Re: yrWeather Plugin
In fact, this is the only thing I find confusing in the data. The Night data is 23:00–05:00. So whenever you select a future day it is correct. BUT for the current day the plugin Night data displays data forecasted for later than the PM data because it does apply to the period 23:00-0:00 for that day. I am not sure what the best solution for that is. Any ideas?
Yes, provides forecasts, not exactly 'current' weather as you point out.I believe its possible to show the current weather in the background but you have to remember that when for example the time is 18:01 the first weather data that will be available is from 00:00 to 06:00 the next day, so it will be the first available data, not the current.
Yes! +1 from me. I think the time period is essential data for theese properties is updated each hour and is the first available data, always about 1-6 hours into the future, maybe it's useful to know which timeperiod?
In fact, this is the only thing I find confusing in the data. The Night data is 23:00–05:00. So whenever you select a future day it is correct. BUT for the current day the plugin Night data displays data forecasted for later than the PM data because it does apply to the period 23:00-0:00 for that day. I am not sure what the best solution for that is. Any ideas?
Yes, sorry, Default skins don't provide them, but most other skins do.I can't find thoose weather backdrops, i only use the default wide skin?
I could do that, but aMPed users can easily grab the latest versions from aMPed SVN. As ysmp pointed out, most skins will include the skin files for plugins they support in the skin installer, like I included yrweather.xml with aMPed 3.3.2Can you post the skin files for aMped so i can release it togheter with everything else?
No it is available in most skins as ysmp said. There are actually 3 'levels' of support depending on the skin:The current weather in Home screen is this something that is only available in aMped?
- Location, Icon, condition and temp on Basic Home - most skins support that
- Icon and temp on almost all windows (like the date/time is displayed) - many skins support that but not Default skins
- Current weather data - many skins display 5 day weather on Basic Home (see PureVision screenshot for example) - I believe catavolt has even added this to Default skin files when World Weather plugin is installed and enabled.