Service Log:
2012-06-20 12:19:12.7894 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-20 12:19:13.2494 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:19:13.2494 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:19:13.7244 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-20 12:19:18.7884 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 12:19:19.2604 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 12:19:20.4094 [Zeroconf(18)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:19:20.9884 [Zeroconf(18)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 12:19:21.6404 [(10)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-20 12:19:21.6404 [(4)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 12:19:21.6404 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 12:22:38.9850 [(7)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 12:22:43.0764 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:22:43.6334 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 12:22:43.6815 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 12:22:43.8025 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opened MPExtended ServiceHost
2012-06-20 12:22:43.8025 [Zeroconf(16)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:22:43.8025 [Zeroconf(16)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:22:43.9045 [Zeroconf(16)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 12:22:44.5615 [(11)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 12:22:44.5615 [(4)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 12:22:44.5615 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:07:42.2583 [(7)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 16:07:45.8733 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-20 16:07:45.9093 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:07:45.9293 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-20 16:07:47.5043 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 16:07:47.6403 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 16:07:47.8623 [Zeroconf(14)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:07:47.9973 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 16:07:48.6673 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:07:48.6673 [(8)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:07:48.6673 [(5)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:07:51.7393 [(15)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 16:07:51.9643 [(10)] ERROR: Unhandled exception in service (SOAP interface)
(ChannelDispatcher.ProvideFault => ErrorBehavior.ProvideFault => SoapExceptionHandling.ProvideFault)
System.ObjectDisposedException: Auf das verworfene Objekt kann nicht zugegriffen werden.
Objektname: "System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext".
bei System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.ThrowIfDisposed()
bei System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext.BindIncomingChannel(ServiceChannel channel)
bei System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SingletonInstanceContextProvider.GetExistingInstanceContext(Message message, IContextChannel channel)
bei System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ChannelHandler.TryRetrievingInstanceContext(RequestContext request)
2012-06-20 16:08:07.8763 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:08:07.8583 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-20 16:08:07.8763 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:08:07.8853 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-20 16:08:08.6263 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 16:08:08.6693 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 16:08:08.7903 [Zeroconf(16)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:08:08.8913 [Zeroconf(16)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 16:08:09.6183 [(4)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:08:09.6183 [(9)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:08:09.6183 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:15:26.4653 [(8)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 16:15:45.2113 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-20 16:15:45.2533 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:15:45.2533 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:15:45.2973 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-20 16:15:47.5163 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 16:15:47.6753 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 16:15:47.9663 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opened MPExtended ServiceHost
2012-06-20 16:15:47.9663 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:15:47.9663 [Zeroconf(14)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:15:48.3373 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 16:15:48.8933 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:15:48.8933 [(5)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:15:48.8933 [(4)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 17:06:50.6131 [(4)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 17:08:28.6671 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-20 17:08:28.7311 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:08:28.7311 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:28.7801 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-20 17:08:30.5941 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 17:08:30.7801 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 17:08:31.2451 [Zeroconf(14)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:08:31.2451 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opened MPExtended ServiceHost
2012-06-20 17:08:31.2451 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:31.5741 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 17:08:32.1421 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 17:08:32.1421 [(5)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 17:08:32.1421 [(8)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-21 08:07:50.3260 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-21 08:07:51.2620 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:07:51.2620 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-21 08:07:52.6972 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-21 08:08:05.0056 [HostThread(4)] ERROR: Failed to connect to TVEngine
(TVAccessService..ctor => TVAccessService.InitializeGentleAndTVE => Log.Error)
Error: DatabaseUnavailableUnclassified
Gentle.Common.GentleException: The database backend (provider MySQL) could not be reached.
