[fixed] Wrong dialog when manual record stopping [Jira MP1-3401] (2 Viewers)


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  • August 7, 2005
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    Tested your fix. It works fine for an 'until manual stop' recording:

    But for a 'record current program' it still shows this:



    Retired Team Member
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  • October 29, 2005
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    Hungary Hungary
    I think it is ok. If you start record current programe that is a scheduled recording so we show the delete schedule dialog. If you start a manual record we show the stop recording dialog. There is same in active recordings.


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  • August 7, 2005
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    I think it is ok. If you start record current programe that is a scheduled recording so we show the delete schedule dialog. If you start a manual record we show the stop recording dialog. There is same in active recordings.

    I disagree. The button will not delete the recording, so it shouldn't say this. It will still simply stop recording.

    Edit: To clarify my comment, the dialog doesn't say it will delete the schedule. It says it will delete the recording.

    In other places this dialog is used to actually delete a recording from the disk, which makes sense there.

    So I think if an action will stop a schedule recording, we should use the 'stop recording' dialog, and if it will delete the recording file, we should use the delete recording dialog.

    How easy is it to fix in this place? We may need to fix in other places too.
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 29, 2005
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    Hungary Hungary
    If you wan to change the dialog text it is easy. Pls. send me to the correct text. :)

    If the behaviour is bad please write me the correct one. ;)


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  • August 7, 2005
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    I think the problem is we can't just change the dialog because sometimes it is used to delete a recording and sometimes it is not.

    The two dialogs we use are fine but we just need to make sure we use the "stop recording" if the action is to stop recording but not to delete the actual file.


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  • October 29, 2005
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    Hungary Hungary
    The delete rec and the stop rec won't delete the recorded file. Please try both of them.


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  • August 7, 2005
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    The delete rec and the stop rec won't delete the recorded file. Please try both of them.

    Yeah, I understand this. That is why we shouldn't be using the delete rec dialog.

    However, we do use the delete rec dialog to delete an in progress recording from recorded tv, so we definitely still need to keep it.

    I think we need to use the stop rec in all other cases, since that is exactly what will happen. I need to find a little time to check all instances, but if someone beats me to it, great ;)


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  • October 29, 2005
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    Hungary Hungary
    Commited. Can you test it? ;)


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 7, 2005
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    Commited. Can you test it? ;)

    Sure. Will be in a couple of hours after this evening's recordings are finished. I can't take the risk of stopping the wrong recording.


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  • August 7, 2005
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    Right, tested the following.

    Started a manual recording, both with current programme and until manual stop. The did 'stop recording' and got the correct dialog - asking if I wanted to stop the recording. So this is the correct behaviour.

    Did exactly the same, but I cancelled from 'active recordings'. Again, showed the correct dialog for both. Great.

    Set a recording from the EPG, waited a couple of minutes and went to recorded TV and deleted it. Got the 'delete recording' dialog. Perfect.

    There is only one issue I see, and this is a bug I guess (needs confirming) but not related in any way to your fix.

    If I set a recording using the 'record now' button, and then delete it from recorded TV, I do not get the warning dialog. It is just deleted. I think this has been the case for a while, but I don't generally set recordings like this.

    So @regeszter - your fix is good with all situations, and we should get a branch and Jira for TVE35 and then review and merge for 1.7.

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