Why I think I'm switching back to Media Center (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
February 1, 2006
Meedios will use MP-TVE3???

discussions between the core Meedios devs and the core MediaPortal devs about a serious effort to combine their efforts into the ultimate HTPC frontend???

new MP baby???


w'll see what will happen?


Portal Pro
April 11, 2006
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England England
Open source is great huh? :)

That plugin was already written but it was decided to wait until the TV engine 3 gets to a mature development stage and of course the current problems with XMLTV stopping.


I'm looking forward to any kind of MP re-write, the current core is a little clunky and not so extensible imo. There was a great htpc app that was written with WPF that really showed the power of the framework, some really smooth menu scrolling and stuff. Can't for the life of me remember what it was called though but it shows what can be achieved with the new technology.


Portal Pro
August 8, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
With the demise of the zap2it service for the US I am seriously rethinking my MP usage, sadly.

I am a new user to mediaportal and am awaiting a capture card to make it complete. I read that zap2it no longer provides there service but i thought there were other services such as yahoo xmltv generator , schedules direct, etc.

I am based in the U.S. and am just wondering how easy/hard this epg setup/availability will be? Any help or comments?

Also I want to say thanks to MP!!!! I recently have been using a mediagate 35 but MP blows it out of the water.. Expect a donation soon!!!!

I set up the yahoo xmltv generator along with a batch file which is executed automatically every 3 days. Only took 10 or 15 minutes to set up and so far (maybe a month) it has worked completely seamlessly. I am using analogue cable which may have made the process easier for me than for other people.


Portal Pro
November 16, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Well, I would like to chime in on this whole topic. Seems as if everyone is. My thoguhts are that MP is really very close to the best HTPC front end out there. I think MOST of the pieces are there or around, but the implementation of those pieces and the organization within the FrontEnd leaves a little to be desired.

1. Having to leave MediaPortal to change settings is really not that bad. Once you get it set up, you should not need to do this anyway. But it would be nice to not have to, but I would look at this as very low priority.

2. I hate having 2 "home" screens. I don't know if all of the skins have them or not, but I find it really annoying when backing out or hitting the home key and I get taken to the "wrong" home screen. It is a minor annoyance, but one that should not even be there.

3. The "Main" home screen should be better organized. Having the options organized better. For Exampe: Television, Video, Audio, Home, Information, Setup. Place ALL plugins for each of these categories UNDER the main headings. If I am working with any type of audio (internet streams, fm radio, CD, mp3's, ripping a CD, viewing\playing my ripped cd's, etc...) it should all be organized under the AUDIO heading. I am not sure what you would put under "Home" other than home automation stuff, but just brainstorming.

4. The basic install of MP should provide the following basic funcitonality if the hardware is available on the PC. Watch TV, Play DVD, Play CD, Rip DVD with IMDB info lookup, Rip CD with CDDB info lookup, Play other Video files, Play other Audio files, Weather, News feeds via RSS, handle Pictures\photos. That would be a basic install that would work well for about 80-90 percent of people. Plugins could be added to the appropriate catagory, but leave the categories alone.

5. Don't put options\configurations under the main categories EXCEPT for setup. If I hit a button to Rip a CD, I don't want to be prompted for any preferences or options, just rip the thing according to the options I have already selected under the setup\settings. Same would go for anything else I want to do. Rip DVD, view weather info (though this could be an exception with the only change being able to be made would be to enter a new zip code\city for a quick check of a destination for a day\weekend trip, but you get the idea).

6. Give the option to HIDE the setup\settings category so that less experieced user (wife, husband, kids) can't screw up the settings.

7. Get a stable CORE and keep it stable. Make sure the core is ALWAYS stable before a new release is given. I have been comparing several different media front ends for a while, and the latest release of MythTV (linux) broke the weather module and it has been broken for a while.

8. Make EVERYTHING modules. So if I want to build an HTPC that can do everything but watch and record tv, I can do that. I don't know how easy or hard this would be to do, but it would help give MP a totally custom, but also totally "finished" feel. Also, allow the choice

Well, that is about all I can think of at the moment. I am tired and I think I have more suggestions, but just can't think of them.

MP is one of the BEST frontends out there. You guys (and gals?) have done a fantastic job so far. With some changes, I think MP could be THE BEST one around wether or not you you have a major company with $$$ for research.

I would love to help out, but have NO experiece with .net or c#. Any good books I could get to help get me jump started? I have been programming for years (though not so much in the past few years due to job change) so I may be able to help out once I get my feet wet and have a basic understanding of .net and c#. Or, I am currently a software packager, and could work on creating a really nice installer that would have the options of installing optional plugins.

Again, great product with a TON of potential.

Also, where do the donations go? I currently build custom HTPC's for people (I am hooked in to a Custom Home Theatre installer) and for each HTPC I sell that I use MP on, I would like to make a donation. I DO NOT CHARGE for MP at all. I do charge for all the hardware, OS, and my time, though. I also offer them a service contract to provide support. Basically a monthly fee to maintain the box for them. I give the client several choices, they also fill out a questionaire, and I work directly with them to come up with the best solution for them. Also, don't get your hopes up for a sudden influx of cash. I have not built very many systems, and don't expect to.

Sorry for the book!!!!


Portal Member
September 5, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
With the demise of the zap2it service for the US I am seriously rethinking my MP usage, sadly.

I am a new user to mediaportal and am awaiting a capture card to make it complete. I read that zap2it no longer provides there service but i thought there were other services such as yahoo xmltv generator , schedules direct, etc.

I am based in the U.S. and am just wondering how easy/hard this epg setup/availability will be? Any help or comments?

Also I want to say thanks to MP!!!! I recently have been using a mediagate 35 but MP blows it out of the water.. Expect a donation soon!!!!

I set up the yahoo xmltv generator along with a batch file which is executed automatically every 3 days. Only took 10 or 15 minutes to set up and so far (maybe a month) it has worked completely seamlessly. I am using analogue cable which may have made the process easier for me than for other people.

Possibly. I'm only interested in OTA, but for the Yahoo, I have to find one of the 5 or 10 cable/DBS vendors who have channel numbers that match up with the channels I receive.

I'll keep giving it a try...I'm having a hard time staying away from Snapstream, though...

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