Check the connection string: Server=S00;Database=MpTvDb;User ID=root;Password=Dhildebrand23;charset=utf8;Connection Timeout=30; ---> MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLProvider.GetConnection()
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei Gentle.Common.Check.FailWith(Severity severity, Error error, Exception e, String msg)
bei Gentle.Common.Check.Fail(Exception e, Error error, Object[] args)
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLAnalyzer.Analyze(String tableName)
bei Gentle.Framework.GentleAnalyzer.UpdateObjectMap(ObjectMap map)
bei Gentle.Framework.ObjectFactory.ConstructMap(PersistenceBroker broker, Type type)
bei Gentle.Framework.ObjectFactory.GetMap(PersistenceBroker broker, Type type)
bei Gentle.Framework.SqlBuilder..ctor(IGentleProvider provider, StatementType stmtType, Type type, LogicalOperator logicalOperator)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.GetRetrieveListStatement(Type type, Key key)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result, IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tr)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result)
bei Gentle.Framework.Broker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result)
bei MPExtended.Services.TVAccessService.TVAccessService.InitializeGentleAndTVE()MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLProvider.GetConnection()System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
2012-06-21 08:08:09.4828 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-21 08:08:10.2628 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-21 08:08:14.4280 [Zeroconf(14)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-21 08:08:15.4264 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-21 08:08:16.1128 [(8)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-21 08:08:16.1128 [(5)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-21 08:08:16.1128 [(9)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-27 23:43:01.6704 [(9)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-27 23:44:58.2134 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-27 23:44:59.1524 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-27 23:44:59.1524 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-27 23:44:59.4234 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-27 23:45:07.7404 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-27 23:45:08.0324 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-27 23:45:09.2724 [Zeroconf(17)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-27 23:45:09.7724 [Zeroconf(17)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-27 23:45:10.4144 [(8)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-27 23:45:10.4144 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-27 23:45:10.4794 [(4)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-28 11:50:39.8624 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-28 11:50:40.7828 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-28 11:50:40.7828 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-28 11:50:41.5940 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-28 11:50:47.8340 [HostThread(4)] ERROR: Failed to connect to TVEngine
(TVAccessService..ctor => TVAccessService.InitializeGentleAndTVE => Log.Error)
Error: DatabaseUnavailableUnclassified
Gentle.Common.GentleException: The database backend (provider MySQL) could not be reached.
Check the connection string: Server=S00;Database=MpTvDb;User ID=root;Password=Dhildebrand23;charset=utf8;Connection Timeout=30; ---> MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLProvider.GetConnection()
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei Gentle.Common.Check.FailWith(Severity severity, Error error, Exception e, String msg)
bei Gentle.Common.Check.Fail(Exception e, Error error, Object[] args)
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLAnalyzer.Analyze(String tableName)
bei Gentle.Framework.GentleAnalyzer.UpdateObjectMap(ObjectMap map)
bei Gentle.Framework.ObjectFactory.ConstructMap(PersistenceBroker broker, Type type)
bei Gentle.Framework.ObjectFactory.GetMap(PersistenceBroker broker, Type type)
bei Gentle.Framework.SqlBuilder..ctor(IGentleProvider provider, StatementType stmtType, Type type, LogicalOperator logicalOperator)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.GetRetrieveListStatement(Type type, Key key)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result, IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tr)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result)
bei Gentle.Framework.Broker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result)
bei MPExtended.Services.TVAccessService.TVAccessService.InitializeGentleAndTVE()MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLProvider.GetConnection()System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
2012-06-28 11:50:57.6754 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-28 11:50:58.8834 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-28 11:51:05.1344 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opened MPExtended ServiceHost
2012-06-28 11:51:05.1344 [Zeroconf(12)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-28 11:51:06.7584 [Zeroconf(12)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-28 11:51:07.9604 [(8)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-28 11:51:07.9604 [(9)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-28 11:51:07.9604 [(10)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
Service Configurator Log:
2012-06-20 12:19:31.5684 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:19:31.7194 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-20 12:19:31.7394 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:19:31.9904 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 12:19:32.0954 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-20 12:19:32.4064 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:19:32.4064 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:19:32.4374 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:19:32.4374 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:21:07.1904 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:21:07.6054 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:22:38.9820 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 12:22:40.9742 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 12:22:42.8154 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 12:22:43.0144 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 16:07:42.2153 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 16:07:43.6593 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 16:07:44.9193 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 16:07:45.6963 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 16:07:47.7003 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 16:07:51.7373 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 16:07:51.9963 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 16:07:52.7493 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 16:08:01.0263 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:08:01.0263 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-20 16:08:01.0413 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:08:01.1183 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 16:08:01.1443 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-20 16:08:01.2823 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:08:01.2823 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:08:01.3003 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:08:01.3003 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:08:07.6573 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 17:08:45.7321 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:45.7871 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-20 17:08:45.8071 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:46.0241 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 17:08:46.1401 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-20 17:08:46.5291 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:46.5641 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:46.5291 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:08:46.5641 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available Network Interface: LAN-Verbindung 3
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available UniCast:
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available Network Interface: Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available UniCast:
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available Network Interface: isatap.{38EE8B72-00A9-40AE-833A-C5BF3472ECF6}
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available Network Interface: Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
