WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (8 Viewers)


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Done the test. It helps a litte bit but the start of MP still lasts way too long. The break is now about 2 minutes instead of 3 minutes before...
    Attached are my config- file and the MP log.


      10.5 KB


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  • May 14, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    I am runninf in a error when I try to open the configuration ... any idea what to look after?


    • fehler.txt
      24.6 KB


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Hi pur_berger,
    ... I am runninf in a error when I try to open the configuration ...

    Do you have changed anything of WorldWeather related settings outside the configuration tool?
    Based on your error report, it's not possible to detect, which entry is the root of this fault. To solve the problem, you must reset the configuration, which are saved in the mediaportal.xml. Please delete all existing entries in the WorldWeather section. After this, it is required to configure the main settings, but not your weather profiles, again.

    Cheers, Micropolis


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  • May 14, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    Hi pur_berger,
    ... I am runninf in a error when I try to open the configuration ...

    Do you have changed anything of WorldWeather related settings outside the configuration tool?
    Based on your error report, it's not possible to detect, which entry is the root of this fault. To solve the problem, you must reset the configuration, which are saved in the mediaportal.xml. Please delete all existing entries in the WorldWeather section. After this, it is required to configure the main settings, but not your weather profiles, again.

    Cheers, Micropolis
    That fixed it - no idea why this happend - did only an upgrade to 1.3.


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  • May 14, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    Attached my weather settings for Vienna / Austria. It's including two good animated satelite pictures for Europe / World, for Austria Lightningradar, Rainmap, UV Index, Cloudcover, Windmap and a map for weather warnings.

    So - anbei meine settings für Wien / Österreich. Mit drinnen sind zwei feine animierte Satelitenbilder für Europa / Welt, Blitzradar, Niederschlag UV Index und Unwetterwarnungen für Österreich Und Wind / Wolkendecke für Wien - Umgebung.


    • Wien.txt
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    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Dear community,
    attached at the first post of this thread you can find the latest build for testing purposes. This is the last build before I want to publish a release candidate and/or official release. It contains the following changes and significant enhancements:
    • refactoring of URL/image static placeholder routines
    • add image slideshow functionality using iterative placeholders (see below for a detailed explanation)
    • exception fix for location detection routines
    • code reorganization to minimize source complexity
    The included enhancements contains the first solution to fulfill xavier and Afred's request, but I decide to go a different way than described. Please let me explain some things: since version 0.5.1 the plugin allows you to use placeholders inside the weather/starry sky images definitions. Using this it is possible to adjust the URL or local/network location for your personal needs. The next examples tries to illustrate the usage of static and iterative placeholder parameters (based on weather images from ZDF).

    Example 1:
    Example 2:
    Example 3:
    • You want to display a image slideshow, which contains the rain radar for the last 6 hours.
    • URL is<xx>.jpg. (<xx> is a number between 0 and 24)
    • Open the configuration and enter the string "<rangenumberlz:0,24>.jpg" in your favoured weather image field and save it.
    • The next time you want to display this image, the expression <ranngenumberlz:0,24> enables the plugin to load images between "rain-brd-0-00.jpg" and "rain-brd-0-24.jpg", to build a slideshow and to display this.
    Example 4:
    The manual contains a list of all available placeholders, which can be interpreted by the plugin currently. Please be aware, 1) that the URL can contain more than one placeholder and 2) that all placeholder definitions are case sensitive. Additionally I must point out, that the image preview functionality inside the configuration dialog isn't supported yet.

    At least, some hints: As many of yours assumed, the described slideshow method can costs many web traffic and CPU power. To decrease this, I suggest to use smaller number ranges and the use of related expert settings (see chapter 4.9), e.g. image resize percentage and image frame delay.

    @AlfredENeuma: the solution in example 3/4 is the result of your request from here.
    @xavier: the solution described in example 4 is the result of your proposal from here.
    @all others: if you have found interesting slideshow solutions, please post it here to share this with other community members.

    Feedback and improvement suggestions are very welcome.

    Cheers, Micropolis
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    Portal Pro
    February 12, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    The last few days I've been getting popups in MP about being unable to access Google Weather. I can't see anything in the Mediaportal.log/bak or error.log/bak referencing Google.

    I'll try switching everything to Yahoo in the WorldWeather plugin and see if that's OK but is there a known problem with Google and WorldWeather?

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