Webinterface plugin (3 Viewers)


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  • June 30, 2005
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    Thanks to Thomas, the Guide in WebInterface if already fixed!!! :) The Spanish guide had some characters that messed it up, but no more. Thanks again Thomas ;) .

    BTW my friends are impressed how I can schedule recordings from my mobile phone or PDA :) .


    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2005
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    Sweden Sweden
    The web remote started working with the downloaded CVS. Great!
    But now the wap interface stopped working :cry:
    When I enter the "All channels" section I get to choose the channel in a new way (through a popup with radio buttons) but that is all I can do.
    After I have chosen the channel no info is shown.


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 4, 2005
    Ørsø, Dronninglund, Denmark
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    Denmark Denmark
    MrMad said:
    The web remote started working with the downloaded CVS. Great!
    But now the wap interface stopped working :cry:
    When I enter the "All channels" section I get to choose the channel in a new way (through a popup with radio buttons) but that is all I can do.
    After I have chosen the channel no info is shown.

    Hmm..is it possible to view your WAP "server" ? You could mail me the connection info.


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  • July 4, 2005
    Ørsø, Dronninglund, Denmark
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    Denmark Denmark
    MrMad said:
    The web remote started working with the downloaded CVS. Great!
    But now the wap interface stopped working :cry:
    When I enter the "All channels" section I get to choose the channel in a new way (through a popup with radio buttons) but that is all I can do.
    After I have chosen the channel no info is shown.

    Hi MrMad,

    I just tested it - and when you have chosen the channel - you need to press the "Next" button - in my Nokia 6100 it's located in the left button in a menu. The same goes with the days - there it's just "View" you need to press.

    Thanx for letting me test it - and btw - you have 2 new recordings 8)


    Portal Pro
    May 18, 2005
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Oops, stupid of me to miss that (needed to press More button and then Next in my SE K700i) :oops:
    Guess I was too used to the old behavior.

    Wouldn't it be better to have both the channel and the day selection in the same screen (card) and a "View" button underneath?
    Well, I can make that change myself I guess, shouldn't be too hard.


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  • June 15, 2004
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    "MPW wake up" open for the public!


    MPW wake up is a little tool to wake up your HTPC with wake on lan (WOL) from another PC in the network or even from the internet.

    There is an online-version of MPW wake up @ http://www.mp-webinterface.com/MPW_wake_up/. If there are people interested in it, I'll also release an offline version so you can use MPW wake up on your own server.

    Please read the documentation for MPW wake up before using it!

    I'm waiting for your feedback! 8)



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  • December 26, 2004
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    Maschine said:
    "MPW wake up" open for the public!
    just great!!!!

    I have a idea.

    i have tested the different suspend and hibernate modes recently and i was very dissapointed. the HTPC needed 70Watt when in suspend mode! :shock: (110 Watt when its running)

    your wake up tool could be the solution if it is integrated into the MP-Webinterface.
    at home i have a file/web -server running 24/7

    x the Media Portal Webinterface should run on the Server.
    x on the HTPC i use the power scheduler to shut it down when it is ~15minutes idle
    x 5 minutes before a scheduled recording is beginning the MP-Webinterface uses Wake on Lan to start the HTPC
    x Media Portal starts automatically and records the show

    that would be a great solution!


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 30, 2005
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    Spain Spain
    You do know that in hibernation the PC uses the same power as when turned off, but it is able to wake up to do recordings, don't you? This is the way that I've set up my HTPC. Only problem is that you can't turn it on remotely, and here is where WOL would be useful.

    Unfortunately I'm using a USB 802.11g adapter (my Shuttle has one PCI slot in use by the TV tuner), so WOL is not possible :( .


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    igalan said:
    You do know that in hibernation the PC uses the same power as when turned off, but it is able to wake up to do recordings, don't you?
    i know that. but beause of the high power consumption of the HTPC in hiberbnation i dont use it anymore. too expensive. electricity i not cheap here.
    that why it would be great if the MP-webinterface, that would run on my Server, could wake my HTPC up when a recording is imminent.

    my fault i have been reading:
    the PC uses the same power as when turned on

    sorry :oops:


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 4, 2005
    Ørsø, Dronninglund, Denmark
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    Denmark Denmark
    infinityloop said:
    igalan said:
    You do know that in hibernation the PC uses the same power as when turned off, but it is able to wake up to do recordings, don't you?
    i know that. but beause of the high power consumption of the HTPC in hiberbnation i dont use it anymore. too expensive. electricity i not cheap here.
    that why it would be great if the MP-webinterface, that would run on my Server, could wake my HTPC up when a recording is imminent.

    The webinterface should reside on the HTPC machine - this is in hibernation mode - and as far as I know - a machine can't be contacted through http when in hibernation mode - soo how did you want this to work?

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