Dear community,
the final round of nightly builds has begun, with the next stable release of WorldWeather this plugin will enter the maintenance mode phase.
During the current sprint cycle I want to fullfill some minor user requests from skinners and users. Please find attached at the well known place the newest build, which includes the following enhancements:
support of heat index value for weather condition including the specific property (#WorldWeather.TodayHeatIndex)
add next refresh date/time property (#WorldWeather.RefreshNextDate, #WorldWeather.RefreshNextTime) and appropriate translations
add julian date calendar property (#WorldWeather.CalendarJulianDate)
It seems that the string <label>#WorldWeather.TranslationNextDaylight</label> is not supported by the plugin. Couldn#t find the string in the WorldWeather for MediaPortal.pdf and because of that I get this and it is not language related
one solution would be to implement that string to the plugin or for the German translation to change "Sommerzeit" to "Zeitumstellung" (this one is more universal) and to replace
<label>#WorldWeather.TranslationNextDaylight</label> with
in the worldweather.xml from streamedmp
because the strings
<label>#WorldWeather.LocationDaylightStart</label> and <label>#WorldWeather.LocationDaylightEnd</label> are working
Dear community,
with a small delay of 1 month I'm happy to present you the first nightly build of WorldWeather, which includes a completely refactored version of my astronomy API. The implementation is more accurate and flexible to calculate necessary values. Included enhancements are:
new properties for moonrise, moonset, moon culmination and sun culmination (#WorldWeather.LocationMoonriseTime, #WorldWeather.LocationMoonsetTime, #WorldWeather.LocationMoonCulminationTime, #WorldWeather.LocationSunCulminationTime) incl. appropriate translations
reworked language files
Important information for WorldClock users: This signifcant code change breaks the successful execution of WorldClock. To avoid such problems, please update this plugin to the latest stable version 1.1.1 immediately.
The plugin is great. But I have problems with the configuration. Is there a manual/documentation which describes the configuration of this plugin.
Thanks Thomas