2012-06-20 17:13:39.2021 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:13:39.2021 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:13:39.2711 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:13:39.2711 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:14:14.4221 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:14:14.4221 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:14:15.2911 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:10:53.4358 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:10:53.6728 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-21 08:10:53.6788 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:10:53.7538 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-21 08:10:54.3338 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-21 08:10:55.3888 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:10:55.3888 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-21 08:10:55.7188 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:10:55.7188 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-27 23:45:25.1614 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-27 23:45:25.2004 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-27 23:45:25.2184 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-27 23:45:25.5114 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-27 23:45:25.6384 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-27 23:45:25.9094 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-27 23:45:25.9094 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-27 23:45:25.9394 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-27 23:45:25.9394 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-28 13:25:10.4752 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-28 13:25:10.6452 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-28 13:25:10.6532 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-28 13:25:10.7512 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-28 13:25:11.4182 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-28 13:25:12.0842 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-28 13:25:12.0842 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-28 13:25:12.2842 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
Webmediaportal Log:
2012-06-20 15:44:02.3642 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 15:44:03.6322 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 15:48:43.0512 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 15:48:43.2182 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 15:49:06.8552 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 15:49:06.9852 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 15:50:54.2132 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 15:50:54.3452 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 15:53:42.3889 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 15:53:42.5299 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-20 16:03:16.2359 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:03:16.7439 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-20 16:11:18.3683 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:11:18.6233 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 16:19:47.2393 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:19:47.4953 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-20 16:20:35.4463 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:20:35.8763 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 16:25:49.9181 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:25:50.0171 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-20 16:40:30.5190 [(21)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:40:30.6870 [(21)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 17:13:29.2931 [(34)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 17:13:29.4181 [(34)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-20 17:17:26.1241 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 17:17:26.5401 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 07:10:54.4425 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 07:10:54.8275 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:39:39.5122 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:39:40.8810 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:39:44.3675 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:39:44.7977 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:39:51.2234 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:39:51.7215 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:39:54.0099 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:39:54.4840 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:41:25.9521 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:41:26.2611 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:41:37.3591 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:41:37.5301 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:43:55.4541 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:43:55.6721 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:43:59.7291 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:44:00.1781 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:47:14.9101 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:47:15.4491 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:47:20.2371 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:47:20.6941 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:47:37.5011 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:47:37.9281 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:47:40.7221 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:47:41.0331 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:47:43.5461 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:47:44.0021 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:52:46.8991 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:52:47.3311 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:52:51.8571 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:52:52.3391 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:53:22.3421 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:53:22.6081 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:53:45.7671 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:53:46.0521 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:53:53.2591 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:53:53.5781 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:54:52.0969 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:54:52.5771 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:54:55.0020 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:54:55.4592 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:54:57.6078 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:54:57.9129 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:55:19.7620 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:55:20.2251 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:55:22.7103 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:55:23.1704 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:55:36.4387 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:55:36.9307 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:55:57.4212 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:55:57.9112 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:56:00.3602 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:56:00.6152 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:56:40.9032 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:56:41.3802 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:56:44.0512 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:56:44.5642 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:29:55.8044 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:29:56.1894 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:29:59.2214 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:00.6614 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:00.8754 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:30:01.9294 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:02.3104 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:30:04.0874 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:04.4804 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:30:06.1534 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:06.3514 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:30:08.0594 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:08.2384 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:30:09.8524 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:10.1004 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:31:20.5474 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:31:20.9554 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:31:40.8324 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:31:41.1044 