XmlTv vs GrabEPG (1 Viewer)


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  • February 2, 2009
    Home Country
    Italy Italy

    What's happen if activate the XmlTv plugin and in the mean time I leave the GrabEPG property of my cards to on?

    Who win of the two technologies while running in the same time?

    Strange issue:
    1- I set the GrabEPG property of my cards to on;
    2- I activate the XmlTv plugin configured properly;
    3- I see the EPG;
    4- I set the GrabEPG property of my cards to off;
    5- I de-activate the XmlTv plugin;
    6- I still see the EPG; (???)


    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    When you update the xml file, and it imports, you will see that in the epg, first epg grab (every 4 hours default) will overwrite with any differing information

    6- I still see the EPG; (???)

    Stays in database, unless you hit the refresh button under manual control.

    I was running both whilst testing ForTheRecord, had a issue with duplicated programs inside FTR, but that should not happen if using MP's own TV guide.


    MP Donator
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  • February 2, 2009
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    When you update the xml file, and it imports, you will see that in the epg, first epg grab (every 4 hours default) will overwrite with any differing information

    Any differing information? So if for example my tvguide.xml has new info about channel1 but does not manage channel2 (is just not listed in the xml) only the info of channel1 are updated from those grabbed before with the card? The channel2 info are not cleared, are they?

    Stays in database, unless you hit the refresh button under manual control.

    Ok. So they are different ways to fill up the EPG database (MySQL database, I guess).

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