Why mess with the Home menu ? (1 Viewer)


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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    See, the thing is your ARE in a position to say something. Thats what MP developers not only want but need.
    thats true but,

    what we REALY need is HELP!

    but virtualy every call for help is refused. :mad:

    on the other hand, the "demanding featurerequest" and "upset moaning about bugs" does not end ;)

    anyone thought about that yet? :)

    *time for usual "would love to help but no sparetime" replies*
    I mean i know why its been done. Simply because it can be done.
    because our skin artists said "nice, but how does it work? example please".


    Portal Member
    June 7, 2007
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    im curious, what calls for help are refused ?

    Lets make the thing solid then deal with feature requests.
    It seems to me MP is way beyond what the likes of MCE provide.
    I think (and take this with a grain of salt) what MP has done so far is fantastic but its written by developers.
    Its so tantalising to people who want to tinker with settings that feature requests come from people who want
    to tinker and so you guys (under pressure from tinkeres) make those changes without looking at the bigger picture
    which for me is a genuine alternative to MCE. Boy am i gonna get flamed now !

    Anyway like i said i love MP, so does the missus, my 10 year old girl and my autistic son who wants a dvd changed every five minutes. Thanks to MP its now all on a hard drive so tension here is reduced.
    As a result i feel i want to be protective of MP and what its given us as a family and i want to see it move forward, not backwards.
    If i can help, i will just ask.



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    im curious, what calls for help are refused ?
    well, we constandly looking for new developers, designers and i for testers.....

    testing is a "bad" job, not many willing to do what is required. bad for me, bad for the project :(

    recently i called for conecpt designs regarding MyTV-GUI-redesign. initialy quite some interest, then turned to "Gimme-Gimme" in some threads, now virtualy dead :confused:

    sometimes when some users raise crit. and suggestions (or just blame MP for something), they claim to know "whats best" and "how it has to work" because they are professionals and know whats right and what is wrong.

    the funny thing then is, when you ask for help in such a thread, it instanly dies (no more replies) or you get a short "its your project not mine" or "i have no time".

    I know, now i am the one who is moaning again.......
    But the team behind MediaPortal is way smaller than most might think. every little help from the community will improve MediaPortal.

    its not required to learn c# to help. some "issues" like the wiki manual do not require that.

    what do we need?
    • developers
    • skin-designers / artists
    • dedicated testers
    • documentation writers

    (no clue how often i have written these words allready :( )


    i want to thank everyone in the community (and the team) who spends time in the forums to help other users and in the wiki to write new guides and manuals. :)

    Its just that we still would need much more help and dedicated ppl to let MediaPortal become what we all want it to be.



    Portal Pro
    January 30, 2006
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    From October on I will have more time and will help more. I would be more than happy to test things to find the bugs, start some coding, write some things in The WIKI and help people out in the forums...

    I think a more harder job will be to find some devs, to problem probably is that to find new people the team should look outside the forum, maybe people who work in IT can make people interested in MP and have them help out...


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    I think a more harder job will be to find some devs, to problem probably is that to find new people the team should look outside the forum, maybe people who work in IT can make people interested in MP and have them help out...
    i have some contacts in real life, and as soon as i say "open source" (you dont get payed) i stand alone in a huge dust cloud.. ..

    they are faster then roadrunner :p


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 5, 2005
    mattyd: Sorry to takeover your thread. I think we as a team are a bit thin-skinned currently because the moaning has reached a level in the last time that simply is about to get too much.

    I fully understood that you didn't want to sound it as moaning and I got your point fully. Thats why i-loop tried to explain why that stuff got included.

    I now would like to make a general statement (which isn't directed at you in any relation, but just something that needs to be said imho)

    im curious, what calls for help are refused ?

    Let me answer for him. Look e.g. at the call for help at the redesign of MyTV. There have been a handfull of people who really took the time and thought about concepts. We really appreciate this kind of help but still we need more of it. We have many thousands of members and there are so few who have good ideas about what to change at the MyTV-Section?

    <personal meaning, no team-statement>
    Second point: MP got really big. Server costs for hosting virtually explodes. Furthermore there is steadily new hardware on the market and everyone expects it to work with MP. But how can Devs/Testers get all this stuff working. We can't afford every single TV-Card, GFX-Card or whatever. So thats the point which leads to donations: I know this is a OpenSource non-profit project and it really makes much fun to work for it. It's a great team and I feel pleasured to be in it. But there are costs too for the project and the donations are - considering the amount of downloads/users - not really noteworthy.
    </personal meaning>

    So to what leads this? We need contribution in any way:

    And there are two ways:

    1. Time (clear&full bug reports; new ideas; even coding&bugfixing is possible for everyone that is able to code)
    2. Money (donations)

    Point #2 is most important. Maybe point #2 sounds a bit harsh and it is really no cry for money, please don't get me wrong. It's just to point out that EVERYONE can contribute in the one or other way. And you sould keep in mind that every little amount of contribution (alternative #1 or #2) helps to keep MP alive.

    In one sentence: If you like MP think about contributing.



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    What about sponsoring? Hosting companies,...
    its a bit "problematic" to put the whole online facilities into the hands of a sponsor / on their servers.

    you are always in a bad position then......

    and those who want to sponsor you with "money", demand something what a opensource project is most of the time not able to agree on.

    as you can see, its a bit tricky :(


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 7, 2004
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    Germany Germany
    Was it really necessary to modify the home menu ?
    When you use the remote to move between the items in the home menu the animation of scrolling its contents and highlighting the next menu item is now much faster and as a result harder on your eyes.

    Was this really necessary ? There was no bug and did anyone even ask for a change to this ?

    Hi all,

    ..must say here something, i think.

    We are working in a team here, so we have many new ideas to do things better or other.
    So we talk together about how things can working or can be made better or new.

    So at the beginning from such new stuff or code, there is allways a idea.
    So we talk about how can we do it and how should it work.
    Then if the coder´s like it , they do the maincode for it.
    For using it then in mp, we need commands to use in the xml´s for that.
    So the command´s are getting in and a example will be add to the skin (for example)
    So the skinners can play arround with it, to see how it works and how it can be used.
    If then something is missing or wrong, the code will be changed .
    After that the testers do they work and show if there are any bugs in there ot if is something other broken after upgrading.

    Thats a realy good way i think, because you must be have in mind, that the svn builds are only screenshots from the current work of the team.
    The svn builds are not Releases, that means that not all is included in the svn builds, are will be comming in the release.

    So the svn builds are only there, for take a look on the current work in progress.

    If you will not see exaples and teststuff , so please use the stable releases.

    Greetings Harley

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