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:31:42.6074 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:31:42.9174 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:31:51.9314 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:31:52.2964 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:38:40.0474 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:38:40.3964 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:38:43.7204 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:38:43.9994 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:38:45.7324 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:38:46.0784 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:26.5619 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:28.2109 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:32.8449 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:33.3059 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:35.7849 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:36.2559 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:38.5779 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:39.0079 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:41.6669 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:42.0219 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:44.1859 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:44.6339 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:46.9539 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:47.1799 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:49.0489 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:49.4809 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:52:43.8549 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:52:44.2859 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-26 08:20:37.5829 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-26 08:20:39.2389 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:04:22.3643 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:04:24.9383 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:04:28.0243 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:04:28.1753 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:06:32.4583 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:06:32.7133 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:06:33.9113 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:06:34.0623 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:08:42.8743 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:08:43.0383 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:08:44.0593 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:08:44.2263 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:09:52.8501 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:09:53.0192 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:19:34.3061 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:19:34.5261 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:20:51.6561 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:20:51.9751 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:22:45.5451 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:22:45.6991 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:30:08.9450 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:30:09.2070 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:31:25.4890 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:31:25.9710 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:33:41.2480 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:33:41.4050 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:37:42.5440 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:37:42.9900 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:37:46.6300 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:37:47.0870 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:37:49.2510 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:37:49.4380 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:37:50.4370 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:37:50.6040 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:38:02.2310 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:02.5570 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:38:05.2260 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:08.1740 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:08.6480 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:38:16.0290 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:16.4790 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:38:18.9300 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:19.3870 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:38:21.8950 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:22.3490 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:39:38.6950 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:39:39.1650 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:48:44.7814 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:48:44.9934 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:49:32.9654 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:49:33.2524 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:53:21.4834 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:53:21.9434 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 08:16:46.8153 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 08:16:47.0763 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 08:17:12.9253 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 08:17:13.3473 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 08:18:11.4433 [(237)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 08:18:11.8823 [(237)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 08:19:02.1683 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 08:19:02.6173 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 08:19:07.0993 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 08:19:07.5883 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 13:52:46.6576 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 13:52:47.8917 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
Thanks a Lot.
2012-06-20 12:19:12.7894 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-20 12:19:13.2494 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:19:13.2494 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:19:13.7244 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-20 12:19:18.7884 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 12:19:19.2604 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 12:19:20.4094 [Zeroconf(18)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:19:20.9884 [Zeroconf(18)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 12:19:21.6404 [(10)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-20 12:19:21.6404 [(4)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 12:19:21.6404 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 12:22:38.9850 [(7)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 12:22:43.0764 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:22:43.6334 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 12:22:43.6815 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 12:22:43.8025 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opened MPExtended ServiceHost
2012-06-20 12:22:43.8025 [Zeroconf(16)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:22:43.8025 [Zeroconf(16)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:22:43.9045 [Zeroconf(16)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 12:22:44.5615 [(11)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 12:22:44.5615 [(4)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 12:22:44.5615 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:07:42.2583 [(7)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 16:07:45.8733 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-20 16:07:45.9093 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:07:45.9293 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-20 16:07:47.5043 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 16:07:47.6403 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 16:07:47.8623 [Zeroconf(14)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:07:47.9973 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 16:07:48.6673 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:07:48.6673 [(8)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:07:48.6673 [(5)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:07:51.7393 [(15)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 16:07:51.9643 [(10)] ERROR: Unhandled exception in service (SOAP interface)
(ChannelDispatcher.ProvideFault => ErrorBehavior.ProvideFault => SoapExceptionHandling.ProvideFault)
System.ObjectDisposedException: Auf das verworfene Objekt kann nicht zugegriffen werden.
