Where do you hit the button, in the configuration dialog or inside MediaPortal? In both cases it's hard to help you without any information about the used image, used StreamedMP skin mods (maybe), your configuration settings and your installed WorldWeather version. Please rephrase future post clearer, thanks.... I try to get the astronomy thing to work; I use the link in the doc and it comes up in preview. But when I hit the astronomy button - theres nothing showing up!
Im sorry for the foggy question/explanation.Where do you hit the button, in the configuration dialog or inside MediaPortal? In both cases it's hard to help you without any information about the used image, used StreamedMP skin mods (maybe), your configuration settings and your installed WorldWeather version. Please rephrase future post clearer, thanks.
The scales are in oktas for cloud coverage, knots for Beaufort scale (km/h in the french version) and % of the total area for the area coverage.<String id="70">Sunny (0/8)</String>
<String id="71">Mostly sunny (2/8)</String>
<String id="72">Cloudy (7/8)</String>
<String id="73">Mostly cloudy (5-6/8)</String>
<String id="74">Partly cloudy (4/8)</String>
<String id="92">Fair (3/8)</String>
<String id="101">Isolated thunderstorms (<15%)</String>
<String id="102">Scattered thunderstorms (25-54%)</String>
<String id="111">Scattered showers (25-54%)</String>
<String id="116">Isolated thundershowers (<15%)</String>
<String id="118">Clear (0/8)</String>
<String id="119">Clear/Sunny (1/8)</String>
<String id="120">Overcast (8/8)</String>
<String id="152">Scattered snow showers (25-54%)</String>
<String id="153">Partly sunny (4/8)</String>
<String id="200">Calm (<1kt)</String>
<String id="201">Light air (1-3kt)</String>
<String id="202">Light breeze (4-6kt)</String>
<String id="203">Gentle breeze (7-10kt)</String>
<String id="204">Moderate breeze (11-16kt)</String>
<String id="205">Fresh breeze (17-21kt)</String>
<String id="206">Strong breeze (22-27kt)</String>
<String id="207">Near gale (28-33kt)</String>
<String id="208">Gale (34-40kt)</String>
<String id="209">Strong gale (41-47kt)</String>
<String id="210">Storm (48-55kt)</String>
<String id="211">Violent storm (56-63kt)</String>
<String id="212">Hurricane (>=64kt)</String>
I had check your problem, but didn't found any glitches. I'm sure, this is a skin related problem. Please open the different WorldWeather related skin files and search for "#WorldWeather.ImageStarrySky". If you can't find it, your skin version does not support this, otherwise please post a skin snippet of the appropriate control part.... However when I hit the astronomybutton within mediaportal, nothing shows up.
... Just a remark, I'm unsure about item 384, I suppose it refers to graphic type. Is it PEEK or PEAK (I've used Min/Max in my translation)