xmltv 2 ? (source + binary now available) (1 Viewer)


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  • January 23, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hi Laban,

    I've just started to use your plugin and have a question.

    When I do an import without first mapping I get x number of channels imported but no programs. So I go and map the channels, save, and the do a "Force import". Now I get both channels and programs imported. So far so good...

    Then if I quit setuptv and start it again it comes back and says x channels imported, no programs. It has also deleted the database (this is the default setting I believe).

    Do you know why the import of tvguide.xml only works when I first map? Shouldnt it remember the mapping to the next import? The same thing happens if I just leave the setuptv idle for some time so it checks for a new tvguide.xml.


    PS. I'm using xmltv tv_grab_se_swedb to download EPG

    PPS. I didn't mention... the TVguide.xml stayed the same for the period of the log below. Still the xmlimporter first found some programs, then didn't... The difference was a forced import vs an automatic. Peobably had nothing to do with the mapping as first suspected.


    Portal Pro
    July 1, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Hi Laban thanks for this plugin! I have some small suggestions.

    1. About the Tvguide.lst (I think it's checked by default?). Instead of the xmltv import failing when this file isn't found, could it not just continue with the import (tvguide.xml). Most users don't know what it is and don't need it. It should only be used if it's checked AND the file exists.
    Or even better, could we skip the hardcoded Tvguide.xml and Tvguide.lst entirely and instead use an "internal tvguide.lst". The user could add xml file(s) to an import list and it could even be called Tvguide.xml if desired :)

    It would probably be enough if the tvguide.lst was unchecked by default. I doubt that there are that many that uses this feature anyway and they probably know what it's about.

    2. If the user does an import without first mapping (or forgot to save) it finishes fine and says x channels imported, 0 programs imported. Perhaps the Import button should be disabled until at least one channel has been mapped, or there could be a warning displayed. This will help the user to know what to do since it's not that clear at the moment.

    I kinda like the warning idea myself.

    3. How about auto loading the channel list when the Mappings tab is selected? The Load/Refresh button could be renamed Refresh and the channels list should update on the fly when selecting a channel group. This would save the user from one step and hopefully make it easier to use/understand.

    The only thing i have against the autoload is that you can choose if it should do partial matches or not when loading the channel list. Not really sure if this feature is commonly used or not though. But i don't really see a reason for not allowing for partial matches so why not enable it by default and then do a autoload.

    4. There is an Export button but no Import. It could be useful to keep the export file for a reinstallation or use on another computer to save remapping.

    You can export the channel list in other parts of the configuration tool, so i didn't see a reason to duplicate that functionality. But perhaps you want something that only exports the mappings ? (channel name -> externalid)

    5. I find the names Tuning channel and Guide channel somewhat confusing since both are used in MP and none in XMLTV. Perhaps we could instead use Gibman's suggestion, Physical channel and XMLTV channel or something similar?

    I agree. Physical channel sounds good to me.

    6. I have the same problem as Redfish for analog channels. Looks like this plugin reads the "Tuning channels" names from the "name" column rather than "displayName". In the TV Channels section all channels are listed using the displayName.

    Yes, it's using the name instead of the displayName for the mappings. Not really sure why this should be a problem though. Afaik, it doesnt overwrite the displayName.

    7. I kept clicking the Visible in Guide checkbox until I realized it shouldn't be clickable. It think that it just lists which channels are enabled/disabled in the TV Channels section(?). Perhaps a Yes/No would be more intuitive.

    Hope this helps :D

    Yes, the checkbox is just there as information. You might be right about the Yes/No part though.

    Hi Laban,

    I've just started to use your plugin and have a question.

    Are you using this plugin (xmltv2) or the updated one which now comes with the TV-Engine ? (xmtv including my changes and more)

    I used to have a similar problem which i'm not really sure where it came from, seems to be fixed now though from some SVN's ago.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 5, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    You can export the channel list in other parts of the configuration tool, so i didn't see a reason to duplicate that functionality. But perhaps you want something that only exports the mappings ? (channel name -> externalid)
    Perhaps I misunderstood what was exported. Indeed I thought that the mapping was exported. It could save me from doing the mapping again after a reinstallation. This doesn't happen very often and is no big deal for me. More important is the name vs displayName issue.

    Yes, it's using the name instead of the displayName for the mappings. Not really sure why this should be a problem though. Afaik, it doesnt overwrite the displayName.
    The problem is that on analog channels the name column doesn't hold the channel name information. After a scan the name and displayName columns hold the "channel number" or some information found in teletext. This is often no good for identifying the channel. When manually renaming the channel, displayName is altered and name stays the same. Which is what I guess happened to Redfish as well.

    Some examples:
    id	name			displayName
    206	17			Kanal 5
    209	22			TV6


    MP Donator
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  • January 23, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Hi Laban,

    I'm using the one from the SVN on Dec 9th, i.e. the included version. I will test with the latest to see if it makes any difference.