Objektname: "System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext".
bei System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.ThrowIfDisposed()
bei System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext.BindIncomingChannel(ServiceChannel channel)
bei System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.SingletonInstanceContextProvider.GetExistingInstanceContext(Message message, IContextChannel channel)
bei System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ChannelHandler.TryRetrievingInstanceContext(RequestContext request)
2012-06-20 16:08:07.8763 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:08:07.8583 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-20 16:08:07.8763 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:08:07.8853 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-20 16:08:08.6263 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 16:08:08.6693 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 16:08:08.7903 [Zeroconf(16)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:08:08.8913 [Zeroconf(16)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 16:08:09.6183 [(4)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:08:09.6183 [(9)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:08:09.6183 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:15:26.4653 [(8)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 16:15:45.2113 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-20 16:15:45.2533 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:15:45.2533 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:15:45.2973 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-20 16:15:47.5163 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 16:15:47.6753 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 16:15:47.9663 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opened MPExtended ServiceHost
2012-06-20 16:15:47.9663 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:15:47.9663 [Zeroconf(14)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:15:48.3373 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 16:15:48.8933 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:15:48.8933 [(5)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-20 16:15:48.8933 [(4)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 17:06:50.6131 [(4)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 17:08:28.6671 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-20 17:08:28.7311 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:08:28.7311 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:28.7801 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-20 17:08:30.5941 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-20 17:08:30.7801 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-20 17:08:31.2451 [Zeroconf(14)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:08:31.2451 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opened MPExtended ServiceHost
2012-06-20 17:08:31.2451 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:31.5741 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-20 17:08:32.1421 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-20 17:08:32.1421 [(5)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-20 17:08:32.1421 [(8)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-21 08:07:50.3260 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-21 08:07:51.2620 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:07:51.2620 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-21 08:07:52.6972 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-21 08:08:05.0056 [HostThread(4)] ERROR: Failed to connect to TVEngine
(TVAccessService..ctor => TVAccessService.InitializeGentleAndTVE => Log.Error)
Error: DatabaseUnavailableUnclassified
Gentle.Common.GentleException: The database backend (provider MySQL) could not be reached.
Check the connection string: Server=S00;Database=MpTvDb;User ID=root;Password=Dhildebrand23;charset=utf8;Connection Timeout=30; ---> MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLProvider.GetConnection()
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei Gentle.Common.Check.FailWith(Severity severity, Error error, Exception e, String msg)
bei Gentle.Common.Check.Fail(Exception e, Error error, Object[] args)
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLAnalyzer.Analyze(String tableName)
bei Gentle.Framework.GentleAnalyzer.UpdateObjectMap(ObjectMap map)
bei Gentle.Framework.ObjectFactory.ConstructMap(PersistenceBroker broker, Type type)
bei Gentle.Framework.ObjectFactory.GetMap(PersistenceBroker broker, Type type)
bei Gentle.Framework.SqlBuilder..ctor(IGentleProvider provider, StatementType stmtType, Type type, LogicalOperator logicalOperator)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.GetRetrieveListStatement(Type type, Key key)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result, IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tr)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result)
bei Gentle.Framework.Broker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result)
bei MPExtended.Services.TVAccessService.TVAccessService.InitializeGentleAndTVE()MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLProvider.GetConnection()System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
2012-06-21 08:08:09.4828 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-21 08:08:10.2628 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-21 08:08:14.4280 [Zeroconf(14)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-21 08:08:15.4264 [Zeroconf(14)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-21 08:08:16.1128 [(8)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-21 08:08:16.1128 [(5)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-21 08:08:16.1128 [(9)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-27 23:43:01.6704 [(9)] DEBUG: Closing MPExtended ServiceHost...
