Why is Movingpictures using thumbs and not Fullsize covers for coverflow ?? (1 Viewer)


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
If you get lousy artwork when pulling from a particular source (local or otherwise) then that source is probably providing lousy artwork. If you think something unusual is happening in the thumbnail generation process I would be happy to look at your debug log files, but thumbnail generation works the same regardless of where an image comes from.

If you have a particular image file that always results in a lousy thumbnail that might be helpful.


Portal Pro
March 24, 2011
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Mexico Mexico
Thank you for your response fforde, I forgot to mention that my source is always local. Thumbs results different if obtained mymovies.xml vs Moving pictures local lookup.

Moving pictures seems to have problems with certain jpg files.


Original cover.jpg:

mymovies-front.jpg generated automatically from cover.jpg by mymovies:

thumb generated by moving pictures from mymovies-front.jpg, via mymovies.xml as cover art data source:

Seems correct, right?

But, If I set moving pictures to Local cover art looking for cover.jpg, the generated thumb is:

The weird thing is some covers looks like the above but others are perfect, so it has to be something with my original cover.jpg that moving pictures can't handle.

With mymovies.xml as cover art data source never fails because mymovies does something to the covers and saves it as mymovies-front.jpg.

:D for your time fforde


Portal Pro
October 15, 2007
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Germany Germany
AW: Why is Movingpictures using thumbs and not Fullsize covers for coverflow ??

i also disliked the low res of the covers so i tried the described thumb width change and deleted the thumbfolder afterwards with the result that the most covers are now the desired high res, some are totally crappy as can be seen in the screenshot and some aren't shown at all. i then tried to change to the next cover image via the menu and then on most of these missing oder low res covers i got the high res one. don't understand that since i checked the use folder.jpg when available option and every movie has its own folder.jpg, so why are some completely missing?... and the next weird thing, for some movies i even don't get the option to cycle the covers, it is just not there... any logs i could provide to help figure out whats the problem?


  • badres.jpg
    198.9 KB


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  • December 27, 2009
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    Okay I was able to reproduce with that image. I will look into it this weekend.

    Any progress with this? always had the same issue, i've set thumb size to 680 width, and compression to 100 but still get nasty compressed images, source images are fine.

    if I set the thumb images width to 680 the same as the fullsize image and compression setting to 100 surly the resulting thumbnail should be identical to the fullsize image? However, an example source image of 600kb has a resulting thumbnail size of 44kb with the above settings.

    Also tried the compression setting at 1 and the resulting thumbnails are the same. compression setting appears to make no difference and the pluging compresses the image regardless.

    The only way to get decent images in moving pics is to copy the fullsize images into the thumbnails folder as previously mentioned.

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