    Thanks for your help.



    Portal Pro
    July 1, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Perhaps I misunderstood what was exported. Indeed I thought that the mapping was exported. It could save me from doing the mapping again after a reinstallation. This doesn't happen very often and is no big deal for me. More important is the name vs displayName issue.

    The export is to be used when importing the tvguide. That is, you'll put it into the xmltv configuration. I guess that this isn't exactly obvious though. The existing channel-export (channel-part of the configuration tool) also contains the mappings (externalid) if i'm not mistaken so you can use that instead. You'll also get the tunings there, and it has a import button too :)

    The problem is that on analog channels the name column doesn't hold the channel name information.

    I understand the problem now. Need to have a look at what the digital channels put in the display-name, perhaps the mapper can switch completely to use the display-name instead of name. Or just a radio-button with the two options.


    MP Donator
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  • January 23, 2007
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    Sweden Sweden
    Hi Laban,

    I tried with the latest SVN and the XMLTV import worked much better. Thanks for the hit.

    Having said that, that version of TV3E seems to unstable for me... Seems as I have to wait for a more stable TV3E SVN before I can leverage your great work with XMLTV import.



    Portal Pro
    July 1, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Hi Laban,

    I tried with the latest SVN and the XMLTV import worked much better. Thanks for the hit.

    Having said that, that version of TV3E seems to unstable for me... Seems as I have to wait for a more stable TV3E SVN before I can leverage your great work with XMLTV import.


    Or just copy the xmltv plugin .dll from the latest svn (after install) to a temp dir and then reinstall the older working svn and just copy over the plugin that you backed up from the latest svn.


    Retired Team Member
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  • July 19, 2005
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    Norway Norway
    This implemetion of xmltv 2 has made a bug for already working WebEPG solution which is based on DisplayName(what is what you rename it to to have a understanding name on a channel & not the freq number(name) which doesn't tell anything).
    DisplayName field was made for us that doesn't receive proper/duplicated channel names from analog card or other stream to make it understandable everywhere in MP, thats why it's also broken now(of course i have mappet it again, but duplicated work - ouch ;) )......



    Portal Member
    January 1, 2007
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Does this work with TV-server2? If so how do I install it?


    Portal Member
    July 21, 2007
    hi i did a new install af mp at tv3 server but i get
    a error message when i try to pare chanels and load tvguide.lst in the plugin "xmltv2"

    "cant´t read files from tvguide.lst"

    Have the tv3 tvengine3-02-09-2008--05-08h--Rev17355
    mediaportal svn MediaPortal-svn--02-09-2008--05-04-Rev17355

    My tvguide.lst look like this
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">
    <tv generator-info-name="WebEPG">
    <channel id="AFTONBLADET TV-tv7@aftonbladet.se">
    <display-name>AFTONBLADET TV</display-name>
    <channel id="ANIMAL PLANET-animalplanet.com">
    <display-name>ANIMAL PLANET</display-name>
    <channel id="AXESS TV-tv.axess.se">
    <display-name>AXESS TV</display-name>
    <channel id="BAN + KUNSKAPSK-kunskapskanalen@svt.se">
    <display-name>BAN + KUNSKAPSK</display-name>
    <channel id="CANAL 7-canal7.se">
    <display-name>CANAL 7</display-name>
    <channel id="CNN-cnni-emea@cnn.com">
    <channel id="DISCOVERY-discovery@discovery.com">
    <channel id="EURPOSPORT-eurosport@eurosport.com">
    <channel id="KANAL 5-kanal5@kanal5.se">
    <display-name>KANAL 5</display-name>
    <channel id="KANAL 9-kanal9.se">
    <display-name>KANAL 9</display-name>
    <channel id="MTV-MTV@mtve.com">
    <channel id="NICKELODEON-nickelodeon.se">
    <channel id="STAR!-star@star.se">
    <channel id="SVT1-svt1@svt.se">
    <channel id="SVT2-svt2@svt.se">
    <channel id="SVT24-svt24@svt.se">
    <channel id="THE VOICE-thevoice.se">
    <display-name>THE VOICE</display-name>
    <channel id="TV FAKTA-fakta@tv4.se">
    <display-name>TV FAKTA</display-name>
    <channel id="TV FILM-film@tv4.se">
    <display-name>TV FILM</display-name>
    <channel id="TV PLUS-plus@tv4.se">
    <display-name>TV PLUS</display-name>
    <channel id="TV3-tv3@viasat.se">
    <channel id="TV4-tv4.se">
    <channel id="TV400-tv400@tv4.se">
    <channel id="TV6-tv6@viasat.se">
    <channel id="TV8-tv8@viasat.se">
    <channel id="VH-1-vh1.com">
    <channel id="ZTV.SE-ztv@viasat.se">

    what´s wrong?

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