2012-06-27 23:44:58.2134 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-27 23:44:59.1524 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-27 23:44:59.1524 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-27 23:44:59.4234 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-27 23:45:07.7404 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-27 23:45:08.0324 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-27 23:45:09.2724 [Zeroconf(17)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-27 23:45:09.7724 [Zeroconf(17)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-27 23:45:10.4144 [(8)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-27 23:45:10.4144 [(7)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-27 23:45:10.4794 [(4)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
2012-06-28 11:50:39.8624 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opening MPExtended ServiceHost version 0.4.3 (build
2012-06-28 11:50:40.7828 [HostThread(4)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-28 11:50:40.7828 [HostThread(4)] WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-28 11:50:41.5940 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service TVAccessService
2012-06-28 11:50:47.8340 [HostThread(4)] ERROR: Failed to connect to TVEngine
(TVAccessService..ctor => TVAccessService.InitializeGentleAndTVE => Log.Error)
Error: DatabaseUnavailableUnclassified
Gentle.Common.GentleException: The database backend (provider MySQL) could not be reached.
Check the connection string: Server=S00;Database=MpTvDb;User ID=root;Password=Dhildebrand23;charset=utf8;Connection Timeout=30; ---> MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLProvider.GetConnection()
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei Gentle.Common.Check.FailWith(Severity severity, Error error, Exception e, String msg)
bei Gentle.Common.Check.Fail(Exception e, Error error, Object[] args)
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLAnalyzer.Analyze(String tableName)
bei Gentle.Framework.GentleAnalyzer.UpdateObjectMap(ObjectMap map)
bei Gentle.Framework.ObjectFactory.ConstructMap(PersistenceBroker broker, Type type)
bei Gentle.Framework.ObjectFactory.GetMap(PersistenceBroker broker, Type type)
bei Gentle.Framework.SqlBuilder..ctor(IGentleProvider provider, StatementType stmtType, Type type, LogicalOperator logicalOperator)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.GetRetrieveListStatement(Type type, Key key)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result, IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tr)
bei Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result)
bei Gentle.Framework.Broker.RetrieveList[T](Key key, IList`1 result)
bei MPExtended.Services.TVAccessService.TVAccessService.InitializeGentleAndTVE()MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts. ---> System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetPooledConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
bei Gentle.Provider.MySQL.MySQLProvider.GetConnection()System.Exception: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.Exception" wurde ausgelöst.
bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
2012-06-28 11:50:57.6754 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service StreamingService
2012-06-28 11:50:58.8834 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Loading service UserSessionProxyService
2012-06-28 11:51:05.1344 [HostThread(4)] DEBUG: Opened MPExtended ServiceHost
2012-06-28 11:51:05.1344 [Zeroconf(12)] INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-28 11:51:06.7584 [Zeroconf(12)] INFO: Published bonjour services
2012-06-28 11:51:07.9604 [(8)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-tas._tcp.
2012-06-28 11:51:07.9604 [(9)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-wss._tcp.
2012-06-28 11:51:07.9604 [(10)] DEBUG: Published service _mpextended-uss._tcp.
