Vista and EVR Support - Part 2 (2 Viewers)


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  • October 9, 2006
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    So you are saying that nvidia IS the best?!? -I thought you said earlier that one should use build-in/PowerDVD7 (I figured PowerDVD7 was more 'suffisticated'!)



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 18, 2006
    ok, my post may have been a little confusing. when i said that nvidia implemented a "standard", i meant that their _hardware_ (and drivers) support the new microsoft standards for using hardware acceleration.

    the nvidia decoder on the other hand does not support them, so you are indeed better off with the PowerDVD codec.


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  • April 28, 2007
    Gave this a try with release build and it worked great, many thanks without this using Vista for TV was out of the question.

    ISSUE: I noticed a problem, When the I'm using the EVR instead of VMR9 the system does not disabled the monitor screen saver (IE when using monitor sleep). As a result when the monitors timeout, they actually timeout and I loss the picture, and as a result the sound goes out of sync.



    Portal Pro
    May 30, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    @ Eabin,
    i wanted to tell you that EVR now is working for my like a charm.
    I think you remember that there were some problems if i wanted to play
    some MPEG-2 tsfiles with tsreader or some BBC HD tsfiles with tsfilesource
    with EVR enabled. The team changed the tsreader and now all my files
    play fine with EVR enabled ( still no live-tv in use ).

    But i wanted to ask if you are still working on the refreshrate automation
    mentioned i the old thread posting #276 ...

    Because the automation for a refreshrate change ( 24 and 25 fps ) is at
    the moment my main target. I contacted zebron for a direct solution within
    myfilms but as you mentioned in the old thread i thought maybe you have
    solution ???

    And i would be interested in which way you wanna do it ? because Powerstrip
    doesn't work on my machine ( NVIDIA 8600GTS graphiccard ). How do you
    wanna recognize the refreshrate and how do you change it ?

    Working perfectly for me is setres.exe but at the moment only by shortcut.

    Another reason for asking maybe while you are still working on it is, would
    your solution only be useable if the internal MP Player ist used or even for
    external players. I am asking because for HD-DVD and Blu-Ray i use PowerDVD
    and only for the tsfiles i use the internal player. So a refreshrate changing
    solution which is not only comined to the internal player would be perfect.

    If you don't like to talk about this tool within in this thread, we can also
    talk by PM or within a new thread. Please only let me know ...


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Hi guys
    I just setup a new system incl. vista (see specs)
    I tried EVR with Aero enabled, and I experienced a small problem:
    - when switching channels by using chup or chdwn the channel is not changing properly. When using miniepg everything is working fine.
    -when watching a video or dvd and than changing back to TV the TV picture loses the deinterlacing.

    what could I do?




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  • November 24, 2007
    Italy, North West
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    Hi folks.

    My experience with Media Portal began some days ago. I come from Kmplayer and Zoomplayer.
    I'm under Vista Business with an Intel E4400@2400 processor system,a Asus p5K motherboard and
    an Ati Asus EAH2600Pro. MP is amazing :D and is more than one step beyond Kmp and Zp as front end for
    a real htpc (I've a Trust rc-2400 remote control MCE compliant).
    Anyway MP is so far than Kmp and Zp for graphedit control. (I tried to use ZP as external player but with a lot of trouble; with Intelliremote ZP work in keyboard emulation but MP receive always the same keys. This is a
    real problem and tcp communication can'be used because autoitx script do not support it).

    So my MP now play directly the multimedia file. Under XP with Kmp and Zp I was using Haali renderer (imho
    the best renderer, lookup it for a future release) instead Evr under Vista (note: MP do not work with vmr9 the clip/film do not start).
    With this filtergraph : CoreAvc+ffdshow(raw: for subtitling)+Ac3Filter+EVR I got a lot of tearing. Same file , same reference scene under ZP no problem occurred. I tried to setup Catalyts 7.11 for vsynch parameter forcing it but without result. so I read this thread and I tried to active Aero... incredible! Tearing is gone:) Same file ,
    same reference scene . the test continue... but no doubt.

    now MP work fine. but why? ZP work correctly either aero or not

    After this tests I've update evr too with new version.



    Portal Member
    May 14, 2007
    Hi guys
    I just setup a new system incl. vista (see specs)
    I tried EVR with Aero enabled, and I experienced a small problem:
    - when switching channels by using chup or chdwn the channel is not changing properly. When using miniepg everything is working fine.
    -when watching a video or dvd and than changing back to TV the TV picture loses the deinterlacing.

    what could I do?



    Confirmed, i'm having the same bug, think it started somewhere when 2.3.0. finall was released. Reported it in one of the svn build threads. One of the developers sayd in t had something to do switching between channel groups, didn't really understand his reply though. It always worked correctly before.

    Personally i can life with this issue for now, just makes channel surfing a bit harder.


    If i rember correctly from the previous thread you wrote something about having problems to get 50/60hz detection to work correctly. Wich resulted in things like news tickers not moving smoothly acros the screen.

    And it was recommended to use 50hz refresh rate in de windows/ati video settings for pal broadcasts.

    I've actually found a problem with that, i have some 1080i mpeg videos (@30hz ntsc). Those videos have problems with the audio and video running out of sync. The audio runs faster then the video does, also some tv broadcasts seem te be out of sync if i set 50hz (VH1 on astra 19.2E for example). Setting the screens refresh rate at 60hz solves that problem.

    The videos play fine in wmp/pdvd/mp classic at anny refresh rate though. So i'm suspecting the the evr support in mediaportal for causing this issue.


    Portal Pro
    July 31, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Just some quick questions that I couldn't find in this thread;

    When enabling EVR in MP final release with latest SVN; do I still have to use the dll in the first post or is it included in SVN?

    When enabling EVR, should I disable VMR9 in the configuration?


    Portal Member
    April 9, 2007
    I've actually found a problem with that, i have some 1080i mpeg videos (@30hz ntsc). Those videos have problems with the audio and video running out of sync. The audio runs faster then the video does, also some tv broadcasts seem te be out of sync if i set 50hz (VH1 on astra 19.2E for example). Setting the screens refresh rate at 60hz solves that problem.

    The videos play fine in wmp/pdvd/mp classic at anny refresh rate though. So i'm suspecting the the evr support in mediaportal for causing this issue.

    I'm having the same issue, although its pretty much a problem on any 30hz source with Aero on. With Aero off, it just tears, but doesnt lag.

    Setting it to 60hz doesnt fix my problem though, and like nyria, it plays well in everything else.


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    another, general question:

    If you use evr (as I do...) and want to play videos in various formats, it seems, that VMR9 is used, ríght(as far as my logs tell me)?
    I thought evr should be used there aswell?


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