XMLTV plugin tve3 (1 Viewer)


Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 5, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I've been trying to get the XMLTV plugin to work in tve3. I use a very simple xml file containing just two channels and two shows. The channels gets imported but not the programs. This is the same XML file I used in MP 0.2.2 where it worked without problems.

    Import status in the TV Server management console says: "Invalid XML file:Input string was not in a correct forma".

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
    <!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">
      <channel id="kanal9.se">
        <display-name lang="sv">Kanal 9</display-name>
      <channel id="nordic.mix.discovery.com">
        <display-name lang="sv">Discovery Mix</display-name>
      <programme start="20070407020500 +0200" stop="20070407030000 +0200" channel="kanal9.se">
        <title lang="sv">The Bill</title>
        <desc lang="sv">Från dagen.</desc>
      <programme start="20070407070000 +0200" stop="20070407080000 +0200" channel="nordic.mix.discovery.com">
        <title lang="sv">Krokodiljägaren</title>
        <sub-title lang="sv">Isbrytare</sub-title>
        <desc lang="sv">I det här hisnande äventyret vistas Steve i temperaturer under fryspunkten för att komma i kontakt med Antarktis otroliga djurliv.</desc>
    Does anyone know which "input string" is in an incorrect forma?


    Portal Member
    June 1, 2006
    EPG grabbing using PowerScheduler

    I am using MP RC1 + latest svn and latest TVE3.

    Until now I have manually grabbed EPG using XMLTV - with no problem, but shouldn't it be possible to use PowerScheduler to grab EPG data?

    If I set up EPG in PowerScheduler, it resumes the PC from hibernation at the correct time but nothing happens.

    I have downloaded XMLTV, and copied the files in the MP-XMLTV directory - anything that need to be configured?

    Can anybody help?

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