Service Configurator Log:
2012-06-20 12:19:31.5684 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:19:31.7194 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-20 12:19:31.7394 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:19:31.9904 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 12:19:32.0954 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-20 12:19:32.4064 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:19:32.4064 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:19:32.4374 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:19:32.4374 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 12:21:07.1904 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:21:07.6054 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 12:22:38.9820 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 12:22:40.9742 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 12:22:42.8154 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 12:22:43.0144 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 16:07:42.2153 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 16:07:43.6593 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 16:07:44.9193 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 16:07:45.6963 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 16:07:47.7003 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 16:07:51.7373 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 16:07:51.9963 WARN: No connection to service
(DispatcherTimer.FireTick => TabStreaming.activeSessionWatcher_Tick => Log.Warn)
2012-06-20 16:07:52.7493 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 16:08:01.0263 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:08:01.0263 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-20 16:08:01.0413 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:08:01.1183 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 16:08:01.1443 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-20 16:08:01.2823 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:08:01.2823 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:08:01.3003 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 16:08:01.3003 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 16:08:07.6573 DEBUG: StartStopService: has admin rights, start/stop ourselves
2012-06-20 17:08:45.7321 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:45.7871 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-20 17:08:45.8071 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:46.0241 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-20 17:08:46.1401 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-20 17:08:46.5291 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:46.5641 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:08:46.5291 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:08:46.5641 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available Network Interface: LAN-Verbindung 3
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available UniCast:
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available Network Interface: Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available UniCast:
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available Network Interface: isatap.{38EE8B72-00A9-40AE-833A-C5BF3472ECF6}
2012-06-20 17:13:39.1701 DEBUG: Available Network Interface: Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
2012-06-20 17:13:39.2021 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:13:39.2021 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:13:39.2711 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:13:39.2711 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:14:14.4221 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-20 17:14:14.4221 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-20 17:14:15.2911 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:10:53.4358 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:10:53.6728 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-21 08:10:53.6788 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:10:53.7538 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-21 08:10:54.3338 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-21 08:10:55.3888 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:10:55.3888 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-21 08:10:55.7188 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-21 08:10:55.7188 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-27 23:45:25.1614 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-27 23:45:25.2004 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-27 23:45:25.2184 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-27 23:45:25.5114 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-27 23:45:25.6384 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-27 23:45:25.9094 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-27 23:45:25.9094 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-27 23:45:25.9394 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-27 23:45:25.9394 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-28 13:25:10.4752 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-28 13:25:10.6452 DEBUG: MPExtended.Applications.ServiceConfigurator starting...
2012-06-28 13:25:10.6532 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-28 13:25:10.7512 DEBUG: Opening ServiceHost...
2012-06-28 13:25:11.4182 INFO: UserSessionService started...
2012-06-28 13:25:12.0842 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
2012-06-28 13:25:12.0842 WARN: Could not find MediaPortalDirs.xml
(Mediaportal.HasValidConfigFile => Mediaportal.GetConfigFilePath => Mediaportal.GetLocation)
2012-06-28 13:25:12.2842 INFO: Could not find MediaPortal client installation path key in registry, is MediaPortal client installed?
