Weird .... that's how my server is set up and I can load your file no problem.
The only obvious difference is that I am using an older SVN with the plugin dll from the first post in this thread. You could try that I suppose - download it, unzip the dll to the plugins folder of the tvserver, disable the xmltv plugin and enable and configure the xmltv2 plugin. Then force an import again.
Bit of a long shot, but you never know.
Also post your tv.log file so we can see what the full error message is.
No worries - it's good to know I don't need to rush out and get the latest SVN yet.
Hopefully, Gibman or Laban will see your problem and check it out.
It would still be a good idea to post your log files though (copies from just after the error message appears) so that they have as much info as possible to go on.
Hello, could someone tell me how I can change the names for the channels in the mapping screen? I did an automatic tune and then edited the channels afterwards but now I have names for the programs that were running at the moment of tuning, and even from the wrong channels.
Stupid thing was that manually adding the channels didn't work because I couldn't map them to a card. Anyone have tips for this?
Hi Laban thanks for this plugin! I have some small suggestions.
1. About the Tvguide.lst (I think it's checked by default?). Instead of the xmltv import failing when this file isn't found, could it not just continue with the import (tvguide.xml). Most users don't know what it is and don't need it. It should only be used if it's checked AND the file exists.
Or even better, could we skip the hardcoded Tvguide.xml and Tvguide.lst entirely and instead use an "internal tvguide.lst". The user could add xml file(s) to an import list and it could even be called Tvguide.xml if desired
2. If the user does an import without first mapping (or forgot to save) it finishes fine and says x channels imported, 0 programs imported. Perhaps the Import button should be disabled until at least one channel has been mapped, or there could be a warning displayed. This will help the user to know what to do since it's not that clear at the moment.
3. How about auto loading the channel list when the Mappings tab is selected? The Load/Refresh button could be renamed Refresh and the channels list should update on the fly when selecting a channel group. This would save the user from one step and hopefully make it easier to use/understand.
4. There is an Export button but no Import. It could be useful to keep the export file for a reinstallation or use on another computer to save remapping.
5. I find the names Tuning channel and Guide channel somewhat confusing since both are used in MP and none in XMLTV. Perhaps we could instead use Gibman's suggestion, Physical channel and XMLTV channel or something similar?
6. I have the same problem as Redfish for analog channels. Looks like this plugin reads the "Tuning channels" names from the "name" column rather than "displayName". In the TV Channels section all channels are listed using the displayName.
7. I kept clicking the Visible in Guide checkbox until I realized it shouldn't be clickable. It think that it just lists which channels are enabled/disabled in the TV Channels section(?). Perhaps a Yes/No would be more intuitive.