage had decreased significantly with this version.

    Having worked through the Vista known problems, I ran cpuz which showed frquency dropping from 3, to below 2Mhz, which coincided with dropped frames, havn't been able to stabilise this at present, but turning DXVA OFF, has increased cpu usage enough to keep it above 2 and majority of time at 3.

    DXVA OFF, CPU approx 40% GPU approx 10%
    DXVA ON, CPU approx 10% GPU approx 25%

    I am also using new TsWriter for itv hd, and have had the TV service stop while in live tv, twice now.



    Portal Pro
    July 5, 2005
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    Norway Norway
    Problems with HD and flickering

    I'm running Vista Home Prem SP1 on a ATi 3200 (integrated) Aero enabled. Catalyst 8.5

    At first I got bad deinterlacing (bob), but now I get excellent deinterlace and pq, only difference I think is installing sp1.

    Now I have two problems when using evr.

    1. I get massive flickering of some of the GUI when wathing tv, like the tv-guide and the main mytv menu. I believe this is a known issue, but I havn't seen a fix anywhere?

    2. HD channels only gives sound. I get a black screen and sound. "Viewing" HD channels also may lead to corruption of the mediaportal gui. HD channels work fine with WMR9 rendering, but it's not an option because I don't get HA with WMR. I've tried MPC, ATi and Powerdvd codecs, all have same problem.

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