[WebService] General Media Access Webservice (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
December 11, 2010
Joxen and Oxan, thank you both for your replies.

Yes, after entering the UN and PW I was able to get parts of aMPdroid to work. Additionally, trying the URLs from the updated wiki worked. All returned what was expected.

So I am getting closer. I have a few remaining issues.

When I try to view EPG or Channels, I get the loading window in the middle of the screen and a notice on the bottom of the screen that reads "No Groups defined on MediaPortal Tv Server". And when I try to view Schedules, I get a blank Schedules screen with no loading window or notice at the bottom. I only have one group. The default "All Channels" group. I have tested the Get All Groups and Get All Channels URLs from the wiki and they all work correctly on my MediaPortal machine, yet aMPdroid seems to be unable to retrieve the required information. I have even tested the URLs on another computer on my network and it can retrieve the information. I do not understand why my phone, connected via WiFi, cannot access this particular information. My phone and aMPdroid CAN see my movies, music share, and even TV Recordings (it can also stream the recordings).

So that's issue number 1. Issue number 2 is that I can't seem to get aMPdroid to connect to MediaPortal via the internet (my cellular data connection, or remote wifi location). I have forwarded 44321, 4321, and 8017 (both UDP and TCP) to my MediaPortal machine. I have a domain name setup at No-IP.com which points to my correct IP address. I have read that aMPdroid perfers IP addresses and can sometimes have trouble with resolving names. Is this what I am experiencing? I have read that setting up a VPN might be the way to go but I would like to avoid setting up a VPN as that seems to be adding a layer of complexity that shouldn't be required. Any other ideas?

Also, I read conflicting information about the ports required. This page:

External Access with W7 VPN - MediaPortal Wiki

...says to open up 44321, 4321, and 8017. Is 44321 used anymore? All of the URLs for both gmaWebService and TV4Home use port 4321 on the Troubleshooting page of the wiki.

Troubleshooting - MediaPortal Wiki

Also on the troubleshooting page, it mentioned port 8080 in the WifiRemote section. Does WifiRemote require port 8080 if 8017 is what's defined in the plugin itself?

Thank you for your continued help. I can't wait to get this setup and working smoothly.


P.S. Do I need to open up both UDP and TCP for external access to work, or just TCP?

Ok, progress on issue #2.

I went into Advanced Settings for Windows Firewall and located the entries for "General MediaAccess WCF Service" and "TV4Home Core Service". I changed the scope of both for Remote IP Addresses from "Local subnet" to Any IP Address.

Does anyone see any caveats to the changes I just made in Windows Firewall?

That leaves one final problem, issue #1 described above. No EPG, Channels, or Schedules in aMPdroid regardless of how I am connecting to MediaPortal. Any help on that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Ok, duh. Stupid me. I found the show "All Channels" group checkbox in aMPdroid settings. That gets my EPG and Channels working. However Schedules is still empty.

The wiki says vPlayer is required for TV streaming. Does that mean for live TV only and is that still the case?


Portal Pro
December 11, 2010
Ok, I'm a moron. Schedules is no longer empty. Through previous reinstalls of MP I thought recording schedules were imported when previous recordings were imported into a fresh install of MP. Turns out this did not happen this time and I had no scheduled recordings.

Anywho, everything gmaWebService related appears to be working now. I am having issues streaming certain recorded and live TV but I will move to the TV4Home area to inquire about that.

Sorry about all the posts. I was finding varying/conflicting information about this whole aMPdroid setup and was getting frustrated. I do appreciate the input though and it did help.

Have a great day!



Portal Pro
September 5, 2009
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Poland Poland
Can we use mencoder with gmawebservice instead of ffmpeg to stream subtitles as well as I can't open them from player menu


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  • August 29, 2009
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    No. VLC and subtitle support is added in next version.


    Portal Member
    November 29, 2011
    AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

    I came across an error using aMPdroid when trying to access my NAS network share.

    The GmaWebservice.log contains some (even few) information on that:
    2011-11-29 00:07:20.5001 INFO: GmaWebService version 0.3.2
    2011-11-29 00:07:20.6827 ERROR: Error getting files from directory Z:\shared\music
    (MediaAccessService.GetFilesFromDirectory => FileSystem.GetFilesFromDirectory => Log.Error)
    2011-11-29 00:07:20.6827 INFO: GmaWebService version 0.3.2
    2011-11-29 00:07:20.6827 ERROR: Error getting files from directory Z:\shared\music
    2011-11-29 00:07:26.1534 INFO: GmaWebService version 0.3.2
    2011-11-29 00:07:34.0440 INFO: GmaWebService version 0.3.2

    The gmaWebservice is running with admin credentials that also allow access to the NAS share, so in theory it should work?!
    There are roughly 300 folders in this share - any limitations with respect to the number of elements?

    Any further ideas of how to drill down this issue?


    Portal Member
    November 29, 2011
    AW: [WebService] General Media Access Webservice

    thanks - UNC path work.

    However, I came directly across the next issue. Not sure if it is aMPdroid related or an issue with GMAWebServices (I would guess it is the latter).

    When browsing the share, directories do not appear in alphabetical order rather than randomly sorted (or by whatever classification criterion like creation date...).
    Speaking for myself, alphabetical order would make most sense - selecting a sort order would be perfect.

    Mike Lowrey

    Portal Pro
    February 4, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany

    since i'm currently reworking WebMediaPortal's ui (thx@thundercats) i would like to get a bit feedback on the overall impressions.

    It's obviously in an early state so there will be many changes...


    • WebMP_Home.PNG
      433.3 KB
    • WebMP_Music.PNG
      126 KB
    • WebMP_Movies.PNG
      115.2 KB
    • WebMP_tvshows.PNG
      100.3 KB


    Portal Pro
    October 26, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I hope there will be more choices than boring lists?!
    And the blue background is really to brightly, doesn't fit in CI. (but this my very personal opinion)

    Sent from my MZ604 using Tapatalk

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