yrWeather Plugin (4 Viewers)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
    Home Country
    South Korea South Korea
    Hi burr , i will finish all Default's (16x9 & 4x3 + yrweather in basichome & home) skins file's , will try to finish tonight ... ;)


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
    Home Country
    South Korea South Korea
    Hi burr , her are the full skin file's for:
    1.Dw (16x9) +basichome+myhome.
    2.Default (4x3) +basichome+myhome.
    screen as follow ...

    Note to users : i add defult BG jpg image , + code in xmls for folder of current weather image (if users wont to use them) + multi image code ,if users wont to add there on bg images ... :)

    1. if no use of any custom bg image , the image in screenshot will view.
    2. to use multi image , need to create a folder name "weather_multi_BG" and to put it in : C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\DefaultWide\Media\Weather, and put inside fanart images.jpg (if wont them to view by order ,to rename them : 0,1,2,3,4....)
    3. to use the current weather images , same as in MP 1.2.3 ,users need to get a weather pack folder ,rename it "weather_BG" put it in : C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\DefaultWide\Media\Weather , ( just a note the current weather same as mp 1.2.3 not view the current weather ... only view as location .... ( I WAS HOPPING THIS CAN BE FIX FOR MP 1.3.0.A ?? ;))

    Hope this help to post the new version for MP 1.3.0 Alpha soon ... (y)
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  • May 13, 2006
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    I must say you work very fast(y)

    Hi burr , her are the full skin file's for:
    3. to use the current weather images , same as in MP 1.2.3 ,users need to get a weather pack folder ,rename it "weather_BG" put it in : C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\DefaultWide\Media\Weather , ( just a note the current weather same as mp 1.2.3 not view the current weather ... only view as location .... ( I WAS HOPPING THIS CAN BE FIX FOR MP 1.3.0.A ?? ;))

    I don't follow i know we have had some discussions about theese properties before, now there is properties for default location and current location ant the data is for the next hour available. Can you explain some more?


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
    Home Country
    South Korea South Korea
    Hi burr , sure ...
    o.k this issue is abut background weather pack condition (a folder in side weather jpg images rename 0,1,2,3.... na ,they are same as icon weather image128x128 just as background... , witch mean the background weather image will view as condition now ... so if now is sunny the background image # 44 will view in bg , and if in 1 hour is raining the bg image will view # 12 in bg , if is night clear sky so bg image # 29 will view ... and so on ...

    we just need to rename the weather image same as weather logo 128x128 , so when weather log view ...same time will view the same weather bg image ,as background ... that way the nice big weather image will change as the weather condition change ... :) ( need new code for this ,something like what we have now : <texture>#(string.format('weather\weather_BG\{0}.jpg', #yrWeather.selectedLocation.weatherCodeNo))</texture> but for current weather condition ..
    The code we have now only select image for selected location .... but they not change as the weather change during the all day ... this the only feature that missing ....;)

    hope you get me ... :)

    P.S - do with new update version ,there will be code to change or add to skin ?
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  • May 13, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    we just need to rename the weather image same as weather logo 128x128 , so when weather log view ...same time will view the same weather bg image ,as background ... that way the nice big weather image will change as the weather condition change ... :) ( need new code for this ,something like what we have now : <texture>#(string.format('weather\weather_BG\{0}.jpg', #yrWeather.selectedLocation.weatherCodeNo))</texture> but for current weather condition ..
    The code we have now only select image for selected location .... but they not change as the weather change during the all day ... this the only feature that missing ....;)

    hope you get me ... :)

    The only way to achieve this i by saving data in memory for later use, say that you start mediaportal 17:30 the first weather condition available will be 18:00-19:00, so the first halfhour the background will show NA and then when the current time turns 18:00 we update the background.

    P.S - do with new update version ,there will be code to change or add to skin ?

    I have only added Fahrenheit and MPH as selectable units nothing big


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
    Home Country
    South Korea South Korea
    we just need to rename the weather image same as weather logo 128x128 , so when weather log view ...same time will view the same weather bg image ,as background ... that way the nice big weather image will change as the weather condition change ... :) ( need new code for this ,something like what we have now : <texture>#(string.format('weather\weather_BG\{0}.jpg', #yrWeather.selectedLocation.weatherCodeNo))</texture> but for current weather condition ..
    The code we have now only select image for selected location .... but they not change as the weather change during the all day ... this the only feature that missing ....;)

    hope you get me ... :)

    The only way to achieve this i by saving data in memory for later use, say that you start mediaportal 17:30 the first weather condition available will be 18:00-19:00, so the first halfhour the background will show NA and then when the current time turns 18:00 we update the background.

    just something come up to my mind abut this issue , we have hour by hour condition ... we cannot use it ... so weather big image can change every hour same as weather condition by hour ? this also can be good ...
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    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 17, 2008
    Home Country
    South Korea South Korea
    for example ..see screen every hour the condition change and the BG weather image's will change same as the condition tag : heavy rain (weather image for heavy rain) next hour rain showr (weather image for rain showe) next hour fair (weather image for fair) ... and so on ...

    all i need a list of the image number to condition : for e.g "heavy rain" = 9.jpg " or "fair = 35.jpg" ...and so on ... then i can select nice images and rename them to the condition ...

    + i will update the skin to show more of the weather BG image's ;)
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    MP Donator
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  • May 13, 2006
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    Sweden Sweden
    for example ..see screen every hour the condition change and the BG weather image's will change same as the condition tag : heavy rain (weather image for heavy rain) next hour rain showr (weather image for rain showe) next hour fair (weather image for fair) ... and so on ...

    all i need a list of the image number to condition : for e.g "heavy rain" = 9.jpg " or "fair = 35.jpg" ...and so on ... then i can select nice images and rename them to the condition ...

    + i will update the skin to show more of the weather BG image's ;)

    This is exactly how it works it takes the first hour from hourbyhour then sets #yrWeather.selectedLocation.weatherCodeNo to represent the code you need,
    i have now modified the code so that the property updates occurs 2 minutes after a whole hour so they match yr.no updating, before it was updating every hour but it depended on when mediaportal started if you started mediportal 19:36 it would update every hour at minute 36.

    The condition you refer to in the picture is derived from #yrWeather.selectedLocation.weatherCodeNo and the code is set to match the icons that comes along with mediaportal


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