Webmediaportal Log:
2012-06-20 15:44:02.3642 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 15:44:03.6322 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 15:48:43.0512 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 15:48:43.2182 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 15:49:06.8552 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 15:49:06.9852 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 15:50:54.2132 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 15:50:54.3452 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 15:53:42.3889 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 15:53:42.5299 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-20 16:03:16.2359 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:03:16.7439 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-20 16:11:18.3683 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:11:18.6233 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 16:19:47.2393 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:19:47.4953 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-20 16:20:35.4463 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:20:35.8763 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 16:25:49.9181 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:25:50.0171 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-20 16:40:30.5190 [(21)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 16:40:30.6870 [(21)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version 0.4.3
2012-06-20 17:13:29.2931 [(34)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 17:13:29.4181 [(34)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-20 17:17:26.1241 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-20 17:17:26.5401 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 07:10:54.4425 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 07:10:54.8275 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:39:39.5122 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:39:40.8810 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:39:44.3675 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:39:44.7977 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:39:51.2234 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:39:51.7215 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:39:54.0099 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:39:54.4840 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:41:25.9521 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:41:26.2611 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:41:37.3591 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:41:37.5301 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:43:55.4541 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:43:55.6721 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:43:59.7291 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:44:00.1781 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:47:14.9101 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:47:15.4491 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:47:20.2371 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:47:20.6941 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:47:37.5011 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:47:37.9281 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:47:40.7221 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:47:41.0331 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:47:43.5461 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:47:44.0021 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:52:46.8991 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:52:47.3311 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:52:51.8571 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:52:52.3391 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:53:22.3421 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:53:22.6081 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:53:45.7671 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:53:46.0521 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:53:53.2591 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:53:53.5781 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:54:52.0969 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:54:52.5771 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:54:55.0020 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:54:55.4592 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:54:57.6078 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:54:57.9129 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:55:19.7620 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:55:20.2251 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:55:22.7103 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:55:23.1704 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:55:36.4387 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:55:36.9307 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:55:57.4212 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:55:57.9112 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:56:00.3602 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:56:00.6152 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:56:40.9032 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:56:41.3802 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 08:56:44.0512 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 08:56:44.5642 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:29:55.8044 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:29:56.1894 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:29:59.2214 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:00.6614 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:00.8754 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:30:01.9294 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:02.3104 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:30:04.0874 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:04.4804 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:30:06.1534 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:06.3514 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:30:08.0594 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:08.2384 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:30:09.8524 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:30:10.1004 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:31:20.5474 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:31:20.9554 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:31:40.8324 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:31:41.1044 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:31:42.6074 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:31:42.9174 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:31:51.9314 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:31:52.2964 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:38:40.0474 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:38:40.3964 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:38:43.7204 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:38:43.9994 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-21 14:38:45.7324 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-21 14:38:46.0784 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:26.5619 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:28.2109 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:32.8449 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:33.3059 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:35.7849 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:36.2559 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:38.5779 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:39.0079 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:41.6669 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:42.0219 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:44.1859 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:44.6339 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:46.9539 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:47.1799 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:51:49.0489 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:51:49.4809 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-22 10:52:43.8549 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-22 10:52:44.2859 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-26 08:20:37.5829 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-26 08:20:39.2389 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:04:22.3643 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:04:24.9383 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:04:28.0243 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:04:28.1753 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:06:32.4583 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:06:32.7133 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:06:33.9113 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:06:34.0623 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:08:42.8743 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:08:43.0383 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:08:44.0593 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:08:44.2263 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:09:52.8501 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:09:53.0192 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:19:34.3061 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:19:34.5261 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:20:51.6561 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:20:51.9751 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:22:45.5451 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:22:45.6991 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:30:08.9450 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:30:09.2070 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:31:25.4890 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:31:25.9710 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:33:41.2480 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:33:41.4050 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:37:42.5440 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:37:42.9900 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:37:46.6300 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:37:47.0870 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:37:49.2510 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:37:49.4380 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:37:50.4370 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:37:50.6040 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:38:02.2310 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:02.5570 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:38:05.2260 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:08.1740 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:08.6480 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:38:16.0290 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:16.4790 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:38:18.9300 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:19.3870 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:38:21.8950 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:38:22.3490 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:39:38.6950 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:39:39.1650 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:48:44.7814 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:48:44.9934 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:49:32.9654 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:49:33.2524 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-27 23:53:21.4834 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-27 23:53:21.9434 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 08:16:46.8153 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 08:16:47.0763 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 08:17:12.9253 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 08:17:13.3473 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 08:18:11.4433 [(237)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 08:18:11.8823 [(237)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 08:19:02.1683 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 08:19:02.6173 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 08:19:07.0993 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 08:19:07.5883 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
2012-06-28 13:52:46.6576 [(1)] INFO: WebMediaPortal version 0.4.3 (build starting with MAS auto:// and TAS auto://
2012-06-28 13:52:47.8917 [(1)] DEBUG: Connected to MAS version <unconnected>, TAS version <unconnected>
Thanks a Lot.