why are the requirements so high?!?! (2 Viewers)



frodo said:
Todo this we'll need to rewrite some code (which i'm already working on)


Thanks, I was just interested if CPU usage was something being looked into. I love MP and it's good to see that the programmers appriciate input and feedback from both basic and advanced end-users.

Too bad it would probably take a ton of effort to port MP to Linux. I know Linux has MythTV, but I really like MP. And I always like the idea of cross-platform software. :)

Thanks again for looking into the CPU uage of MP. MP rocks!!!



"I think the requirements are a bit overstated though. I run MP on a 1.3GHz Duron with 512mb ram and it has no problems with MP what so ever, lots of CPU power to spare."

I'd be inclined to agree. While I don't run any PVR functionality - Video & music playback etc. works great on my PIII 866 w/394MB of RAM. My only issue is still some OSD flicker issues (MP basically crashes if I trigger the OSD playing a video back). But I figured out the way to get WMP to open in full screen mode so I just launch it to watch videos now and it works great.



its .net. boom problem solved. =P

take away .net and you'll have less CPU usage. too bad taht would mean scrapping the entire project and restarting.

nah im just kidding. but it would probably save you a lot of money on your car insurance.

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