WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (8 Viewers)


Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Hi Alfred, fischy667,
    you can use the expert settings inside the configuration dialog to reset your GUI configuration.
    Select WorldWeather in the configuration dialog, and hold down the Shift key when clicking "Config". Select the tab "Expert settings" and press the appropriate button.
    This functionality exists since latest release candidate, but isn't documented.

    Cheers, Micropolis
    Hi Micropolis,
    Although I didn't find any "ProviderHourCondition" tags in WorldWeather.xml (neither in my own version nor in the one supplied with the stable release of 0.5.0) "Reset GUI" fixed the problem I reported earlier with error messages after enabling "hourly and graphical forecast". Now I can sometimes (but not always) get something beside question marks in the upper right of the default screen!
    Another minor irritation that remains is the popup saying that no internet connection is available. This always appears when my HTPC resumes from hibernation. Would it be possible to give a somewhat longer timeout before showing this message? I think that a few additional seconds would be enough to establish the connection.
    Lastly, I have noticed that the weather images I have defined generally don't get loaded when I expect them to. For example, I would expect the first image listed to be automatically reloaded when I switch from "Condition" to "Weather Images", or at least when I reselect the location. However, I find that the refresh doesn't take place until I first change to another location and then reselect the location I am interested in. Is this a plugin issue or a skin issue?.

    I am using DefaultWide and had some weird experiences this morning with no element having focus in the WW views. There are also some errors in the MP error log that look as though they are related (see error.bak in the attached zipfile). Also, the column alignment doesn't seem to work properly in the hourly & graphical views (see attached graphics).
    P.S. Clearing the cache didn't improve this.

    Thanks again to both of you for this fine piece of work!


    Super Moderator
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  • April 21, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Another minor irritation that remains is the popup saying that no internet connection is available. This always appears when my HTPC resumes from hibernation. Would it be possible to give a somewhat longer timeout before showing this message? I think that a few additional seconds would be enough to establish the connection.

    This should be already fixed. See post 772:
    Hello D3ltoroxp,
    Hm when i wake up my system from s4, in home screen comes an pop up with the message that world weather has no internet connection... But my system is directly connected to itnernet and works great...

    I had the same problem some years before. My router was configured to release the DSL connection after a specific amount of time. Now, if the machine comes up from S4 state, the router/machine needs some time to get a new valid IP address through DNS from your provider. I had switch off these router settings and it's working fine.
    Anyway, a possible solution to prevent this behaviour is to wait with weather refresh for example 30 seconds. The last version from the first post will do this, please test it and give feedback, thank you.

    I also saw that the hourly views don't look right in Default Skin. See:
    Strange nobody else noticed it yet.


    Super User
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  • Super User
  • May 5, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi Alfred, fischy667,
    you can use the expert settings inside the configuration dialog to reset your GUI configuration.
    Select WorldWeather in the configuration dialog, and hold down the Shift key when clicking "Config". Select the tab "Expert settings" and press the appropriate button.
    This functionality exists since latest release candidate, but isn't documented.

    Cheers, Micropolis
    Hi Micropolis,
    Although I didn't find any "ProviderHourCondition" tags in WorldWeather.xml (neither in my own version nor in the one supplied with the stable release of 0.5.0) "Reset GUI" fixed the problem I reported earlier with error messages after enabling "hourly and graphical forecast". Now I can sometimes (but not always) get something beside question marks in the upper right of the default screen!

    "ProviderHourCondition" is not in the WorldWeather.xml. It is in the Mediaportal.xml.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    Sorry, I should have RTFM before whining!

    This should be already fixed. See post 772.
    Since #772 was posted long before the release of 0.5.0, I assume that this is already included. My problem is undoubtedly due to not setting the wait values discussed below. Your DHCP tip was also valuable. It reminded me to switch my HTPC (back) to a fixed IP address. I only wish I could remember why I put it on DHCP. Probably something to do with my UPnP client, which doesn't work right now anyway.

    "ProviderHourCondition" is not in the WorldWeather.xml. It is in the Mediaportal.xml.
    Thanks for the tip! After looking at this section, I found the "Expert Settings" "at startup wait ..." and "after resume wait ...", which will probably take care of the popup about the internet connection. I also enabled "Force image refresh", which I hope will help with the image refresh issue I reported. "Force refresh after system resume" was already enabled (see attached).
    What puzzles me is that even after doing this, the tag below, which look as though it should correspond to the latter setting, is still set to "no":
        <entry name="RefreshUpdateAfterResume">no</entry>
    Even after saving and closing Configuration.

    Am I misinterpreting this entry or is it not being saved properly?


    • WWsettings.png
      22.7 KB


    MP Donator
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  • January 12, 2009
    I have a slight problem here. The plugin thinks it's yesterday. I'm running the latest version and streamedmp. I did run the beta before this with no problems.

    Am I being dumb? :confused:


    MP Donator
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  • January 12, 2009
    Basic home screen\weather. It shows today as yesterday. It is still Tuesday. It's shown the wrong day all day

    *edit* I mean it's Wedneday today and it thinks it's Tuesday. I've checked all the obvious (to me) things and I can't see where the problem is. The timezone is correct within the plugin and the pc's time is right. It's always been ok until I installed the updated plugin. Which I've now done a few times.

    Any pointers appreciated.


    • weather.PNG
      1.1 MB

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