Webepg in CH: New site 20min.ch (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
August 8, 2004
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
In the EPG coming from webepg, I have some mixups in the programs.

In starTV I have program in from tsi2, and tsr1 and tsi1 have the same program.

I had a closer look and to me it seems that the problem is in 1-www_fernsehen_ch.xml

I changed the following lines

<entry name="tsi1@rtsi.ch">TSR</entry>
<entry name="tsi2@rtsi.ch">TSI</entry>
<entry name="startv.ch">TI2</entry>


<entry name="tsi1@rtsi.ch">TSI</entry>
<entry name="tsi2@rtsi.ch">TI2</entry>
<entry name="startv.ch">STV</entry>

Now it looks better in my EPG.

Two more coments:

On www.fernsehen.ch Tele Zueri is also available, would it be complicated to add this channel to webepg?

I think, that something strange happens, when a Webepg-run runs over midnight, or when the program is started very short after midnight. The tvguide.xml then gets much smaller. But this is maybe also related to fernsehen.ch?

Thanks for a good program


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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi brunoh,

    Thanks for the info. Sorry I missed the post for a while. I have fixed this in the CVS. Not sure how this happened (copy paste error I guess).

    No it is very easy to add Tele Zueri. I have added it as well. The problem with fernsehen.ch is that it has a lot of channels listed, but some don't have guides. I don't check up on it to see if they have added new guides.

    Yes, the midnight thing is something I've noticed too. It is only occurs on Fernsehen.ch, because of the way they handle their date and time. I will get it fixed one of these days ;)



    Portal Pro
    October 18, 2004
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Hi James

    I thanks for adding TeleZueri, that's one channel I watch a lot and I've missed EPG infos so far.

    I noticed that *startv has a faulty mapping as well, because I have italian EPG infos in my *startv tv-guide. Could you take a look at this as well?

    I did have some problems with EPG-update at night as well. I used to start the daily update at 5am, but that resulted in nearly empty xml-files. When I changed the start-time to 7am, everything worked fine.

    Thanks and keep up your good work


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  • December 12, 2005
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    sometimes WebEPG grab no information from Kabel1, TeleClub, Südwest, Viva and Eurosport.

    Why that.

    I use also fernsehen.ch for grabbing information. Do u know a solution?



    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi Crash,

    I'm not sure. Has anyone else had this problem?

    Can you provide some more information about when this happens (time of day, etc). Also send a copy of your logs and xmltv to me next time this happens.




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  • December 12, 2005
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    first, which logs and files do u need, and can u give me ur email?

    I think i found the problem, but not really the solution.

    WebEPG grabb no information from fernsehen.ch, it works fine with tvinfo.de, but there i cant find all programs, Teleclub and some swiss channels.

    I removed all information from my EPG in MP configuration, make a complette reconfig from webepg with tvinfo.de and now works.

    I use the actuall CVS from 3.12.06.

    hope this helps.


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Hi guys,

    I've just added support for the new guide on 20min.ch. This is a good guide with:

    - 7 days
    - a large number of channels
    - good descriptions

    However, there are still a few issues with the getting the detailed information from the linked pages. It doesn't currently work for all shows (sometimes getting the wrong info), but for the major shows movies etc it works. Not able to get all the information.

    I haven't added every channel on this site yet.


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